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Poppa’s New Pants Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Poppa’s New Pants Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poppa’s New Pants Vocabulary

2 uproar noisy excitement and confusion

3 plaid having a pattern of stripes that cross each other

4 pattern a repeated design or decoration

5 fabric cloth

6 draped hung loosely in folds Peter’s pants were draped over
the hangar.

7 hem to fold back and sew down the edges of something
Aunt Mary is going to put a hem in my blue skirt.

8 brother-in-law the man who is married to your sister
My mom and dad were visiting with my mom’s brother-in-law.

9 mended repaired by sewing; fixed The rip in my sister’s dress
needed to be mended.

10 pallet bed or mattress on the floor

11 crouched sat low to the floor or ground

12 wheezed breathed hard with a whistling sound
Harry’s uncle wheezed as he completed his exercise routine.

13 rustling a quick, soft, fluttering sound We heard the rustling of the
leaves as the breeze blew them to the ground.

14 mustering gathering together enough courage or strength
Mrs. Tyler was muster- ing up the strength to knock on the strangers door.

15 dozed off fell into a light sleep

16 armadillo an animal with a hard shell that may roll up into a ball if attacked

17 limbs arms and legs

18 haunting a ghostly visit

19 scurried moved around hurriedly

20 sanctuary the main room of a place of worship

21 knickers short, loose pants gathered below the knee

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