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PSB News: engaging users in a multimedia age Helen Shaw –Athena Media EBU News Seminar Stuttgart Sept 20-21

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Presentation on theme: "PSB News: engaging users in a multimedia age Helen Shaw –Athena Media EBU News Seminar Stuttgart Sept 20-21"— Presentation transcript:

1 PSB News: engaging users in a multimedia age Helen Shaw –Athena Media EBU News Seminar Stuttgart Sept 20-21

2 News: what the issue? Mark Byford BBC: If we look at linear TV news the young people dont touch it – and the under 34s are falling away fast. Theres a danger of a lost generation…..They may not ever come to public service TV news (Ofcom: News Report June 07)

3 Transforming media Declining newsprint audiences Shift from linear to non linear (TV+radio) Move to mobile, personalised, on-demand, participatory and user-generated content News genre blurring infotainment Web 2.0 Generation – rejecting traditional news in favour of social networking

4 Ofcom: New News, Future News News is regarded by viewers as most important of all the PSB genres and television remains by far the most used source of news for UK citizens.News is regarded by viewers as most important of all the PSB genres and television remains by far the most used source of news for UK citizens. Issues were challenge of impartiality and disengagement of young and ethnic minorities.

5 The T Factor Post Iraq – Public trust is central Ian Hargreaves – role of journalism is to find out, communicate accurately and be trusted (2003) The new T word – Transparency Sausage factory: Letting the public see how news is made builds trust Not just them trusting us – but us trusting them

6 Pew research: News 2007 Hyperlocalism – declining foreign news Citizen Media – Global Voices website Stable Net News: 92 million US Diverse new economic models I really dont know whether well be printing The Times in five years…and I dont really care Arthur Ochs SulzbergerI really dont know whether well be printing The Times in five years…and I dont really care Arthur Ochs Sulzberger

7 Embracing Citizen Media Engagement is involvement not just interaction participation and access participation and access Its about mindsets not technology tools Shifting power – opening the door Editorial role remains central Seeing audiences as partners Citizens as a resource – not a target

8 Engaging users Multimedia portals –streams/downloads Online content – podcasts/videos Mobile, portable content Blogging – reporters/editors Blogging – users/feedback Citizen media – your view iNews Niche channels – extending news Polls – the illusion of interaction!

9 What Europeans are doing Online for over 24 hours a month 3 million downloading podcasts in UK One third listen to radio online A third of under 24 years in social network sites Broadband hits TV/papers but 43% listen to radio online ( ComScore/Mediscope/Rajar/Ofcom)

10 Good News Public want unbiased news – Pew, Ofcom Public trust in BBC has grown since Hutton European PSB model and regulation (FCC case for re-newed Fairness Doctrine) News brands dominate online (BBC/CBS) Google etc are aggregators not creators

11 Reinventing Public Media in a Digital Commons Graham Murdock: (2004) Public broadcasters can capitalise on public trust and become portals of choice…in the digital commonsPublic broadcasters can capitalise on public trust and become portals of choice…in the digital commons Media fragmentation could dominate the future and see investment in quality content collapse Jenny Abramsky – BBC (2007)Media fragmentation could dominate the future and see investment in quality content collapse Jenny Abramsky – BBC (2007)

12 References BBC Trust: From Seesaw to Wagon Wheel. Safeguarding Impartiality in the 21 st Century. (2007) Ofcom: New News,Future News (June 2007) Harvard. Shorenstein Report: Young People and News. (July 2007) Pew Research: State of News Media (2007)

13 Contact: Helen Shaw, Managing Director, Athena Media Check reports on our site.

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