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In the Beginning of Creation

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1 In the Beginning of Creation

2 Creation Ktis’-tis original formation, (from proprietorship of the manufacturer, fabricate, of create) Used 6 times 4 of 6 say “Beginning of the Creation” Beginning = ar-khay’ ; comencment, begin, first The ‘Commencement of the Original Formation’

3 Creation Mark 10:6 Mark 13:19 Romans 1:20 Romans 8:22 II Peter 3:4
Revelation 3:14

4 God Said El-o-heem’ aw-mar’

5 Good Tobe – good, beautiful, cheerful, pleasant Genesis 1 V4 Light
V10 Earth & Water V12 Plant Kingdom V18 Stars & Moon V21 Sea Creatures & Every Living thing that moves V25 Beasts & Cattle

Very (meh-ode’ vehemence, superlative-louder)

7 Man Genesis 1:31 – Everything that He had made
Made = aw-saw’ – to make, made Does not say ‘Good’ in v1:27 Made in the image of God ‘Our’ image Father, Son, Holy Spirit Like no other created thing

8 Nature Foos’-sis growth (by germination or expansion), natural production, genus by sort Romans 1:26 Galatians 4:8 I Corinthians 11:14

9 Natural Foo-see-kos’ physical, instinctive, natural Romans 1:26, 27

10 Our Nature comes from the Beginning of Creation which came about with God speaking us into existence. When God created us in His image He said “It was Very Good”. The genetic nature of man was set up for perpetual motion. After the beginning of creation Adam sinned. This did not change the way he was created.

11 Original Sin 2 major opposing positions Does it really matter?
Adam made us sinners (changed our nature) Adam brought sin into the world Does it really matter? Are they both true? Are there consequences for believing a lie?

12 Ecclesiastes 7:29 “Truly, this only I have found: That God made man upright, But they have sought after many schemes”

13 Ecclesiastes 7:29 “Truly, this only I have found: That God aw-saw’* man upright, But they have sought after many schemes” *Same word as Genesis 1:31

14 Genesis 1:31 “God saw everything that He made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day”

15 Genesis 1:31 “God saw everything that He aw-saw’, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day”

16 If man’s ‘Nature’ is evil?
What part of the Godhead’s likeness was he made in? When after the creation did God ‘change’ man’s nature? Where is the documented Bible verse?

17 Consequences You are not to blame for your sins
You have no need of repentance You do not need to Do anything for your salvation You do not need to submit to baptism The preaching of the Gospel is in vain Belief, Repentance, Obedience to Gospel

18 World of Denominations
Today Reformation Catholic Kingdom AD 70

19 World of Denominations
Today Kingdom Of God I Timothy 4:1 AD 70

20 We should not make the mistake of thinking that the Catholic Church came up with the idea of “Original Sin”, but rather see that the departure from the truth by those “In the Kingdom of God” led to false teaching which in turn led to the Catholic Church.

21 The Children are: Matthew 18:3 Matthew 18:6 Matthew 19:14
Examples to us Matthew 18:6 Influenced to sin Matthew 19:14 Like the Kingdom

22 The Adults: Galatians 5:16-21 Romans 7:23-8:1 Romans 7:14-15
Walk and you will not fulfill Led by sin Romans 7:23-8:1 Bringing into captivity I myself serve Romans 7:14-15 Sold under sin



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