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The Internet of Things (IoT) and Analytics

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1 The Internet of Things (IoT) and Analytics
Class 2: A Look at Communications & Devices March 8, 2016 Louis W. Giokas

2 This Week’s Agenda Monday The Different Things of the IoT Tuesday A Look at Communications and Devices Wednesday Cloud Storage and Formats in the IoT Thursday Examples of Big Data Analysis Friday Machine Learning & Analysis Techniques

3 Course Description The IoT generates a vast amount of data.
This data can be used for many purposes, from product design, service and support, marketing, and control. There are three levels of devices: the things, communications infrastructure and storage. Tying it all together are analytic techniques. In this course, we will build from the bottom up and then look at how the analytics infrastructure can be used in applications.

4 Today’s Agenda Importance of Communications Overview
Industrial IoT Communications Consumer IoT Communications

5 Importance of Communications
Communications is the glue that holds the IoT together. At all levels, communications, with storage and distributed (e.g., cloud) computing are enablers One way: systems just measure Two way: measurement and control

6 Importance of Communications
Communications infrastructure takes many forms Often many “hops” Bluetooth to cellular to the Internet Developing communications infrastructure is often tied to product development. Especially true in Industrial settings Cellular data transmission is a key enabler in Infrastructure settings

7 Importance of Communications
We will look at some architectures/standards that are commonly used. Devices that are enablers of an integrated IoT communications infrastructure will be discussed: These are not exclusive, but are used as examples There are many options

8 Overview

9 Overview

10 Industrial IoT Communications
There are a number of standards (Industry and standards body endorsed) EtherNet/IP (IP for Industrial Protocol) CAN (Controller Area Network) Modbus Profibus GE STRP (Industrial PLC’s) Sinec H1 (Siemens)

11 Industrial IoT Communications

12 Industrial IoT Communications

13 Industrial IoT Communications

14 Industrial IoT Communications

15 Industrial IoT Communications

16 Consumer IoT Communications
Flexibility a key aspect Not generally real-time Cloud services

17 Consumer IoT Communications

18 Consumer IoT Communications

19 Consumer IoT Communications

20 Consumer IoT Communications

21 Consumer IoT Communications

22 Summary and Preview Communications is the glue that holds the IoT together Efficient communications makes possible timely analysis and action Tomorrow we will discuss how we store the data in preparation for analysis.

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