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Grass Roots DIY Marketing

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1 Grass Roots DIY Marketing

2 The Elusive Adult Influencer
“While adult children of senior living prospects can be elusive from a marketer’s standpoint, connecting online and supplying them with information early on can be extremely valuable.” - Senior Housing News

3 What do we know about the influencer?
74% of adults with eldercare responsibilities have had jobs at one point 61% are either employed full time or part time Caregiving responsibilities average 20 hours per week Sandwich generation More than 65.7 million care for an aging family member National Alliance for Caregiving

4 Best Practices Be creative!
Conducting presentations outside the community Short educational presentations at mixers Using the participant handouts as creative follow up and business development Sending out the educational press releases each month Partner with organizations to educate on senior living topics The community leadership team should all participate

5 Best Practices cont’d Involve residents and families – what groups do they belong to Have informal round table conversations rather than school room type presentations Partner with groups, you present or provide content in exchange for mailing list i.e. Silver Sneakers Present at the Kiwanis Club, Chamber events Tap into your own personal network Partner with your local broadcast stations to give short presentations on senior living topics

6 Marketing to Adult Influencers & Prospects
Instead of hoping they come to us, we will go to them. Know your Neighborhood. Where do they live, work and play? Identify a list of places with contact information Set up a Speaker’s Bureau – Community leadership team each picks topics they will become the experts on and can present at any time Identify residents & family members who can speak and/or present on your behalf

7 Know Your Neighborhood
Adult day care centers Large employers Churches Country clubs 55+ communities Banks Mall walkers Kiwanis Club & other organizations Junior League Community colleges Women’s & Men’s Groups Financial organizations YMCAs Silver Sneakers Libraries Elder care attorneys Senior Centers Universities Fire & police stations Schools

8 Marketing Toolkits (on BrandWorks)

9 Next Steps Work with your ED and identify team that can conduct outreach Identify the places you want to target Set up your Speakers’ Bureau Complete the profile sheets so you are adequately prepared Start by contacting people that you know. If you don’t know the contact, send that person an introduction letter* * Sample letters are available Start by contacting people that you and the team knows. If you don’t know the contact, send that person an introduction letter* Show contact the type of presentations you can give (slide 7) Schedule presentations and use your Speakers’ Bureau Work with contact to promote the upcoming presentation * Sample scripts are available.

10 Next Steps cont’d Have a sign in sheet at the presentation so you contact people later Conduct the presentation and give each person a handout* Bring along a resident and family member to speak on your behalf Follow up after the presentation Go back and do more informational presentation *Presentation handouts are located with marketing toolkits.

11 Additional Ways to Identify Places
Network Connections Move-in Sheet - At the time of lease signing, have the new move-in fill out the network connections form. Affinity Groups – Work with resident program director to identify groups and places that residents frequent

12 Where do you live, work and play?

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