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The Work of the Holy Spirit Part 2

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1 The Work of the Holy Spirit Part 2
Pneumatology The Work of the Holy Spirit Part 2

2 Impartation One of the most important aspects of the blessed work of the Holy Spirit is His work of ____________ the believer. The fact of His indwelling is realized by ________. (Rom. 8:9; 1 Cor. 6:19; 1 Cor. 3:16) This is fulfillment of our Lord’s promise. (John 14:16-18) God's Word declares the fact and we accept it as a fact by faith. The impact of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is realized by ___________. God’s __________ to our salvation (Rom. 8:15,16; Acts 9:31) God’s _______ – The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth (John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13) The Holy Spirit makes it possible for us to understand the Bible (1 Cor. 2:14-16; 1 John 2:20,27). God’s _______ is communicated by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:14)

3 God’s __________ is enable by the Holy Spirit (John 4:24) as is believing prayer (Rom. 8:26,27)
God’s _______ is empowered by the Holy Spirit (Phi. 2:13) Verification A guarantee is only as _______ as the guarantor. Humanly, there are times when the guarantor finds himself unable to fulfill his bond and must therefore _________ the bond as a penalty. This is never the case with God, primarily because there is ________ a circumstance in which God is beyond His ability. God never promises anything that He cannot or will not ________. Sealing Transpires at ____________ (Eph. 1:12,13) 2 Corinthians 1:21,22 gives a list of three of those works of the Holy Spirit all of which occur simultaneously. “Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, {the __________of the Holy Spirit} and hath anointed us, {the ____________ of the Holy Spirit} is God. Who hath sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts. {the __________ of the Holy Spirit}”

4 Sealing Transfers _____________ – Before conversion every man is a child of the devil. (John 8:44) ________ , who is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4), claims every lost man for his own. When a man is born again he is no longer a child of the devil but becomes a son of God. The Holy Spirit marks the transfer of that ____________ by His divine presence in the body of the new believer. The word "seal" is a term that refers to a signet or a stamp of ownership. It is a clear identification of ____________. Sealing Transmits ___________ (Phi. 1:6) God ________ His plan of redemption in the believer's life at conversion. His soul was redeemed from the bondage of sin. Yet, God is not ___________ with the believer. It is God's intention to also redeem the body. This is precisely what the Word of God is talking about when referring to the Holy Spirit as the "earnest." The presence of the Holy Spirit in the body of the believer is God's guarantee that the process of redemption will indeed be __________. (Eph. 1:14; 4:30)

5 Administration Every saved person is indwelt by the Holy Spirit; but _______ every Christian is Spirit filled. In Ephesians 5:18 Paul draws a very careful analogy between two experiences to define the point. To be drunk with alcohol is to be "under the influence" or under the ___________ of the "spirits" of the bottle. This is strictly prohibited in the life of a believer. Christians are to "be filled with the Spirit," or to be "under the influence" or control of the Holy Spirit who lives __________. Whereas being indwelt by the Holy Spirit is a __________ for all, irrevocable event that transpires at conversion, the filling of the Holy Spirit is to be a continuous, ____________ experience in the life of the believer. First, the verb is in the imperative mood, meaning that the Word of God is issuing an express ___________. As surely as being drunk with wine is a direct act of disobedience to the Word of God, so is failure to be filled with the Spirit. It is sin ________ to be Spirit filled.

6 Secondly, the tense of the verb is present denoting continuing action
Secondly, the tense of the verb is present denoting continuing action. The believer is to _________________ "be being filled" with the Holy Spirit; he is to be constantly under the influence or control of the Holy Spirit of God. Being Spirit filled requires a spirit and willingness to listen to the guidance of the Spirit (Romans 8:14), the teaching of the Spirit (1 John 2:20,27), and to accept the power of the Spirit (Philippians 2:13). Only by the power of the Holy Spirit is it possible for a believer to reflect the very essence of the character of Christ. (Gal. 5:16) Spirit filled believers are characterized by holiness of life or if you please, ____________________________. Yet, this holiness is not an austere melancholy joyless existence. Quite the contrary! The evidence that the Holy Spirit is in control is found in Ephesians 5:19,20.

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