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Civil Liberties Protected WebQuest

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Presentation on theme: "Civil Liberties Protected WebQuest"— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil Liberties Protected WebQuest
Do you know your Constitutional rights?

2 Your Essential Question
Why does the American Government need to protect individual civil liberties? You will become familiar with the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, and the 8th amendments Building questions will be presented in classroom discussions Activities will be assigned to help accomplish this quest on the web

3 TASK You are to use the following websites to gather data to accomplish this task. –this website is compilation of 4,000 encyclopedias – use website has national records, laws, and the constitutional amendments. – take a quiz know you’re your rights.

4 PROCESS You will research the topic with the websites given to you.
You must use at least two of the resources to complete the task. You will turn for credit a two page typed paper explaining your position on the topic. We will convene as a legislative body to debate the topic. Points will be distributed based on the number and quality of your remarks. Finally, the class will be divided into groups to produce Powerpoint to present to the class.

5 Rubric Name: _______________________________ Teacher: Randy Rehrer
Class: Government Description: The students will collect, analyze, and incorporate data about why our government needs to protect individual's constitutional rights and liberties. This process will have two parts: 1)a persuasive paper-detailing your position and reasons why we should vote your way; 2)Each student will participate in a group to illustrate their position through a PowerPoint presentation and grading rubric. Rubric EXEMPLARY PROFICIENT DEVELOPING Organization Information is easy to follow and sequential. Information is somewhat easy to follow but has 1 or 2 difficulties in sequencing. Information is hard to follow and understand; little effort made to sequence facts. Persuasiveness (Paper) Use of facts, statistics, and stories support your position. Information is accurate and convincing. Adequately explains your position but some of the information is not convincing. Little or no effort made using other sources. Mostly just your opinion. Individual Tasks Able to use data to create your own conclusions. Used data correctly but unable to arrive at you own conclusions. Little or no effort to use data to get a quality conclusions. Group work Able to work independently but sharing the data with group to enhance learning for all. Able to bring some information to group but not willing to work or share all data. Little or no effort to bring data to group to share. PowerPoint Design The PowerPoint is well designed, easy to follow, and fonts easy to read. Presentation needs work in either slide layouts, fonts, or transition for understanding. PowerPoint is poorly done and organized.

6 Conclusion It is important we realize our rights and liberties.
Our government was created to protect those rights. All people are able to enjoy fundamental liberties. Author: Randy Rehrer

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