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Experimenting with Electronic Commerce on the PalmPilot

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Presentation on theme: "Experimenting with Electronic Commerce on the PalmPilot"— Presentation transcript:

1 Experimenting with Electronic Commerce on the PalmPilot
Neil Daswani, Dan Boneh, Stanford University

2 Trade-offs Vs. SmartCards no tamper resistance
no cryptographic accelerators direct line of communication with user more processing power more memory

3 Trade-offs Vs. Desktops less memory less processing power portable

4 Cryptographic Primitives
* DES, SHA-1, RSA figures obtained with SSLeay * ECC-DSA figures obtained with Certicom Security Builder Toolkit

5 E-Commerce on a PDA Small payments ($5 -> $50)
Target Application: Pony Vending Machine Pre-pay Vendor-specific Where to start? PayWord (Rivest, Shamir)

6 PDA-PayWord PalmPilot implementation of PayWord
Minimize cryptographic operations Minimize storage requirements

7 PDA-PayWord: Withdrawal
Yk {Yk, k, d, vid}SECC-DSA(User) User’s Wallet Bank Pre-Paid? Yes HCC= {Yk, k, d, exp,vid}SRSA (Bank)

8 PDA-PayWord: Purchase
Yk User’s Wallet Yk-i+1 Yk-i Yk-i, i, HCC Yk-i Y1 Vendor Y0

9 PDA-PayWord: Withdrawal Timings
Note: d = 5

10 PDA-PayWord: Purchase Timings
(First time $1.50 buy)

11 Conclusions / Summary PDA = portable commerce device w/o tamper resistance Suitable for small payments Commerce protocols can be adapted Example: PDA-PayWord leverages best of ECC and RSA Acknowledgements: Andrew Toy & Certicom

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