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Development of Combined ASPs

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2 Development of Combined ASPs
Marian Forgan, External Verifier Paula White, External Verifier

3 Purpose Possibility of integrating unit outcomes across Units has long been discussed Opportunity available to provide an example of how a Combined ASP might look Time to consider potential benefits and issues

4 Potential Benefits More time to learn knowledge/skills
Reduced assessment time for the candidates Links between Units made more explicit – candidates better able to see the Course as a whole

5 Example – ICT in Business and Presentation Skills
Task 1 – Presentation Skills Outcome 1 – analysing different events and ways of presenting Task 2 – ICT in Business Outcomes , 2 and 5 and Presentation Skills Outcome 2 Task 3 – Presenting Skills Outcome 3 Task 4 – ICT in Business Outcomes 3 and 4 Checklists – Task based; cover ALL outcomes

6 Cautions Timetable planning to ensure appropriate links within Semesters Skills of lecturers involved Partial completion of evidence Reassessment requiring a fresh start

7 Final thoughts … This is ONE example based on 2 mandatory Units, other possibilities exist for Centres if you take into account the Optional Units. Where combining Units with Options, it is likely that Centres will need to devise their own Combined ASPs but this is a good example to use as part of that process


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