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Tableau Makes Data COOL!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Tableau Makes Data COOL!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tableau Makes Data COOL!!!

2 Tableau at AACC July 2016 - Tableau in Cloud –
Limited number of users July 2017 – Tableau on AACC server College wide access - every employee can have access Power Users across the campus Transformed discussions on enrollment – into action discussions at all levels

3 TABLEAU is Efficiency tool Transforming the culture of the college
Less time doing paper reports More time for the fun stuff Transforming the culture of the college Engaging and less threatening way for campus access to data Increases-encourages data based decisions Makes Research Analysts (and End Users) HAPPY

4 BY End of FY 18 Issue No more paper reports on applicants, enrollment, retention, financial aid, course outcomes, graduates and awards

5 Data Based Decision Making FY 18 and beyond
Transforming Enrollment Management Discussions Releasing new data - not previously available Supporting discussions and decisions that are informed by data Responding to new directions or initiatives Linking and transforming Fact data into Action data Tableau used by multiple offices for a variety of issues Training to empower users across campus

6 Documenting our Strategic Plan
Scorecards to report status of Activities on our College Plan Lead and Lag Measures for each KPI

7 By FY 20 -- In the Moment Analysis
Use Tableau to: Explore direct connection to Colleague data Conduct in the moment response to data questions Data files developed and power users trained to use data to address questions in real time

8 Before Tableau Flat files are our data sources
Our processes were time consuming ran SPSS syntax to create tables, pasted them into Excel, and “pretty” them up for distribution Turned them into presentations Loaded reports onto the College Intranet

9 With Tableau Less effort to update They are INTERACTIVE
Easier for user to see Minimizes the number of tables – uses filters Power in more hands IR time is spent differently Now on development of new ways to share data Enhancing


11 FTE Tracker - Before Tableau
Fiscal Year 2017 FTE by Academic Term 10/26/2017 FY 2017 FTE Headcount^ Term FTE to Date Budget FTE Goal % to Term Goal # FTE to Goal PRIOR YEAR FTE % CHANGE FINAL** Current Headcount Prior Year Headcount Summer* T2/T3 2016 344 334 102.8% 10 2.9% YES 5,202 5,296 -1.8% Fall 2016 3,834 4,121 93.0% -287 4,118 -6.9% 13,904 14,689 -5.3% Winter 2017 125 130 96.2% -5 127 -1.6% 1,218 1,269 -4.0% Spring 2017ⱡ 3,375 3,638 92.8% -263 3,541 -4.7% 12,345 12,857 Summer T1* 2017 393 510 77.1% -117 409 -3.9% 1,963 1,964 -0.1% FY 2017 TOTAL 8,733 Please note: FTE numbers are rounded to whole numbers for display purposes, calculations are based upon actuals ⱡ Between Spring 2016 and Spring 2017, refinements occurred in the processing to count FTE, impacting the time sensitive comparison of FTE. ^ Fall, Spring and Summer headcount numbers are updated weekly until 20% date * headcount includes T1, T2/3 sessions for summer **Term FTE numbers are not completely finalized until the end of the fiscal year NCD- no comparable data for previous year

12 FTE Tracker – After Tableau
Demonstration – FTE Tracker Dashboard File Structure (2 Files: Target & Actual) BenchmarkSubtype BenchmarkType Term BenchmarkIndex (Target Only) Registration FTE Benchmark (Target Only) AACC 2017FA bench10 1-May-17 382.2 10% Business and Law School 42.4 Continuing Education and Workforce Development 11.5 Health Sciences 45.4 Liberal Arts 192.1 Science and Technology 90.6 ''

13 Engagement Matters: Pathways to Completion
We begin with the term “Engagement” because we know that the most effective way to ensure students complete their certificate or degree is to have them establish strong and meaningful relationships with faculty and staff. We need to be “student ready” evidencing a commitment to meet all students “where they are” as they start their educational journey at AACC. Dr. Dawn Lindsay, president Anne Arundel Community College

14 College Plan Scorecard
Mockup Demonstration Dashboard

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