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Shalom/Salaam: A personal Palestinian Perspective Salaam: A Muslim Perspective

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2 Shalom/Salaam: A personal Palestinian Perspective Salaam: A Muslim Perspective
12/10/2016 Wed 2nd period Peace Studies Akane NAKAMURA/Hiroko SAIJO/Yuka KUSATAKE

3 Introduction(Hiroko)
Agenda Introduction(Hiroko) How to approach peace(Akane) Al-muthanna(Yuka)

4 What do you think about it?
Muslim What do you think about it?

5 Muslim

6 Muslim “Culture” Complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of the society.(Edward Taylor 1870, ”Primitive Culture. The line between culture and religion is blurred. There can be no single and homogeneous ‘Muslim culture’

7 Muslim=a person whose religion is Islam
Establishment: Around 610- Messenger(The Prophet): Muhammad God: Allah Scriptures: Old Testament, Qur’an Sacred places: Jerusalem, Mecca, Medina Place of worship: Mosque Doctrine Absolute obedience to Allah Abide by Shari’a People who believe Allah are saved

8 Islam-Doctrine People who believe Allah are saved
No discrimination against nationality, rank, ethnicity, gender

9 Islam- Doctrine Absolute obedience to Allah Five Pillars of Islam

10 Islam- Doctrine Shari’a Ibadaht Muamalat Abide by Shari’a
The source of Shari’a: Qur’an, Hadith, Ijma’, Qiyas fard (obligatory), mustahabb (recommended), mubah (neutral), makruh (discouraged), and haraam (forbidden) Shari’a Ibadaht Muamalat

11 Arab vs Judea Religious conflict or Political conflict?
Jewish built strong county on Palestine →but Assyria and Neo-Babylonia were more stronger The era of Ottoman Empire (Muslim) →Millet After Second World War… →Founding Israel

12 The concept of peace from the perspective of Muslim

13 Islamic approaches to peace
Power Politics: Peace through Coercive Power World Order: Peace through the Power of Law Conflict Resolution: Peace through the Power of Communication Nonviolence: Peace through Will power Transformation: Peace through the Power of Love Islamic approaches to peace

14 Islamic approaches to peace
A positive state of safety and security with individual, surroundings and God What is the meaning of Salam? Salam= Peace individual quest for peace harmony for one’s self regardless of their races, colours or genders Inner peace and harmony in the life of every individual Social cohesion in the community Treatment of tensions and conflicts Islamic approaches to peace

15 Islamic approaches to peace
Power Politics: Peace through Coercive Power World Order: Peace through the Power of Law Conflict Resolution: Peace through the Power of Communication Nonviolence: Peace through Will power Transformation: Peace through the Power of Love Islamic approaches to peace

16 Islamic approaches to peace
Negative peace absence of violence of all kinds Positive peace a cooperate system beyond “passive peaceful coexistence” Sulh Salaam

17 The common Islamic principles The value constitutes Salaam
Universality Dignity of life Patience Mediation and arbitration Justice Jihad Self-defence Oppression and injustice The common Islamic principles The value constitutes Salaam Positive peace Negative peace

18 War and Peace in Islamic
A positive state of safety and security with individual, surroundings and God Offensive approach Defensive approach Nonviolent approach -fight against the injustice and for resolving conflicts with forgiveness & Patience War and Peace in Islamic

19 Concept of the Al-muthanna
-the reason why it’s difficult to keep it currently-

20 Arabic and English these words are not controlled by English---British
Individual, privacy, education, nationalism, and nation-state. Individual →Fard A person out of many persons who belongs to a certain group these words are not controlled by English---British the culture as language is totally different between Europe and Islam

21 Palestinian perspective of peace
What is the meaning of ‘al-muthanna’? Special relationship between two people No legal relation Not couple It would be harmonious coexistence or kyosei. →it could be positive or negative Inner harmony Traditional treasure culture

22 Love your neighbor and love God
Eastern Christianity and Islam –according to chapter 7 Munir Fashen- Christian Love your neighbor and love God Islam ‘Religion is how people treat one another’ –prophet( Muhammad)-

23 Conflict within the country because of the British
After Second World War, British concord Palestinian →established progress, governance, rights, peace, and development 1993 they have peace agreement is empty -peace in a zoo- Huge GAP between the system and real ground

24 Discussion topic How do you think about the separation of religion and politics? Should it excite all over the world?, Is it connecting peace? How we approach the true Al-muthanna? Peace from “Muslim perspective” is negative peace or positive peace?

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