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1 Images in this power point were obtained from Google Images
Biology Chemistry Unit Test Review Images in this power point were obtained from Google Images


3 Anything that has _______ and _________.
What is Matter? Anything that has _______ and _________.

4 Anything that has mass and volume.
What is Matter? Anything that has mass and volume.

5 What is the smallest unit of matter?
Hint: not a Chihuahua!

6 An Atom!

7 What are atoms made up of?
Hint: 3 Things


9 What 2 larger particles are in the nucleus of the atom and make up the MASS of the atom?
What are their charges? What are the smallest particles in the space outside of the nucleus that do not add to its mass? What is its charge?

10 Protons (+) and Neutrons (0)
What 2 larger particles are in the nucleus of the atom and make up the MASS of the atom? What are their charges? Protons (+) and Neutrons (0) What are the smallest particles in the space outside of the nucleus and do not add to its mass? What is its charge? Electrons (-)

11 This is the element Boron and how it appears on the periodic table.
What is this number called? What does this number represent? What is this number called? What does this number represent?

12 Mainly represents the # of Protons (+) but also # of Electrons (-) Represents the # Protons + # Neutrons

13 How many neutrons are in Boron?


15 Fill in the missing items from this chart.
Element Symbol Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic # Mass # Chlorine Cl 17 35 Nitrogen N 7 Fill in the missing items from this chart.

16 How did I get those #’s? Proton # = Atomic # Electron # = Atomic #
Element Symbol Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic # Mass # Chlorine Cl 17 18 35 Nitrogen N 7 14 How did I get those #’s? Proton # = Atomic # Electron # = Atomic # Mass # = Proton # + Neutron # Neutron # = Mass # - Proton #

17 First Level Second Level Third Level Electron Shell Level
Maximum Number of Electrons in each Shell First Level ? Second Level Third Level

18 Electron Energy Levels
Maximum Number of Electrons in that energy level. First Level 2 Second Level 8 Third Level

19 Show the number of electrons in each shell(level) for the element Oxygen


21 What is an ION?

22 An ION is when an atom has gained or lost an electron(s) in the outer most shell.
Atom loses electron →it becomes (+) Atom gains electron →it becomes (-) Sodium loses an electron Becomes (+) Chloride gains an electron Becomes (-) Na + CL → Na⁺CL⁻

23 OK, now you know what an ion is, so what is an ionic bond?

24 When one atom loses an electron and another gains an electron and a compound is formed. (NO SHARING)

25 What is a covalent bond? Think:

26 Covalent bond is when two atoms are sharing electrons in a compound.

27 What are…..

28 Neutron # has changed in the element and changes Mass #
Neutron # has changed in the element and changes Mass #. Proton # never changes!! Isotopes of Carbon

29 Hint: It’s not the skateboarding company!
What is an ? Hint: It’s not the skateboarding company!

30 An element is “pure stuff”.
It is only one kind of atom in matter such as pure gold (Au) from the periodic table. Other Examples: Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Sodium Phosphorous

31 Define: Molecule Compound

32 2 or more atoms chemically combined
Molecule Compound Same Definition: 2 or more atoms chemically combined

33 What elements make up the molecule water? How many of each?

34 2 atoms of Hydrogen and 1 atom of Oxygen
(+) H (+) O (-) See a resemblance?

35 Chemical and Physical




39 What is the difference??

40 Physical changes keep the matter in the same chemical formula just change shape or state
Chemical changes are the formation of an entirely new compound with a different chemical formula than the original compound.

41 What does a pH scale indicate (do not say the pH number)
What does a pH scale indicate (do not say the pH number). It is the concentration of ___?___ in a solution.

42 What does a pH scale indicate (do not say the pH number)
What does a pH scale indicate (do not say the pH number). It is the concentration of Hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution. Strong Acid Weak Acid pH= 1,2,3 pH=4,5,6 Neutral pH = 7 Weak Base Strong Base pH= 8,9,10 pH=11, 12, 13, 14

43 What is a buffer? Don’t have a clue?
We have been dealing with pH, so it probably has something to do with pH HOMEOSTASIS

44 A weak acid or weak base that can react with strong acids or bases to help maintain pH

45 Define & Give and Example:
Solute Solvent Solution

46 Solvent : What does the dissolving
Ex: WATER Solute: What is dissolved by the solvent Ex: SALT Solution: When a solute is dissolved into a solvent Ex: Salt + Water

47 What is the name for a type of mixture that there is NO DISSOLVING taking place?

48 Suspension Examples: Sand + Water Oil + Vinegar

49 What is COHESION?

50 COHESION? Same molecules sticking together Water + Water

51 What is Adhesion?

52 2 different molecules that stick together
What is ADHESION? 2 different molecules that stick together Ex: Water and glass

53 What is the weak bond called that forms between the polar molecules of water?




57 ???????????


59 What are the 4 types of macromolecules?
They are all organic compounds What is the function of each?

60 Carbohydrates – Energy & Structure
Lipids – Energy storage, membranes, chemical messengers Proteins –movement, pigments, enzymes, immune system, carrying oxygen Nucleic Acids – Heredity, DNA, RNA, ATP

61 basic building block (monomer)
What is the basic building block (monomer) of carbohydrates?

62 Monosaccharides linked together make Polysaccharides

63 What 3 elements make up all carbohydrates?

64 Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen

65 What type of carbohydrates do animals and plants store?
Glycogen (Sugar) Starch

66 What type of carbohydrates do animals and plants store?
Glycogen (Sugar) Starch

67 What is cellulose? Hint: We can’t digest it. What is chitin? Hint: On outside of insect

68 What is cellulose? What is chitin?
Carbohydrate of plant cell walls known to us as fiber. MOST ABUNDANT MACROMOLECULE!!! Carbohydrate of insect exoskeletons

69 What is the building block (monomer) of lipids?

70 Cell membranes are made up of phospholipids
Glycerol + Fatty Acid Chain(s) Cell membranes are made up of phospholipids

71 basic building block (monomer)
What is the basic building block (monomer) of proteins?


73 Know the 3 PARTS of an AMINO ACID

74 Amino Group Acid Group R Group 3 PARTS of an AMINO ACID

75 What are the 4 elements that are found in proteins?


77 What are Enzymes? ?

78 What are Enzymes? Proteins that speed up chemical reactions in our bodies. Biological

79 Which macromolecule creates pigments for our skin, hair, eyes?

80 Which macromolecule creates pigments for our skin, hair, eyes?

81 Nucleic Acids What are the monomers of nucleic acids? Name the 3 parts

82 NUCLEOTIDES Phosphate group Nitrogen Base 5 Carbon Sugar

83 What are 3 types of nucleic acids?
What are 5 the elements in a nucleic acid?

84 What are 3 types of nucleic acids?
DNA, RNA, ATP What are 5 the elements? C, H, O, N, P

85 What are the reactants and products of this reaction?
Chemical Reactions What are the reactants and products of this reaction? A + B → C

86 What are the reactants and products of this reaction?
Chemical Reactions What are the reactants and products of this reaction? Reactants A + B → C Products

87 What are the reactants? What are the products?

88 What are the reactants? 2H₂ and O₂
What are the products? 2H₂O

89 What is Activation Energy?
What is the difference between Endergonic and Exergonic reactions?

90 Activation Energy (energy needed to get a reaction started) of Exergonic and Endergonic Reactions
Energy Absorbed Energy Released

91 __________, ___________, and ___________
Energy released during a chemical reaction is in the form of……… __________, ___________, and ___________

92 Energy released during a chemical reaction is in the form of………
Heat, Light, and or Sound

93 Enzymes are catalysts in the body that help __________________________.
Name the 3 parts

94 Reactant that needs the help of an enzyme is called a substrate
Enzymes are catalysts in the body that help speed up chemical reactions. Must know the 3 parts Reactant that needs the help of an enzyme is called a substrate Lock & Key

95 What is the difference between reaction A & B?
You need to find the answer in your notes.

96 An enzyme was added to reaction B to lower the activation energy needed for the reaction to take place. A B

97 You have completed the Biology Chemistry Unit Review!
How did you do? Are you ready for the test, or need to study some more?

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