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Regional Architecture Development for Intelligent Transportation

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1 Regional Architecture Development for Intelligent Transportation
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 RAD-IT Tool Training Regional Architecture Development for Intelligent Transportation STAKEHOLDERS Module 4 This training is designed for transportation professionals that want to understand how to use RAD-IT tool to create regional and project ITS architectures. The training discusses how to use the RAD-IT tool and provides a basic overview of the tools that have been developed to support ARC-IT use.

2 This Module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Module Outcomes Explain how to access the Stakeholders Tab in RAD-IT Architecture Explain the key features of the Stakeholders Tab Be able to modify information on the Stakeholders Tab In this Module, we will review the RAD-IT stakeholders tab and begin to use it. At the end of this Module, you will be able to: Explain how to access the Stakeholders Tab in RAD-IT Architecture Explain the key features of the Stakeholders Tab Be able to modify information on the Stakeholders Tab This module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Let’s look at these topics first then at the end of the Module in a hands-on exercise so you will perform these activities in RAD-IT. This Module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

3 Foundation for Stakeholders in RAD-IT
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Foundation for Stakeholders in RAD-IT Stakeholders are one of the components of an architecture that can be entered into RAD-IT. Image Description: The diagram, introduced in the previous Module, showing the relationships between architecture components is shown with the Stakeholders box highlighted.

4 RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Stakeholders Organization or group with an interest in surface transportation Includes public & private sector May include non-transportation parties May work in groups A stakeholder is an organization or group with an interest in surface transportation. Stakeholders include the agencies that own and/or operate ITS elements such as state DOT, local traffic departments, transit operators and public safety agencies. Stakeholders are from both the public and private sector. Stakeholders may include non-transportation parties such as the Forestry Department in areas where there are National Forests, truckers in areas where commercial vehicles have a large impact and the Flood Control District in areas where flood control is an emergency management issue. Stakeholders may work in groups such as coalitions, etc.

5 Stakeholders (cont.) Key to the development of any architecture
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Stakeholders (cont.) Key to the development of any architecture Owners and/or operators of regional systems Who to invite to outreach activities Key check during development Stakeholders with no elements Elements with no Stakeholders It’s essential to document the major ITS players within the region or project. It is important that the ITS architecture be grounded in reality, who is it in terms of real agencies that own and/or operate the ITS elements. Having a list of stakeholders identifies who to include in future architecture related activities. Listing stakeholders also serves as a tool to make sure there is nothing missing in the architectures. As we’ll see in RAD-IT, you can check to see if there are either stakeholders with no ITS elements or ITS elements that don’t have a specific stakeholder associated with it.

6 Stakeholder Tab RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017
The Stakeholders are entered on the third tab of RAD-IT which is stakeholders. Image Description: A screen capture of the RAD-IT Stakeholders tab.

7 Stakeholder Tab Entries
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Stakeholder Tab Entries Selected Stakeholder Group Identifier Description Stakeholder Group Selector To create a new stakeholder you select the “New” button at the bottom of the Stakeholder tab. (Click to display arrow.) To delete an existing stakeholder you select the “Delete” button. (Click to display arrow.) To the left of each stakeholder, there is a checkbox that can be used to include or remove the stakeholder from the current architecture. (Click to display arrow.) Between the checkbox and the stakeholder name is an icon indicating whether it is a group or not. We will look at the group identifier icons next. On the right side of the tab, the attributes for the selected element are given: (Click to display arrow.) Name (Click to display arrow.) Description (Click to display arrow.) Group Selector which is used to make stakeholder groups. We will look at how to create groups later. (Click to display arrow.) Parent Stakeholder Group if it is a member of a group or Group members if it is a stakeholder group. In the example shown, Marinara Department of Transportation is a member of the MCDOT and State Highway Patrol group. To change an attribute for an stakeholder, you select the stakeholder on the left and edit the appropriate box on the right. (Click to display arrow.) When a change is made on the Stakeholder tab, the Apply and Cancel buttons become available. To accept the change, you select the “Apply” button. To cancel the change, you select the “Cancel” button. Image Description: A screen capture of RAD-IT with a large arrow pointing to the Stakeholders pane is shown. The image includes annotation for the selected stakeholder, description, and parent stakeholder group text entry boxes; the stakeholder group radio buttons; arrows pointing to the check boxes for individual stakeholders; and the add, delete, apply, and cancel buttons. Included in Current Architecture checkbox Parent Stakeholder Group Cancel changes Delete a stakeholder Add a stakeholder Apply changes

8 Relationship of Stakeholders to Other Architecture Components
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Relationship of Stakeholders to Other Architecture Components Stakeholders are one of the basic components of an architecture. Stakeholders need to be defined in an architecture in RAD-IT so that inventory elements, agreements and an operational concept can be defined. In this course, creating an inventory of ITS elements is presented in Module 5, Roles & Responsibilities in Module 7 and agreements in Module 11. Image Description: The diagram showing the relationships between architecture components with the Stakeholders box as well as Inventory, Agreements and Roles & Responsibilities boxes are highlighted.

9 RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Stakeholder Groups Allow more than one stakeholder to be mapped to the same element Can be used for: Joint ownership or, General elements In the previous demonstration we briefly mentioned stakeholder groups. In RAD-IT the grouping feature allows you to associate more than one stakeholder with an ITS element. This feature is useful when multiple agencies own and/or operate an element, for example, a Traffic Operations Center that is co-owned by the state DOT and the state police. It also allows similar stakeholders to be grouped into general categories. This can be done to simplify a large architecture. For example, in a large metropolitan region, all of the local municipal police departments might be grouped into a stakeholder group named “Municipal Police Departments”. Next, we will revisit groups, seeing exactly how they are identified in RAD-IT. Image description: Screenshot of stakeholder tab showing group icon.

10 Stakeholder Group Identifier
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Stakeholder Group Identifier Individual Identifier Group Identifier Each stakeholder in the list of RAD-IT stakeholders is either an individual stakeholder or a group. Stakeholder groups are identified by the group identifier icon. Image description : Individual stakeholder icon, Group stakeholder icon, Preview of RAD-IT screen capture showing individual icon, and preview of RAD-IT screen capture showing group icon.

11 Creating a Stakeholder Group
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Creating a Stakeholder Group First create group members as individual stakeholders Then create new stakeholder name for group Enter Name and Description Check “Stakeholder Group” box Select members of the group To create a stakeholder group, you first create all of the members of the group as individual stakeholders. Then you create the stakeholder group and: Enter Name and Description, Check “Stakeholder Group” box, and Associate the members with the group. Currently in RAD-IT, stakeholder groups are only two-tiered. That is, only individual stakeholders can be grouped into a group. You cannot group groups. Image Description: A screen capture of RAD-IT is shown with the Stakeholders pane selected. The image is annotated using arrows and text to identify text entry boxes for the stakeholder name and description, a checkbox to identify the entry as a stakeholder group, and a list of check boxes to associate stakeholder members with the group.

12 RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Knowledge Check After you make a change in RAD-IT, what button do you press to accept the change? Accept Apply Approve Keep After you make a change in RAD-IT, what button do you press to accept the change? Accept Apply Approve Keep Time for a knowledge check. After you make a change in RAD-IT, what button do you press to accept the change? Accept Apply Approve Keep (Click to highlight the correct answer.) The correct answer is apply. When a change is made in RAD-IT, you must either apply or cancel it.

13 Output - Stakeholders Table
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Output - Stakeholders Table From output tool bar you are able to produce outputs for a completed or partially defined Regional or Project Architecture. To view the stakeholder output for an architecture, you select “Output” then “tables” from the tool bar at the top of the RAD-IT window. This opens the output table window. You can traverse through the categories to find the stakeholder report under Stakeholder Topics. Image Description: An image of the RAD-IT Output tool bar, with tables highlighted, is shown. A large arrow from the highlighted table selection points to a screen capture of a RAD-IT table dialog box.

14 Output - Stakeholders Table (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Output - Stakeholders Table (cont.) In the 2nd area select from the Available Columns which will vary depending on the table selected in the first step. Use the left arrow to select individual columns to include (they will then move to the Selected Columns table). You can also use the double left arrow to include all the columns. To view the table, you select the “Open Application” button in the Output Table window. The report opens in a new window from which you can view, print & save the report. Image Description: A screen capture of the RAD-IT Reports dialog box is shown, with a box around the “Open Application”. A large arrow points from the Open Application button to a screen capture of the preview of a Stakeholders table.

15 Exercise Database = marinaraforexercises.radit
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise Database = marinaraforexercises.radit Architecture = Marinara County (Regional) Time for an exercise on stakeholders. The exercise will use the same database and architecture from the previous exercises. If you need the database, click on the screen where indicted to download it. If it is not already open, open the marinaraforexercises database in RAD-IT. Select the Marinara County regional architecture. Before completing the exercise, let’s look at the facts and objective of the exercise. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

16 RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise - Facts Saucelito City Department of Public Works plans to collect road weather information and disseminate it to travelers via the TOMATO Traveler Information System New management at the Saucelito City Department of Public Works has established new goals for the agency including collecting road weather information and disseminating it to travelers via the TOMATO Traveler Information System in the next five years. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

17 RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise - Objective Add required new stakeholder & group with like stakeholders In this exercise we will add the new stakeholder required for the new planned ITS service and group it with like stakeholders. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

18 Exercise - Steps Add new stakeholder
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise - Steps Add new stakeholder Name = Saucelito City Department of Public Works Description = Maintains all city roadways and traffic equipment on them. Now, complete these steps to perform the exercise. The Marinara Regional ITS Architecture does not include Saucelito City Department of Public Works so we need to add them. On the Stakeholders tab, add a new stakeholder. (TIP: You add a new stakeholder by selecting the “New” button at the bottom of the Stakeholder tab.) For the attributes of the new element, enter: Name = Saucelito City Department of Public Works Description = Maintains all city roadways and traffic equipment on them. Apply the changes to add the new stakeholder. Confirm that it appears in the list of stakeholders. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

19 Exercise – Steps (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) Add a new group of stakeholders Name = Regional Departments of Public Works Members = Marinara County Department of Public Works & Saucelito City Department of Public Works Since there are multiple Departments of Public Works in the region, let’s create a group for them. Create a new group of stakeholders named Regional Departments of Public Works. Include as members the Marinara County Department of Public Works and Saucelito City Department of Public Works . You may include a description if desired. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

20 Exercise – Steps (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) View Stakeholder Table On report, locate both new stakeholders Create the Stakeholder table and locate the two new stakeholders on it. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

21 Exercise - Knowledge Check
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise - Knowledge Check How do you list the group members of the Regional Departments of Public Works in the Stakeholder report? Select the Display Stakeholder Group Members report setting Time for a knowledge check. How do you list the group members of the Regional Departments of Public Works in the Stakeholder report? (Click to display the answer.) You select the Display Stakeholder Group Members report setting. On the Reports window of RAD-IT, there are several settings that allow you to tailor a report. For the stakeholder report, this includes including the members of stakeholder groups.

22 Review Module Outcomes
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Review Module Outcomes Explain how to access the Stakeholders Tab in RAD-IT Architecture Explain the key features of the Stakeholders Tab Be able to modify information on the Stakeholders Tab Return to the training curriculum to select the next module. To close this window, select the "X" in the upper right hand corner of your screen. You have completed Module 4: RAD-IT – Stakeholders Tab You are now able to: Explain how to access the Stakeholders Tab in RAD-IT Architecture Explain the key features of the Stakeholders Tab Be able to modify information on the Stakeholders Tab Return to the training curriculum to select the next module. To close this window, select the "X" in the upper right hand corner of your screen.

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