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Aura Science Team meeting
The impacts of dynamics on tropical tropospheric CO inferred from Aura satellite data and GEOS-Chem model Junhua Liu and Jennifer Logan Harvard University Aura Science Team meeting Sep 14-17, 2009 Acknowledgements: Thanks to Nathaniel Livesey and Jonathan Jiang of JPL. TES, MLS teams.
Satellite data (TES/MLS) and the GEOS-Chem Model
Outline Introduction Satellite data (TES/MLS) and the GEOS-Chem Model Driven by two versions of meteorological fields: GEOS 4 & 5 Evaluation of model performance TES CO in the LT MLS CO in the UT Diagnostics of model transport Vertical convective and advective mass fluxes Horizontal winds Comparison between GEOS 4 and GEOS 5 meteorological fields MLS data as a test of vertical transport at the start of the wet season in South America Summary
CO measurements from Aura (TES and MLS)
TES (Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer) TES V003 MLS (Microwave Limb Sounder) MLS V2.2 level 2 data
TES, MLS - GEOS-Chem comparisons
GEOS-Chem Simulations v , 4o × 5o horizontal resolution Driven by GEOS-4 or GEOS-5 meteorological fields - diff. convection parameterization 2-year simulation from Jan to Dec. 2006 Uniform prior for TES Model profiles are sampled along the TES/MLS orbit track at the observation time, and then vertically smoothed with the TES or MLS averaging kernels. Focus on 2005 in this talk, but show some results for 2006
Temporal and spatial patterns of GFED2 emissions
Aug Sep Jul GFED2 2005 2006 Latitude Longitude South America: Biomass burning starts one month later. Drier in 2005 (La Nina), CO emissions in 2005 are twice the amount in 2006. South Africa: Relatively stable seasonality with smaller interannual variation Courtesy of Inna Megretskaia
CO comparison with TES in the LT in GEOS4
GEOS-Chem w/ TESak DIFF (GEOS – TES) 2005 GEOS-4 681hPa Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec South America: TES and model CO highest in Sep. and Oct., but largest underestimate also in Sep. and Oct. Underestimate of CO in South Africa - lower fire emissions Too much CO export in easterlies in LT to the convection region - N. of equator
CO comparison with MLS in UT: 215 hPa
2005 MLS GEOS-4 2006 MLS GEOS-4 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Factor of two bias in MLS at 215 hPa [Livesey et al., 2007]. South America: CO maximum lags ~1 month in the model compared to MLS data in 2005 and 2006 East Pacific: Model CO has a large overestimate in Aug. 2005 Indonesia: overestimate in Oct. and Nov. 2006
GEOS-4: Vertical mass flux and CO, Aug.-Dec. 2005
688 hPa 430 hPa 226 hPa Aug: Amazon: barely any convection, horizontal transport dominates in LT. Large amount of CO exported to the East equatorial Pacific. Oct & Nov ITCZ shifts south, strongest convection contributing to maximum CO in Nov. in the UT. Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Contours: upward air mass flux (convection + advection, Pa/s: [0.05, 0.12, 0.25] for 688 hPa & 430 hPa, [0.03, 0.06, 0.12] for level 226 hPa) Color: CO (ppbv). Fires mainly in Aug/Sep, but little vertical transport In South America, CO max. in Sep at 688hPa, in Oct. at 430hPa, in Nov. at 215hPa
Vertical profiles of upward mass flux
S America (18S-2S, 70W-40W) Convection Conv. + adv. South America: Largest increase in vertical upward transport in Oct. (green) Upward mass flux reaches a higher altitude in Nov., contributing to CO max. in model most outflow of deep convection is below 200 hPa Above 200 hPa, slow vertical ascent air
Convection in GEOS-4 compared to other models (Folkins et al. 2006)
Fueglistaler et al. 2009 Compared to other models, GEOS-4 convection decays at a lower altitude – the top height of convective outflow is lower. 215 hPa - slow vertical ascent air above region of convective outflow in the TTL causes the 1-month lag of CO maximum in UT in the model.
CO in the UT in GEOS-4 and GEOS-5
2005: 215 hPa MLS GEOS-4 GEOS-5 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec South America: CO at 215 hPa is lower in GEOS-5 than in GEOS-4 GEOS-5 maximum occurs ~1-2 months late, later than GEOS-4 East Pacific: GEOS-5 has a better CO simulation
Seasonality and interannual variation of CO - S. America
From LT to UT, the lag in GEOS-5 is always greater than that in GEOS-4 UT MLS GEOS4_MLSak GEOS4 GEOS5_MLSak GEOS 5 MLS/2 GEOS 4: 1 month lag GEOS 5: 1-3 month lag TES GEOS4_TESak GEOS4 GEOS5_TESak GEOS 5 GEOS 4: No lag GEOS 5: 1 month lag (2006) Optical bench warm-up to improve CO signal LT
Vertical transport in GEOS-4 & GEOS-5 (South America)
226 hPa GEOS-5 Top: Vertical profile of upward transport of air in GEOS4 and GEOS5 in 2005 Right: Spatial map of upward transport with CO mixing ratio in 2005 in UT. Similar pattern in 2006. The lag of CO maximum in GEOS-5 is greater in part because the convection decays at a lower altitude, and in part because the convection moves southward later than in GEOS-4
Relationship between convection and CO
South America (18-2S, 70W-40W) Sep,2005 GEOS4 GEOS5 COGEOS5/COGEOS4 GEOS4 GEOS5 convectionGEOS5/convectionGEOS4 CO source region (S. America): convection is the dominant mechanism for CO vertical redistribution. In GEOS-4, stronger convection transports more CO into UT, causing higher CO above ~650 hPa.
Seasonality and interannual variation of CO – East Pacific
MLS GEOS4_MLSak GEOS4 GEOS5_MLSak GEOS 5 MLS/2 Vertical mass flux (Pa/s) The vertical profiles of upward transport: GEOS-4: Gradually decrease with height GEOS-5: Sharp decrease around 600 hPa MLS GEOS4_MLSak GEOS4 GEOS5_MLSak GEOS 5
Conclusion Over S. America, deep convection in GEOS-4 decays at too low altitude, causing the lag of the CO maximum compared to MLS observations in the UT. The lag in GEOS-5 is greater in part because the convection decays at an even lower altitude, and in part because the convection moves southward later than in GEOS-4. The overestimate of CO in east equatorial Pacific north of the equator results from stronger local convection, and stronger easterly winds in GEOS-4 in the lower altitude. The overestimate disappears in GEOS-5, caused by a sharp decrease of convection near 600 hPa. Is this mechanism realistic? Comparison of GEOS met. fields with NCEP or ECMWF data would be useful.
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