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Whats New Whats New Which Markets Which Markets Why Success Why Success Why DECT Forum Why DECT Forum DECT News & Views Presented by Peter BERWING, Chairman.

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Presentation on theme: "Whats New Whats New Which Markets Which Markets Why Success Why Success Why DECT Forum Why DECT Forum DECT News & Views Presented by Peter BERWING, Chairman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Whats New Whats New Which Markets Which Markets Why Success Why Success Why DECT Forum Why DECT Forum DECT News & Views Presented by Peter BERWING, Chairman of the Board DECT Forum

2 Regulation New terminal directive in force in April 2000 : R&TTE (Radio & Telecommunication Terminal Directive) Regulation restricted to harmonised standards (essential requirements) and spectrum matters All quality aspects e.g. interoperability need to be covered by voluntary agreements, testing and certification DECT Forum is committed to ensure and maintain DECT quality Close cooperation with ETSI is established DECT Forum supported ERC decision to allocate 10 MHz for license excempt use in the initial 3G UMTS band Whats New Whats New

3 Standardization Main focus on new standards for data and multimedia applications DPRS (DECT Packet Radio Service) Packet based data profile Supports Ethernet, Token Ring, IP, Point to Point protocol, V.24 Provides Interoperability DMAP (DECT Multimedia Access Profile) - Combines GAP and DPRS to a versatile Multimedia Profile DECT data rates up to 2 Mbit/s (8 level-PSK) DECT included in the WAP (Wireless Access Protocol) specification as a WAP carrier DECT adopted as a 3G Radio Technology within ITU´s IMT 2000 family Whats New Whats New

4 Standardization (contd) Future tasks: Finalization on test specifications for DPRS and DMAP providing interoperability USB over DECT DECT in the ISM band (2,4 GHz) following FCC decision on modified use co-existence with other radio technologies DECT and IMT 2000 Input to ITU-T regarding protocols and services Whats New Whats New

5 Global Trend is GROWTH ! Which Markets Which Markets

6 Residential 1999: 18 Million terminals 1999: 1.2 million lines WLL 1999: 800.000 terminals shipped Business Million Lines Global Trend is GROWTH ! Which Markets Which Markets

7 Business & Corporate Installed base of almost 100´000 multicell systems DECT accounts for almost 100% of cordless business solutions Addition of messaging in existing infrastructure Integral business mobility functions ( DECT/GSM ) Which Markets Which Markets

8 Residential Installed based of over 40 million terminals 59% of residential cordless market is DECT based Europe still accounts for over 90% of the residential DECT market, but with strong growth elsewhere, this share will be only 70% by 2004 DECT penetration in German households is over 80% Which Markets Which Markets

9 Fixed Wireless Access Flexibility on Frequency Bands: DECT FWA can also operate in the 3.5 GHz band (e.g. Argentina, El Salvador); DECT technology : extended range up to 15 km DECT systems combined with V-SAT and/or PMP : coverage up to several hundred kms Advanced services facing the wireless Internet challenge: 56 kbit/s (V.90) using double slot and LU7 service; ISDN BRA; packet mode (DPRS- based) soon. New market wins in Latin America & China Fast and Reliable Deployment: largest WLL deployed and operating networks world-wide (South Africa, Indonesia, Egypt, Poland, China, Turkey, Colombia...) Newcomers on the WLL market Which Markets Which Markets

10 1998 :DECT leads Wireless market with installed lines 1999 DECT FWA leads with installed lines world-wide DECT 32 % Other Digital Cellular 8% GSM 10% Proprietary 18% PMP 14% Other Cordless 12% Analogue Cellular 6% Other Digital Cellular 11.3% GSM 5% Proprietary 21% DECT 34.7 % PMP 15% Other Cordless 10% Analogue Cellular 3% DECT FWA Positioning Today Which Markets Which Markets

11 Data & Multimedia Strong growth of wireless data expected in all corporate, residential and WLL markets Today: Value added applications like Cable replacement Barcode readers Point of Sale terminals Tomorrow: Mobile Multimedia LAN connectivity Wireless video conferencing Wireless Internet access data speeds up to 2 Mbit/s Which Markets Which Markets

12 Projected Traffic Growth 200020012002200320042005 Source: Analysis Data Voice Merging Voice & Data Which Markets Which Markets

13 Merging Voice & Data In mobile networks, volume of data traffic will exceed voice traffic from year 2004 onwards Internet access is the key volume driver; IP assumed as the main protocol for multimedia applications Other important growth areas Local networking of terminals e.g. PCs, printers, scanners... Connectivity between devices and modules Messaging DECT is perfectly suited to support todays and future voice (GAP), data (DPRS) and multimedia applications (DMAP) Which Markets Which Markets

14 dual mode phones GSM/DECT dual mode phones available from several suppliers available DECT modules available Merging DECT Merging of voice and data DECT Developments Which Markets Which Markets

15 Why DECT is successful An open and flexible low power radio technology Suitable for Residential Cordless, Wireless Enterprise Systems and Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) Optimized range for most residential and business applications For FWA with directive antennas range is up to 15 km Incorporates all necessary extensions for multi- cellular structures to cover bigger areas Standardized encryption Exclusive frequency band in most countries; robust against interference Spectrum available in over 110 countries worldwide Why Success Why Success

16 Why DECT is successful (contd) Today : 45 million DECT terminals mainly for voice applications Excellent voice quality (32 kbit/s ADPCM) Future is voice, data and multimedia Variety of data profiles already in place New profiles DPRS and DMAP suit fastest growing applications and provide interoperability Flexible data rates up to 2 Mbit/s High volume production allows for competitive costs Future-proof : accepted by ITU as an IMT 2000 technology Why Success Why Success

17 45 million DECT lines & terminals in 99 Over 200 DECT different products available on the market, on the market, growing every day growing every day DECT Data products already operating operating DECT accepted in over 110 countries Continuousdouble-digitGROWTH DECTbelongs to IMT 2000 DECT fulfils requirements of ITU for 3G applications DECT perfectly suits DATA & Multimedia DECT Success Keys Why Success Why Success

18 Interactive Co-operation & Promotion DECT: a future-oriented standard DECTForum Board & WorkingGroups Suppliers Operators Users ETSI CITEL CEPT Others Inter-working with Key Bodies Why DECT Forum Why DECT Forum

19 DATA Products for Today DECT Forum Members have exhibited DATA demos at the DECT 2000 Congress-Rome Transmission of still pictures by ALPS A wireless PDA for real-time corporate information by Ericsson A wireless ISDN system by RTX A wireless video conference system by RTX Combined cordless speech and data transmission by Siemens Barcode reader with wireless connection to a PC by URMET Why DECT Forum Why DECT Forum

20 Get in Touch and Join us ! Why DECT Forum Why DECT Forum

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