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Leadership Theory #2: Hersey-Blanchard Situational Model

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1 Leadership Theory #2: Hersey-Blanchard Situational Model

2 Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Model
“Leaders should adjust their styles based on the maturity (or readiness) of their followers.” Readiness — how able, willing and confident followers are in performing tasks.

3 Contingency Approach: Hersey and Blanchard Situational Model
Considers Leader Behaviors (Task and Relationship) Assumes leaders can change their behaviors Considers Followers as the Situation Follower task maturity (ability and experience) Follower psychological maturity (willingness to take responsibility) Assumptions Leaders can and should change their style to fit their followers’ degree of readiness (willingness and ability) Therefore, it is possible to train leaders to better fit their style to their followers.

4 Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory
Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) A contingency theory that focuses on followers’ readiness; the more “ready” the followers (the more willing and able) the less the need for leader support and supervision. LOW Amount of Follower Readiness HIGH Amount of Leader Support & Supervision Required HIGH LOW

5 Maturity Level vs. Leadership Style
Most Appropriate Leadership Style M1: Low maturity S1: Telling/directing M2: Medium maturity, limited skills S2: Selling/coaching M3: Medium maturity, higher skills but lacking confidence S3: Participating/supporting M4: High maturity S4: Delegating

6 H-B Situational Leadership Relationship Behavior
Participating (S3) Do it with them just to make sure Selling (S2) Persuade them to be on the team High Relationship Behavior Delegating (S4) Hand it over – it will get done Telling (S1) Give tasks and monitor closely Low Low High Task Behavior

7 Which Leadership Style is Best?

8 Situation #1 You're about to leave for an extended holiday, and your tasks will be handled by an experienced colleague. He's very familiar with your responsibilities, and after some discussion he is warming up to the idea of taking on extra responsibility. Which H-B leadership style will you use?

9 Situation #1 S2 or Selling Leadership Style would be most appropriate
Why? He knows what he is doing, and he is ready and willing to do the job.

10 Situation #2 You've just been put in charge of leading a new team. It's your first time working with these people. As far as you can tell, they have some of the necessary skills to reach the department's goals, but not all of them. The good news is that they're excited and willing to do the work. Which H-B leadership style will you use?

11 Situation #2 S3 or Participation Leadership Style would be most appropriate. Why? They have some of the skills & they are ready and willing to work. You coach them through the project's goals, pushing and teaching where necessary, but largely leaving them to make their own decisions.

12 Situation #3 You are a history teacher at Woodland Christian High School. You will be missing several days of your class and Mr. Goossen has been assigned to cover your history classes. Which H-B leadership style will you use?

13 Situation #3 S4 or Delegating leadership would be most appropriate in this case. Goossen is experienced and knows the subject matter Would be more fulfilling for him as well to be able to teach a class, rather than just supervise.

14 Situation #4 You are a manager at a local fast food restaurant. You have just hired a new grade 12 student to work for you. They have limited experience in the fast food industry but have never worked with your company. Which H-B leadership style will you use?

15 Situation #4 S1 or Telling leadership would be most appropriate in this case. While they have some experience, they have never worked for you before. Because customer service and efficiency is at the top of your priority list, you want to make sure you do everything necessary to ensure the new worked is fully trained.

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