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The Gordon Children’s Academy An outstanding education for all

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1 The Gordon Children’s Academy An outstanding education for all
Slide One – Introduction and vision My vision is for all children to achieve greatness, flourish intellectually, personally and morally regardless of their starting point. I believe in leadership that is focused on transparency, honesty and positive outcomes. I look forward to leading and working with all of you to create a learning community that will challenge, enrich and inspire students to question, reflect and develop a deeper understanding of their own learning. This will enable our students to identify opportunities, make informed decisions and ultimately take responsibility for their own learning and life chances. I look forward to being part of a learning community where everyone is an advocate for students, promoting collaboration and commitment to raising the aspirations and achievements of all students within and beyond the classroom, never accepting anything less than the highest standards and expectations every hour of every day. To ensure all children succeed and are the best versions of themselves, we as educators must look for ways to remove barriers to learning and progress and stop working in individual key stage silos. Over the past 14 years, I have had the privilege to work across a range of schools in the North East and most recently as Deputy Headteacher at The Malling School in East Malling. I feel very lucky and privileged to have been appointed to lead a school with such committed staff who have the highest expectations for the children and are passionate about making learning irresistible. I look forward to learning from your expertise in primary education. Every child is on an individual learning journey and to be part of a Trust that takes responsibility and wants to be held accountable for a child’s learning and development from cradle to university or employment and beyond is a journey we have chosen to be part of by working at Gordon’s. I would now like to share with you how we will ensure Gordons will be great. Achievement, Aspiration, Community, Responsibility

2 How we can support your child
Achievement School Parent Child  An outstanding education is not meeting floor standards but exceeding national standards We will nurture personal excellence, ensure students are secondary ready and improve life chances for all Every school year is important in developing each individual child’s learning journey. However, we must recognise Reception and Year 6. Reception is not called the Foundation stage for nothing. It is where we build the foundations for learning and thinking that will inform a child’s progress and learning journey for the next 13 years. Year 6 is a culmination and celebration of 7 years of learning, which we are all responsible and accountable for. We will focus on attendance identifying and removing barriers to learning. To achieve our vision students must be in school ready and able to learn every day We want every child to succeed regardless of their starting point. Currently we are not meeting the needs of our disadvantaged children as they are being left behind compared to others nationally. We do not want Gordon’s Academy to be average we want it to be great and therefore we must as a school have aspirational targets that we are relentless in pursuing and achieving

3 Test dates 2018 Monday 14 May 2018 English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2 Tuesday 15 May 2018 English reading Wednesday 16 May 2018 Mathematics papers 1 and 2 Thursday 17 May 2018 Mathematics paper 3 June 2018 Writing Assessments submitted

4 English test formats Reading paper 1 test 1 hour long
50 marks available broken into three sections at least 1 fiction at least 1 non- fiction Spelling 1 test approximately 20 mins 20 spellings, read within sentences (20 marks) PaG 1 test 45 mins 50 marks multiple choice and worded answers

5 What you can do at home : Reading
Read out loud Share with an adult Explain what you have read Examples of reading materials

6 What you can do at home : Reading
Become a dog lover… All the questions children will be asked fall into 1 of 8 categories To make them child friendly we have used dogs to represent what they have to do to answer each type of question Use these with the children’s homework if they are stuck – what type of question is it? How do you answer those types of questions?

7 What you can do at home : SPAG
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar SPAG booklet Spelling test practices Yr 5/6 Games

8 English Writing Applying SPAG knowledge proactively
Teacher assessment June 2018 Independent writing books

9 Maths tests formats Mental Arithmetic 1 test 30 mins 40 marks
Reasoning 2 tests 40 mins each 35 marks each

10 What you can do at home: Maths
Times tables and place value underpin all maths knowledge Revision, there’s a lot to cover! There are many websites that can support this at home such as Reasoning General Share your methods for working out with your children – if it works use it! Home homework club – work with them even if your not sure google, discuss use it as a problem solving opportunity 10

11 Year 6 team Miss Salkeld Miss Routledge Miss Bennett Mrs Dixon
Miss Farne Mr Mckinley Mental Arithmetic Reasoning Comprehension SPaG Writing Class teacher Morning sessions are in 5 sets with 8-19 children English are in 4 sets with children Wider Curriculum subjects are taught in the 3 from classes .

12 Revision Clubs Enjoyable Targeted Attendance is expected
Opportunities for further clubs

13 Morning interventions
Spellings Spelling test on Friday All of these interventions are run from They will be by invitation only

14 After school interventions
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Education City (Miss Wish, ICT suite) Accelerated Reader (Varying staff) Times tables (Miss Salkeld and Miss Routledge, Tolkien class) Comprehension (Miss Salkeld, Browne class) Handwriting Tolkein class) Mental Arithmetic (Mr Day, 500 word competition (Miss Routledge, Tolkien) Reasoning (Mr. McKinley, Hughes class) All of these interventions are run from

15 Contact Details Contact Details:
Year 6 Teachers: Miss Salkeld Miss Routledge Miss Bennett Miss Farne Mr McKinley Assistant Head of Key Stage 2: Mrs Dixon

16 Q&A Session time useful? Do you feel confident? Post its

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