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Die Verwandlung, or The Metamorphosis

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1 Die Verwandlung, or The Metamorphosis
Franz Kafka Die Verwandlung, or The Metamorphosis

2 Biography Born in 1883 in Prague Three sisters (Gabriele’89, Valerie ‘90, and Ottilie ‘92) Germanic Jew- Ashkenazi, spoke German with Czech accent, wrote in German with Yiddish and Czech influence (translation questions) Studied law at German university in Prague and received doctorate in 1906 Max Brod, fellow university classmate, very influential/controversial figure

3 Biography Worked for Italian insurance company, rose in ranks, wrote on the side. Interested in alternative lifestyles: vegetarianism, eastern medicine Many lovers, several engagements Issues: Self-esteem Conflict with father Health-tuberculosis

4 Movements and Influence
Modernist- experimental and surreal Expressionist- Presentation of the world from subjective perspective Existentialist- analysis of human existence in an unfathomable universe Camus and Sartre were influenced by his works “Kafkaesque” describes surreal situations

5 The Metamorphosis Story of Gregor Samsa’s transformation into a “vermin” Surreal yet realistic in its visual imagery Subtexts: Family conflict Alienation Frustration with bureaucracy

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