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1 Video


3 What is ohms law? Ohm’s Law explains the relationship between voltage (V ), current (I) and resistance (R) Used by electricians, automotive technicians, stereo installers

4 VOLTAGE (V) It is the push or pressure behind current flow through a circuit. Measured in (V) volts. 

5 How you should be thinking about electric circuits:
Voltage: a force that pushes the current through the circuit (in this picture it would be equivalent to gravity)

6 CURRENT Current refers to the quantity of electrical flow.
Measured in Amps (A)

7 How you should be thinking about electric circuits:
Current: the actual “substance” that is flowing through the wires of the circuit (electrons!)

8 RESISTANCE  Resistance to the flow of the current. Measured in Ohms

9 How you should be thinking about electric circuits:
Resistance: friction that impedes flow of current through the circuit (rocks in the river)

10 Chart

11 General Rule. 1. Assuming the resistance does not change:
As voltage increases, current increases. as voltage decreases, current decreases. 2.  Assuming the voltage does not change: As resistance increases, current decreases. As resistance decreases, current increases.

12 Part 2
Stop at 1 Min mark

13 How do we used Ohms law

14 V = I x R I = V R R = V I

15 How do calculate? Battery voltage is 12V Resistance 2 Ohm
What is the Current?

16 How to calculate? Voltage is 12V Current is 4 Amps
What is the Resistance? ____Ohms?

17 What can we use to measure?
Multi meters/ DVOM

18 Resistors Why do we need resistors
To decrease the amount of voltage applied to a component The value of the resistor is marked on the body using coloured rings

19 Resistors

20 RECAP!! What is Voltage? What is Current? What is Resistance?

21 Part 3

22 Different types of circuit
Series circuit : One pathway for current to flow. Example: Old Christmas lights

23 Parallel Circuit More then one path way for current to flow.
Used in most electrical vehicle circuits.

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