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Published byAsher Thomas Modified over 6 years ago
Year 9 Homework Pack-AQA Norman England, 1066-c1100.
The Normans- Conquest and Control. - The Succession Crisis of 1066: The claimants. - The Battles: Fulford gate, Stamford Bridge, Hastings. - William establishes control: Rebellions, The Harrying of the North. Life Under the Normans - Feudalism and government. - Economic and social changes and their consequences. - Norman Life: villages and towns. - Castles The Norman Church and Monasticism -The impact of the Normans on the Church. -The Kings relationship with the Pope. -Cathedrals: Life as a monk -Education. Name: ___________________________ Class: ___________________________ Teacher: _________________________ © Miss H. Law 2016
How is this Unit Assessed?
Guide to the Guide This guide is split into the three main sections that cover this unit. You have a series of tasks to complete which will help you reinforce your learning from the lessons to help you achieve the best grade you possibly can! If you need any help completing one of the tasks, speak to your teacher! Make sure you keep it safe as if you loose it, you will have to pay for a new one! How is this Unit Assessed? Number of Questions Marks for each question: SPAG: Time Total marks 4 1. 8 marks 2. 8 marks 3. 8 marks 4. 16 marks 4 marks for the 16 marker. 50 mins 44 Question Types: How convincing is Interpretation A about the Norman legal system? Explain your answer using Interpretation A and your contextual knowledge. [8 marks] Explain what was important about the reforms of the monasteries for Norman England. [8 marks] Historic Environment; ‘The main change that Norman castles brought about was that they allowed the Normans to defend their new lands’. How far does a study of Pickering Castle support this statement? [16 marks] Write an account of the ways in which the feudal system changed under the Normans. [8 marks] SPAG 4
Question type: Write an account... Question type: Explain...
Target: Explain and analyse historical events. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key features and characteristics of the period. Level Description Level 1 (1-2 marks) Basic analysis of change Basic narrative of change which is relevant to the question. Level 2 (3-4) Simple analysis of change. Basic narrative of change which shows a simple understanding of the consequence of this. Level 3 (5-6) Developed analysis of changes You use a range of factual knowledge to explain one cause and its consequence Level 4 (7-8) Complex analysis of changes You explain two causes and their consequences and explain how one leads to the other / how they LINK! Question type: Explain... Target: An understanding of an event/issue/person/date/idea or theory (feature). You need to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key features and characteristics of the period studied. Level Description Level 1 (1-2 marks) Basic explanation. You list ideas but do not explain. Level 2 (3-4) Simple explanation. You explain one aspect of the feature. You support this with factual knowledge and reasoning. Level 3 (5-6) Developed explanation of more than one aspect. You consider two or more aspects and back them up with detailed explanation and factual knowledge. Level 4 (7-8) Complex explanation. You demonstrate specific knowledge and you explained the wider historical consequences.
Question type: Source Analysis: ‘How convincing?’
Target: To analyse interpretations and evaluate them making substantiated judgements. How do we measure whether an interpretation is convincing? How does it show what you expect to see? What does it not show what you expect to see? You need to use your contextual knowledge to explain this!!! Level Description How do I improve? Level 1 (1-2) Basic description of interpretation. Simple point made backed up with little contextual knowledge Give more specific detail to support the interpretation from your contextual knowledge. Level 2 (3-4) Simple evaluation of the interpretation based on contextual knowledge. One point explaining why the source is or is not convincing supported by contextual knowledge. Explain the other side of the argument, to include how it is / is not convincing. Level 3 (5-6) Developed evaluation of the interpretation based on contextual knowledge. Answer explains both how it is convincing and how it is not convincing supported by contextual knowledge. Add a conclusion with your judgment as to how convincing it is. Level 4 (7-8) Complex explanation of the interpretation with sustained judgement. Both sides explained with a clear and detailed conclusion / judgements as to whether or not it is convincing. Add more detail to explain your points. Keep it up! Remember: You must also be BALANCED! How is it convincing? How is it NOT convincing? And a final JUDGEMENT / Conclusion!
Contents Page Norman England, 1066-c1100.
Set Due Mark TimeLine: Key events 8 Fact file: Edward the Confessor. 9 Table: Who had the greatest claim to the throne. 10 Succession: information task. 11 Interpretation analysis: Harold’s oath to William 12 Spider diagram: How did William prepare for battle? 13 Explain what was important about William’s preparations for the invasion. EXAM FOCUS 14 Research Task: Harold Hardrada Invades. 17 How convincing is Interpretation B about the Battle of Stamford Bridge? EXAM FOCUS 18 Glossary: The Battle of Hastings 21 Comparison Table: Why did William Win? 22 Bingo Grid: William Establishes control. 23 Fact Files: Who helped William Establish control? 24 Research Centre: Dealing with early revolts 25 Table: Early Rebellions 26 How convincing is Interpretation C about the way in which William dealt with rebellions? EXAM FOCUS 27 Interpretation analysis: The Harrying of the North. 29 Exam Focus: Explain what was important about the Harrying of the North for Norman England. 30 Interpretation analysis: Hereward the Wake. 33 Fact- File: Hereward the Wake. 34
Contents Page Con. Page Set Due Mark 35 36 39 40 42 43 45 46 47 48 50
Story Board: Hereward the Wake. 35 How convincing is Interpretation A abut the rebellion of Hereward the Wake? EXAM FOCUS 36 Table: The Norman Feudal System. 39 Write an account of the ways in which the feudal system changed under the Normans. 40 Write an obituary: William Dies 42 Facebook Profile: William Rufus 43 Mind Map: Military Control. 45 Information Grid: National Government. 46 Research centre: Change and Continuity in government. 47 Story Board: Law and Order 48 Write an account of the ways in which law and order changed under the Normans. EXAM FOCUS. 50 Diagram and info: Norman Village. 52 Webpage: Seasonal Peasants life. 53 Write an account of the ways in which town life changed under the Normans. 54 Change and Continuity: How did the Normans take everyday life? 57 Mind-map: How did the Normans change religion? 60 How convincing is Interpretation B about the role of the Norman Church? EXAM FOCUS 61 Research Task: How did William change the church? 63 Fact File: Arhcbishop Lan Franc 64 Write an account of Lanfranc’s reforms to the Church in England. EXAM FOCUS 66 Explain what was important about the Norman reforms of the Church. EXAM FOCUS 68 Bob the Builder: Durham Cathedral 70 Myth Busters: William Rufus’s conflict with the church. 71 Anselm versus Rufus: Newspaper article. 72 Obituary: William Rufus relationship with the church 73 Explain what was important about William II’s relationship with the Church EXAM FOCUS. 74 Religious terms glossary. 76 Relationship with the Pope 77 Exam Focus: Explain what was important about Simony in Norman England. 78 Diary: Life in the day of monk 80 How convincing is Interpretation C about monastic life in Norman England? EXAM FOCUS 81 Fact Files: Educating England. 83 Exam Focus: Explain the importance of the monasteries in Norman England. 85 Write an account of the ways in which education changed under the Normans. 87
Unit 1:The Normans: Conquest and control
Topic Content: Causes of the Norman Conquest including the death of Edward the Confessor The Claimants to the throne. The Battle of Stampford Bridge The Battle of Hastings; Anglo-Saxon and Norman tactics. Military innovations: including cavalry and castles. Establishing control The redistribution of land to the Norman aristocracy The rising in the north, the Danish invasion and the ‘Harrying of the North’ The revolts from King William’s leadership and government.
Timeline, 1042-1100. 1042 1051 1052 Late 1050’s January 1066
Task: Complete the timeline, by adding the key events. Use the following websites for help: 1042 1051 1052 Late 1050’s January 1066 10th September 1066 25th September 1066 14th October 1066 25th December 1066 1070 1076 1078 1085 9th September 1087 26th September 1087 1088 1089 1091 1096 1100
Who ruled England before 1066?
Task: Complete the fact-file, using the teacher hand-out and the following website: Edward the Confessor Background information: Full name: Born: Parents: Date his reign started: Date of Death: Nickname: (give a reason for this) Edward as King! Why did Edward become King in 1042? Who did he marry and why? Why did they have no children? Relations with the Godwin Family! 4. Why did Earl Godwin fall out with Edward? 5. When did the Godwin’s rebel? 6. Which 2 Earls remained loyal to Edward? 7. When were the Godwin family sent away from England into Exile? 8. Who are the Witan? 9.Why did Edward anger the Witan between ? Which 2 people were in charge of Earl Godwin’s army? Edward could not raise and army to fight the Godwin’s what was he forced to do? What did Edward have to give back to the Godwin’s? In 1053, Earl Godwin died, Harold Godwin his son was given what title?
Who had the greatest claim to the throne of England?
Task: Use the information handout or the following website to complete details on the strength and weaknesses of each claim. Claimant Strengths Weaknesses Edgar Aetheling Harald Hardrada William of Normandy Harold Godwinson
Task : Read the information below and answer the questions.
An Uneasy King! Task : Read the information below and answer the questions. Information: Sometimes a King named his own successor, But English and Norman ideas about this were different. This was quite important in the story of 1066. English Customs: The English regarded the dying King’s ‘last words’ as more important than any promises made before that moment. The only way an earlier promise was stronger was if that promise had been made ‘kept’. This means that the current king had crowned their successor and shared the throne with them from that point on. Norman Customs: Things were slightly different in Normandy where earlier promises of the throne were seen as final and they could not be undone later, even on the King’s deathbed. An uneasy King! Edward the Confessor died on 5 January, with Harold at his side, and the very next day on the 6 January 1066, witnessed by prominent nobles Harold was crowned king. He was popular with the English lords. He was soon to be married to Ealdgyth, sister of the powerful Earls Edwin and Morcar, to strengthen his position. He was experienced having practically run England for some time as he was the ‘Sub-regulus, a deputy king who represented Edward in battle. Interpretation C: Adapted from ‘The Norman Conquest’ by N.J.Higham, Sutton Pocket Histories 1998. ‘On his deathbed in the presence of his wife, his steward and the archbishop, Edward nominated Harold as his successor. With William’s candidacy unsupported in England. Tostig in Exile and Edgar inexperienced, Edward had little option but to reinforce the candidacy of his brother in law and sub regulus.’ How do English and Norman customs about the succession differ? When was Harold Godwinson crowned king? Who did he marry and why? What does ‘Sub-Regulus’ mean? Read Interpretation C, and answer the following questions: 5. Who did Edward nominate as his successor? 6. According to Interpretation C, how willing was Edward to nominate Harold?
Source analysis: Task 2: Harold Godwinson supposedly made an oath (promise) to William of Normandy. Complete the source analysis table below. To assess convincing- look at how far you trust the source, Source What does it tell you about the oath? How convincing? Do you trust it? Anglo-Norman historian Oderic Vitalis Harold himself had taken an oath of FEALTY to Duke William of Rouen in the presence of the Norman Nobles, and after becoming his man had sworn on the most sacred relics to carry out all that was required of him. William of Poitiers, 1070s, writing about a meeting between William and Harold Godwinson. When they had come together in conference at Bonneville, Harold in that place swore loyalty to the Duke, And.. he took an oath of his own free will in the following terms: firstly that the would be representative of Duke William at the court of his Lord, King Edward, as long as the King lives; secondly that he would employ all his influence and wealth to ensure that after the death of Edward the kingdom of England should be confirmed in the possession of the Duke. 12
How did Harold Prepare for Battle?
TASK: Use the template below to help you make a spider diagram about how Harold prepared for Battle. How did Harold Prepare for Battle? Navy Army Tostig September 8th. Mid-September Harold marches North
Task: Use the grid to plan the question.
Exam Focus: Explain what was important about William’s preparations for the invasion. (8 marks) How to write it? For this question you need to write: 3 PEEL paragraphs explaining the importance, with at least 1 explaining the wider historical consequences. You should consider the military, political and spiritual preparations. Task: Use the grid to plan the question. Military Preparation Political Preparation Spiritual Preparation.
Exam Focus: Explain what was important about William’s preparations for the invasion. (8 marks) Now have a go! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
…continued ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Please continue on a separate piece of paper if needed. Mark /8 EBI: Tick Write in PEEL Paragraphs Use more key terms. Write about more than one idea and back your answer up with more own knowledge and explanation. Think about the wider Historical Context: What went well: Development Task: Copy the following spellings 3 times, in purple pen into your assessment book:
Harald Hardrada Invades!
Complete the tasks below. Use the following websites to help. Describe the Battle of Fulford Gate in a paragraph. Why did Hardrada win the Battle of Fulford Gate but not Stamford Bridge? Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages he had at both battles. Fulford Gate: Advantages: Disadvantages: Stamford Bridge:
How do we measure whether an interpretation is convincing?
How convincing is Interpretation B about the Battle of Stamford Bridge? Explain your answer using Interpretation B and your contextual Knowledge. (8 marks) How do we measure whether an interpretation is convincing? How does it show what you expect to see? What does it not show what you expect to see? You need to use your contextual knowledge to explain this!!! How do I structure it? You must also be BALANCED! How is it convincing? How is it NOT convincing? And a final JUDGEMENT / Conclusion! What can you see in the picture? Using your own knowledge, how far are you convinced? Convinced Not Convinced
How convincing is Interpretation B about the Battle of Stamford Bridge
How convincing is Interpretation B about the Battle of Stamford Bridge? Explain your answer using Interpretation B and your contextual Knowledge. (8 marks) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 19
…continued ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Please continue on a separate piece of paper if needed. Mark /8 EBI: Tick Give more specific detail to support the interpretation from your contextual knowledge. Explain the other side of the argument, to include how it is / is not convincing. Add a conclusion with your judgment as to how convincing it is. Write in PEEL paragraphs What went well: Development Task: Copy the following spellings 3 times, in purple pen into your assessment book:
The Battle of Hastings Give a definition for these key words. Cavalry
Desertion feigned Fyrd gonfanon Hauberks Housecarl Infantry Knight Lance Mercenary Papal Banner Sheild Wall Thegn Vassal
Why did William win the Battle of Hastings?
Task: Using your knowledge on the Battle of Hastings complete the mind-map below. Harold William Successes: Successes: Mistakes Mistakes Luck:
William establishes control!
Complete the Bingo grid using pages from the Red textbook. Which Chronicle was the Battle of Hastings recorded in? Who was the only Englishman buried? Which portion of England did William control at the end of the battle? What problem did William have with the English Lords? Why did William punish the people of Romney? What did he do to the town? What did William do in Dover? Why was Winchester an important city? Where did Harold’s sons flee to? When did William finally head to London? Which alternative to William did the English support? What concerns meant he soon lost support? When did Edgar and the English nobles travel to Berkhamsted? When was William crowned King? Who crowned him archbishop? Dealing with the English Lords! What happened to English Lords who pledged loyalty to him? Name 3 Earls allowed to use their titles? Who paid to become the Earl of Northumbria in 1068? What did he do with the land o those who died at Hastings? What did he establish across the country to ensure that he was in control? When did he return to Normandy? Who did he leave England in the hands of? Which enemies did he take back to Normandy with him?
Who helped William establish control?
Task: Use the websites below to complete the fact files below. Earl Waltheof Role in 1066: How was he rewarded by William: Role in Rebellions: How did he help William control Death: Bishop Odo Role in 1066: How was he rewarded by William: Role in Rebellions: How did he help William control Death:
Earl Waltheof Dealing with early revolts…
Despite William’s attempt to win over the leading English earls, most of the English hated Norman rule. The Normans were foreign invaders taking over a proud country with a strong identity. Unrest was inevitable. During 1067 small local risings took place. Normans were murdered by resentful Englishmen. Task: Research and complete the fact file on this English Earl. Earl Waltheof Power in Edward the Confessors reign: Title: How did William treat him after Hastings? Role in the Northern rebellion of 1068? What happened in 1070? How was he rewarded in 1072? What happened in 1075? Death:
Rebellions! Task: Research and complete a short fact file on each of the Rebellions. Rebellion: Record key information: 1067 The Welsh Borders 1067 Northumbria 1067 Kent 1068 Edwin and Morcar 1068 The South West.
Now have a go at answering the question!
How convincing is Interpretation C about the way in which William dealt with rebellions? Explain your answer using Interpretation C and your contextual knowledge. (8 marks) Interpretation C Adapted from a history textbook by Toby Purser, 2004; Purser is a specialist in Norman history and his book focusses on how Anglo-Saxon England was transformed into Anglo-Norman England: ‘William put the rebellions down with great brutality; any pretence he had to being the legitimate heir of Edward the Confessor ended during this period. To underpin his occupation he built hundreds of castles across the kingdom, garrisoned by armed mounted troops.’ How do I structure it? You must also be BALANCED! How is it convincing? How is it NOT convincing? And a final JUDGEMENT / Conclusion! Now have a go at answering the question! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please continue on the next page.
…continued ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Please continue on a separate piece of paper if needed. Mark /8 EBI: Tick Give more specific detail to support the interpretation from your contextual knowledge. Explain the other side of the argument, to include how it is / is not convincing. Add a conclusion with your judgment as to how convincing it is. Write in PEEL paragraphs What went well: Development Task: Copy the following spellings 3 times, in purple pen into your assessment book: 27
The Harrying of the North!
The North had always been a difficult area to control, even for the Anglo-Saxon Kings. Having faced rebellion William punished the North. Task: How devastating was the Harrying of the North? You have to read the interpretations and complete the source analysis grid. The Harrying of the North! Interpretation What does it tell you? Provenance ? Who created it, when? Why? A: Adapted from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 1069. ‘ And there came to meet them Prince Edgar and Earl Waltheof and Gospatric with the Nrothumbrians and all the people marching with an immense army rejoicing exceedingly, and so they all went resolutely to York and stormed and razed the castle and captured an incalculable treasure and killed many hundreds of Frenchmen and took many with them to the ships. When the King found out about this he went Northwards with all his army that he could collect, and utterly ravaged and laid waste to that shire. B: Adapted from William the Conqueror’s deathbed confession, recorded in a church history book called The Ecclesisastical History ( ) by Orderic Vitalis. ‘ William fell on the English of the northern shires like a ravening lion. He commanded their houses and corn, with all of their possessions, to be burnt without distinction, and large herds of cattle and beasts of burden to be butchered wherever they were found. And by doing so alas he became the barbarous murderer of many thousands, both young and old, of that fine race of people.’
Task: Use the grid to plan the question.
Exam Focus: Explain what was important about the Harrying of the North for Norman England. (8 marks) How to write it? For this question you need to write: 3 PEEL paragraphs explaining the importance, with at least 1 explaining the wider historical consequences. Task: Use the grid to plan the question. The farming Population The English Earls Other Rebels.
Exam Focus: Explain what was important about the Harrying of the North for Norman England. (8 marks) Now have a go! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
…continued ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Please continue on a separate piece of paper if needed. Mark /8 EBI: Tick Write in PEEL Paragraphs Use more key terms. Write about more than one idea and back your answer up with more own knowledge and explanation. Think about the wider Historical Context: What went well: Development Task: Copy the following spellings 3 times, in purple pen into your assessment book:
Task now answer the questions below:
Interpretation What does it tell you? Provenance ? Who created it, when? Why? C. Simeon of Durham, a local chronicler. ‘At first light the Northumbrians who had banded together burst in through all the gates, and rushed through the whole town killing the Earl’s companions. The house where Cumin was staying was set alight. Some of those inside burned to death, others rushed out through the doors and were cut down. Thus the Earl was killed on 31st January.’ D. From the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. ‘…with all his army that he could collect…utterly ravaged and laid waste that shire.’ Task now answer the questions below: Which interpretation is most convincing ? (Explain your answer). Why did William deal with the North in this Brutal manner?
Hereward the Wake Son of: Birth: Death:
Task: Use the following websites to complete the fact file. Son of: Birth: Death: What land did he hold in the time of Edward the Confessor? Why did Hereward have a grudge against William? Date of Rebellion: Location of Rebellion: Key events of rebellion: Outcome:
Task: Create a storyboard of the Hereward the Wake rebellion.
Hereward had a grudge against William, as they had confiscated his fathers lands and killed his brother. The rebels surrendered and Hereward disappeared.
How do we measure whether an interpretation is convincing?
How convincing is Interpretation A abut the rebellion of Hereward the Wake? Explain your answer using Interpretation A and your own knowledge. (8 marks) How do we measure whether an interpretation is convincing? How does it show what you expect to see? What does it not show what you expect to see? You need to use your contextual knowledge to explain this!!! How do I structure it? You must also be BALANCED! How is it convincing? How is it NOT convincing? And a final JUDGEMENT / Conclusion! Interpretation A: Adapted from The Feudal Kingdom of England by Frank Barlow. Barlow specialises in biographies of medieval figures which use many primary sources: ‘Order was fast returning to the English Kingdom. Only in the fens, where Hereward and his companions in possessions of Ely Abbey, was the country unsubdued. The King decided to suppress this last centre of disaffection. A short campaign based on Cambridge cleaned up the Fens. Hereward escaped and his future actions belong to folklore rather than history.’ Complete the following questions using your own knowledge: What threat did Hereward pose to William? How did William deal with the rebellion? How difficult was it?
How convincing is Interpretation A abut the rebellion of Hereward the Wake? Explain your answer using Interpretation A and your own knowledge. (8 marks) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 37
…continued ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Please continue on a separate piece of paper if needed. Mark /8 EBI: Tick Give more specific detail to support the interpretation from your contextual knowledge. Explain the other side of the argument, to include how it is / is not convincing. Add a conclusion with your judgment as to how convincing it is. Write in PEEL paragraphs What went well: Development Task: Copy the following spellings 3 times, in purple pen into your assessment book:
The Norman Feudal System: LAND AND CONTROL!
Use your hand-out of page 35 of the red textbook, to complete the table. You are looking at CHANGE and CONTINUITY! Land ownership: Similarities between Norman and Anglo-Saxon England. Differences between Norman and Anglo-Saxon England. King: Earls/Barons and Bishops. Thegns Knights Peasants Slaves
Now have a go at answering the question!
Write an account of the ways in which the feudal system changed under the Normans. ( 8 marks) How do I answer this question? Try to link each part of your account to ‘how the system changed’. Write about 2 events / causes and explain their consequences. Ensure you explain how one event / cause links or leads to the next. Possible Changes: Replacing the Anglo-Saxon lords and bishops with Normans. Little change for peasants. William took over much of the land. William ensured knights swore fealty. Military service was more precise. No Lord could get too much land or power. Now have a go at answering the question! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please continue on the next page.
…continued ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Please continue on a separate piece of paper if needed. To Improve. Tick Explain the consequences of the change. Do this twice. Add more detail in the explanation of the event and the consequences of this. Explain two causes and consequences and how they think. Ensure you use paragraphs and add detail. Explain clearly how the two events / causes link. Mark /8 What went well: Development Task: Copy the following spellings 3 times, in purple pen into your assessment book:
William Dies! Task: Write an obituary, this is a memorial for the dead King. Include his main achievements, failing and details of how he died and who he left England to. Think does he deserve the title ‘Conqueror’ what title would your give him? ‘William the…?’
The next inline to the throne!
Research and create a Facebook profile on King William II William II Coronation… __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Key Info: Related to: Date of Reign: Date of Death: 1088, Bishop Odo, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1091 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Ghost of William here… Friends: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Enemies: © Mr Roberts 2016
Unit 2: Life under the Normans
Feudalism and government: roles, rights and responsibilities. Landholding and lordship, land distribution. The Norman and Anglo-Saxon Aristocracies; Justice and the legal system such as ordeals, ‘murdrum, inheritance. Domesday Book, its creation and purpose Medieval village life: work, food, roles, seasonal life, forest law.
Wales and the Marcher Lords
Use the template below and the hand-out (red book page 26-37) to help you make notes Military Control. Military Control Knights Scotland Wales and the Marcher Lords
Task: read page 38 and complete the tasks below!
National Government Task: read page 38 and complete the tasks below! Inheritance: How did inheritance law change between the Anglo-Saxons and the Normans. Anglo-Saxon Inheritance Key changes made under the Normans What qualities were needed to be a good king? How did the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle describe William as? What was William Rufus criticised for? How was Henry regarded as? What 3 powers did the King have: How did William show he had God’s approval? When would the King wear his crown? Who did he rely on to help him run the country and how? What offices could the King grant? How else could the King encourage loyalty? What would happen to un loyal officer? How did William increase the power of his patronage?
Change and Continuity in Government:
Using pages complete the comparison table, to see how life has changed between the Saxons and the Normans. Change Continuity Royal Writs Local government The Legal System
Law and Order TASK: Complete the Comic strip. For each section give a brief description and use Pictionary clues to explain each law or trial. Forest Laws Trial by Ordeal Trial by water Trial by Combat
How far did the court system change under the Normans?
Task: research each court and complete the table. Method of control Anglo-Saxon Norman Changes People who it affected in society. The Kings Court Shire Courts Hundred Courts Lord’s Courts Manor Courts
Now have a go at answering the question!
Write an account of the ways in which law and order changed under the Normans. ( 8 marks) For an 8 mark ‘ account’ question you need to write a structured answer about how law and order changed under the Normans. Focus on cause and consequence, what was it like before and how has it changed. In the box below list all the ways that law and order changed under the Normans. Key changes: Any reason for change: Now have a go at answering the question! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please continue on the next page.
…continued ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Please continue on a separate piece of paper if needed. To Improve. Tick Explain the consequences of the change. Do this twice. Add more detail in the explanation of the event and the consequences of this. Explain two causes and consequences and how they think. Ensure you use paragraphs and add detail. Explain clearly how the two events / causes link. Mark /8 What went well: Development Task: Copy the following spellings 3 times, in purple pen into your assessment book: 51
What did a Norman village look like?
Task: Draw and label a diagram of the open field system. In the scroll write a brief description of how it worked. The open field System: Research the responsibilities in the village and write a speech bubble explaining each of their jobs. Reeve. Baliff Priest Miller
Task: A year in the life of a peasant
Task: A year in the life of a peasant. The BBC website for KS3 on the seasonal life of peasant has crashed. Below design a webpage. Include: Time off, Food and drink, work and jobs in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
So …2 events / causes and explain their consequences.
Write an account of the ways in which town life changed under the Normans. (8 marks) Think about what has changed and what remained the same. Name Norman towns as specific examples and write about how they developed under the Normans and the growth of trade and fairs. Think which trades led to the most change. Include ideas on : Salt, Metalwork, Wool and Guilds. So …2 events / causes and explain their consequences. Ensure you explain how one event / cause links or leads to the next. Now have a go at answering the question! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Please continue on the next page.
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How far did the Norman Conquest change everyday life?
Below make a list of change and continuity. Include examples of the following changes: Land, Language, Castles, New Laws Change: Continuity: Peasants Aristocracy Overall, how much did life really change? Write your answer here
So …2 events / causes and explain their consequences.
Write an account of the ways in which life in England changed under the Normans. (8 marks) Think about what has changed and what remained the same. Who felt the change more the peasants or the aristocracy? How much had changed? Use your list on the last page to help you! So …2 events / causes and explain their consequences. Ensure you explain how one event / cause links or leads to the next. Now have a go at answering the question! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Please continue on the next page.
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Unit 3: The Norman Church and Monasticism.
Learnt in lesson Revised The Church: Archbishop Lanfranc and reform of the English church; organisation and courts. Church/state relations: William II and the church. The wealth of the church Relations with the Papacy, the investiture control. Monasticism: the Cluniac Reforms, monastic life, learning, schools and education and Latin usage and the vernacular.
What were the roles of the Church in Norman England?
Task: Your task is to find out how religious people were in Norman times. Complete the spider diagram using pages in the red textbook. What were the roles of the Church in Norman England? Economics Law Politics Education Health Role of the Priest
How do we measure whether an interpretation is convincing?
How convincing is Interpretation B about the role of the Norman Church? Explain your answer using Interpretation B and your contextual Knowledge. (8 marks) How do we measure whether an interpretation is convincing? How does it describe what you expect? What does it not mention that you would expect? You need to use your contextual knowledge to explain this!!! How do I structure it? You must also be BALANCED! How is it convincing? How is it NOT convincing? And a final JUDGEMENT / Conclusion! Interpretation B. From the Feudal Kingdom of England, by Frank Barlow, 1999. ‘ Church laws were still under royal supervision, and although the church was allowed its own law and its own courts, the king was the judge of the limits of Church power.’ What does it tell us about who controlled the Church? What do you know about the role of the church that it doesn’t tell you ? Using your own knowledge, how far are you convinced? Convinced Not Convinced
Now have a go at answering the question!
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How did William reform the Church?
Task: Write a definition for the following words. Simony: Pluralism: Reform: Nepotism: Why did William reform the Church in England? Task: Complete the table by listing the reforms in the right column below. Change that benefitted William Changes that brought the English Church in line with Rome. Changes that enabled the church to help run the country
Key People Profiles! Arch Bishop Lanfranc
Date of Birth: Date of Death: Early Career: Why was he exiled by William? What role did he play in 1066? When did he become Arch Bishop? What rebellion did help to stop in 1075? When did he help William Rufus secure the throne? Draw a cartoon strip below to tell the story of Lanfranc versus Thomas use page 57 in the red book.
What key reforms did Lanfranc make?
Use page 58 in the red textbook and 65 in the pink textbook to complete the table on reforms. Area Reform Church Hierarchy Organisation: Dioceses. The Parish Priest Moving Cathedrals Bishops Legal issues Synods
Now have a go at answering the question!
Write an account of Lanfranc’s reforms to the Church in England. ( 8 marks) How do I answer this question? Try to link each part of your account to ‘ the reforms in the Church’. Write about 2 reforms/ causes and explain their consequences. Ensure you explain how one event / cause links or leads to the next. Make a list of reforms that Lanfranc made: Now have a go at answering the question! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please continue on the next page.
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Exam Focus: Explain what was important about the Norman reforms of the Church. (8 marks) Helpful Hints!: Think about the relationship between the Norman and English Churches. William made a number of different reform for different reasons. You could think about reforms that improved the way the Church was run; reforms that improved the situation for William; and reforms that reflected changes he had already made in Normandy. Now have a go … ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
…continued ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Please continue on a separate piece of paper if needed. Mark /8 EBI: Tick Write in PEEL Paragraphs Use more key terms. Write about more than one idea and back your answer up with more own knowledge and explanation. Think about the wider Historical Context: What went well: Development Task: Copy the following spellings 3 times, in purple pen into your assessment book:
Bob the Builder! William set out a major building programme, and the most visible change made by the Normans in Cathedrals. Research Durham Cathedral and create a facile or detailed poster about the Norman Church .
Why did William II come into Conflict with the church?
Read page 60 in the Red textbook and complete the Myth Busters. If it is true, add detail, if the statement is false, correct it! Myth T/F Archbishop Lancfranc helped William Rufus secure the succession. Lanfrance anointed William on the 26th October 1086 Rufus was genuinely religious unlike his father. The church disapproved of William Rufus’s morals. There was a rebellion against Rufus in 1088. The Bishop of Saint-Calais helped Rufus to put down the rebellion. The Bishop of Saint-Calais was tried in the church courts. Saint- Calais trial took place in November 1088, he was found not guilty. Key People Profile: Archbishop Anselm ( ) What did he join in 1060? What job did he get in 1063? What did he write books about? When was he summoned to England and why? Who did Anselm quarrel with? How many occasions was he banished on?
Anselm versus Rufus! Task: Research the quarrel between Anselm and Rufus and create a storyboard, cartoon or newspaper article below. If your stuck use page 60 in the Red textbook.
How did the Church view William Rufus?
Task: You are a supporter of Anselm and hate Rufus. Rufus is dead and you are writing an obituary on Richard’s relations with the church. Use the following headings to help: Control of the church, Morals of the Court, Using the Church for profit.
Exam Focus: Explain what was important about William II’s relationship with the Church and how it affected his time in power. (8 marks) Now have a go! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
…continued ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Please continue on a separate piece of paper if needed. Mark /8 EBI: Tick Write in PEEL Paragraphs Use more key terms. Write about more than one idea and back your answer up with more own knowledge and explanation. Think about the wider Historical Context: What went well: Development Task: Copy the following spellings 3 times, in purple pen into your assessment book:
Religious Terms Task: You need to learn these words, write a definition for each so that you can use them confidently in your writing. P77 in the Red textbook will help you! Abbot: Abbess: Bishops: Blaspheming: Celibacy: Clergy: Consecrated: Excommunication: Last rites: Lay investiture: Monasticism: Pallia Papacy: Penance: Primacy: Hierarchy: Romanesque: Shrine: Secular: Surplice fees: Simony: Synods: Vernacular:
What was the relationship of the King’s with the Pope?
Task: The Pope’s authority had no geographical limits. Even kings were supposed to obey him but this led to Conflict with the Norman Kings. Research the relationship between the 3 Kings: William I, William Rufus and Henry I. Complete a little fact-file on each. The relationship between the Pope and William I: Declining relations under Pope Gregory: The relationship between the Pope and William Rufus: The relationship between the Pope and Henry I: The Investiture Controversy:
Exam Focus: Explain what was important about Simony in Norman England
Exam Focus: Explain what was important about Simony in Norman England. (8 marks) Now have a go! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
…continued ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Please continue on a separate piece of paper if needed. Mark /8 EBI: Tick Write in PEEL Paragraphs Use more key terms. Write about more than one idea and back your answer up with more own knowledge and explanation. Think about the wider Historical Context: What went well: Development Task: Copy the following spellings 3 times, in purple pen into your assessment book:
Monasticism and Language!
Fact File: The Order of St. Benedict Where was St. Benedict Born? Where did he study? Where did he found a monastery? Explain the 4 vows: Poverty: Chasity: Obedience: Stability: What is a novice? Task: Write a diary extract to explain a day in the life of a monk.
Task: Have a go at the interpretation analysis.
How convincing is Interpretation C about monastic life in Norman England? Explain your answer using Interoperation C and your contextual knowledge. (8 marks) Task: Have a go at the interpretation analysis. Remember to use your detailed knowledge to support or contradict what the source suggests about monastic life in Norman England. ACTIVITY: What is happening? Was this normal? ENVIRONMENT: 3. Where is this happening? 4. Is this an accurate representation? PEOPLE: 5. Is the monks’ appearance convincing? Scriptorium of a Monastery from the Book ‘The Church of England: A History for the People published c
…continued ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Please continue on a separate piece of paper if needed. Mark /8 EBI: Tick Give more specific detail to support the interpretation from your contextual knowledge. Explain the other side of the argument, to include how it is / is not convincing. Add a conclusion with your judgment as to how convincing it is. Write in PEEL paragraphs What went well: Development Task: Copy the following spellings 3 times, in purple pen into your assessment book:
Educating England! Timeline of Education in England before the Normans. Use the pink book pages to create your own timeline. 43 AD 400 AD AD AD 990 AD Task: Look at the timeline can you identify key turning points in education.
How successful were the Normans in reforming the monasteries?
Task: Complete the table below giving examples of success and failure. Then rate the Normans overall success, 1= poor and 5= average and 10= outstanding. Area Success Failure Grade Revival of monasticism Changes to monastic life Improvements to education Changes to the language
Exam Focus: Explain the importance of the monasteries in Norman England. (8 marks) Now have a go!
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Now have a go at answering the question!
Write an account of the ways in which education changed under the Normans. (8 marks) How do I answer this question? Try to link each part of your account to ‘how education changed’. Write about 2 key educational changes/ causes and explain their consequences. Ensure you explain how one change links or leads to the next. You could think about: What was education like before the Normans; who received it and where; and in what language. You could also consider how important individuals changed education. Think about the grammar schools. Now have a go at answering the question! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
…continued ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Please continue on a separate piece of paper if needed. To Improve. Tick Explain the consequences of the change. Do this twice. Add more detail in the explanation of the event and the consequences of this. Explain two causes and consequences and how they think. Ensure you use paragraphs and add detail. Explain clearly how the two events / causes link. Mark /8 What went well: Development Task: Copy the following spellings 3 times, in purple pen into your assessment book:
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