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“Make It Work” Patching Together an IR Workflow for Sustained Growth

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1 “Make It Work” Patching Together an IR Workflow for Sustained Growth
Teresa Schultz – MLS grad student; schol comm intern at VU Work with the repository ValpoScholar Big project past year has been on creating a new workflow You’ll notice a theme throughout this presentation... Patching Together an IR Workflow for Sustained Growth

2 Frustration Not an easy process, lots of false starts But first, a little  about the repository

3 VS growth Search WoS Faculty alerts Cull from CVs 2,500 2,000 1,500
Started in early 2011 – Overall process is to create records and metadata first, then research copyrights and add what full content we can. Slow but steady growth for faculty articles in Digital commons (tan) followed by large bumps in Selected Works profiles So how did we grow? Early – Culled articles from faculty CVs Later – Took from articles faculty sent for annual research celebration program Last summer – Historical search of WoS by searching individual current faculty members – still ongoing 1,000 500

4 How do we upload? Faculty don’t want to, so left up to library staff.
Use the individual upload form – easy to do…

5 But they add up and become time consuming. Inefficient.

6 A new way Fall 2014, start a project to create a new workflow

7 Issues Few resources No IT help Support open ethos
Few resources – No library employees dedicated to the repository No IT help – Have to figure this out on  my own Support – IRs are about open, so the workflow should reflect that So with that in mind, I started researching….

8 Which lead me here – frustration.
Hard to find detailed workflows for IRS. Those found were based on Dspace. Did find a few that gave inspiration.

9 DSpace Bulk formatting RefWorks Open Code Coding knowledge
College of Wooster, detailed in a Code4Lib article. Imported citations for articles into RefWorks, then imported them to an XML editor for bulk formatting and then uploaded to DSpace Pros: Introduced idea of bulk formatting by writing code for an xml editor. Don’t have to make individual changes. Created Javascript code to run in Google sheets (based on ISSN) to search Sherpa/ROMeo. Licensed code for reuse. Cons – Again, for Dspace Refworks – Valpo doesn’t have Coding – Tried to use xml code, but doesn’t work with EndNote and don’t know how to edit

10 Passive collecting Zotero DSpace No bulk formatting
Discovered on listserv, Alvin Hutchison, librarian at SL. Process – Set up saved search alerts with WoS, Academic Search Premier, Google Scholar, major publishers, for his institution. Send alerts to zotero , where organize Upload to Dspace Pros – passive collecting and uses zotero, which we can access Cons – Again, uses Dspace and does not include bulk formatting

11 Plan A Because couldn’t find one workflow to straight up copy, had to patch one together. Tried to replicate what Wooster did and first came up with importing citations to EndNote, where I could do some formatting (allowed to easily create custom citations and order names properly). Didn’t do everything, though, so had to first open in a text editor to do some quick rearranging. From there, opened in Excel, where finished formatting and could copy and paste into batch upload forms

12 But…. There were problems

13 EndNote Accessible Allows formatting Not open
Pros: VU has access to it and allowed for some formatting Cons: It’s not open – also, concern about what happens if VU gets rid of it

14 Plan B So looked at how could do the same things using different programs. First went to Zotero, which is open. But it doesn’t have many bells and whistles . Can’t easily reformat citation styles without knowing coding. So then looked at Google Sheets – free to use, and allows for adding code. Also allows people to create their own add ons, so searched those for ones to provide formatting needed. Found some but not all, so I then looked at those for Docs and got what needed

15 Before Example of formatting – Power Tools – Batch upload forms want each part of a name in it’s own cell, but Zotero exports all names in one cell. Power tools – Does the separating for you – gets rid of semicolons and spaces

16 After

17 Idea of bulk formatting Saved searches Zotero
Open SHERPA/ RoMEO code Idea of bulk formatting Saved searches Zotero What I incorporated from Wooster and Smithsonian

18 Beta All this leads to the current beta workflow – set up a number of saved searches, which get sent to VS . We will then save as bibtex file and open in Zotero, where organize by collections. Then export as a .csv file and upload that to Sheets, where can split names, and do a few other basic things (do a find an replace all to replace semicolons with commas in Keywords column, etc.). Then copy and paste journal names and titles to google Docs, where can change to Title Case using Change Case add on. Copy and paste back to sheets. From there, copy and paste needed columns to Excel batch upload form and then run the Sherpa Romeo Code in Sheets – do a final check to see when embargo lifts and put that date in a column designed to automatically send an alert when it lifts using the Add Reminders add on.

19 Review Only Passive collecting semi-automated Bulk formatting
Automatic reminders Only semi-automated Manual error check Piecemeal Creates a more efficient workflow but it’s not perfect Pros – We don’t have to go out looking for articles or asking for them – they come to us Can format large groups of records at once instead of individually Auto reminders – Before, tracked embargoes in a spreadsheet, but had to just remember to go review it to see if any had lifted. Now, we get reminders Cons – only semi automated. Still have to do some things manually, including... Manually check – Bulk formatting doesn’t catch everything and sometimes does too much, so have to do an eye check on all fields before upload. But still faster than making all the changes by hand Piecemeal – It’s pretty patchwork. Would prefer if had something more smooth – especially if could take Docs out of the flow

20 Looking ahead Coding know-how DC workflow research
Ways to help improve workflow – knowing how to code would make it easier to do exactly what I want instead of relying on others to have created it. Can usually find something close but not quite. Have actually found some code that appears to do what I want, and seems like I should be able to add to Sheets, but doesn’t work – coding knowledge would help me understand what’s going on. Documenting – If other DC repositories shared, could help others not have to recreate the wheel….

21 Which would lead to less of this…..

22 And more of this.

23 Contact Teresa Auch Schultz
Ways to help improve workflows – knowing how to code would make it easier to do exactly what I want instead of relying on others to have created it. Can usually find something close but not quite. Have actually found some code that appears to do what I want, and seems like I should be able to add to Sheets, but doesn’t work – coding knowledge would help me understand what’s going on. Documenting – If other DC repositories shared, could help others not have to recreate the wheel.

24 Credits Flynn, S., Oyler, C., & Miles, M. (2013). “Using XSLT and Google Scripts to streamline populating an institutional repository.” code4lib, 19. Retrieved from Photos: Slide 1: Slide 2: Proimos, A. (2009). Head in hands [JPEG]. Retrieved from Slide 8: Davis, J. (2011). Untitled [JPEG]. Retrieved from Slide 12: Stanton, R. (2007). Frustration [JPEG]. Retrieved from Slide 21: Westfall,l G. (2010). Scream [JPEG]. Retrieved from Slide22: Bellini, P. (2009). Just relax [JPEG]. Retrieved from

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