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Teaching Defensive Skills
Defense is all about player reactions. You just train'em like seals.
Four Phases of Contact (Safety Instruction)
1st Week to end of season Safety Briefs (continuous reminders) Instruct players on how to wear equipment and maintain equipment so that it keeps them safe; helmet, shoulder pads, body pads, and shoes as well as mouth pieces. Instruct players on keeping all their joints bent so that if contact is made they will bend naturally and reduce the chance of injury. Instruct players to keep their heads up and out of contact to reduce concussion injuries and spinal injures. There must not be any allowance for the head dropping or being part of contact. Pull players from drills and provide additional reinforcement. Don’t be afraid to send a player home for disobeying this rule. This is on going and these reminders should be given at every drill and at every phase of teaching.
Four Phases of Contact (Technical Instruction)
Week 1 (2 to 6 practices) Teaching basic techniques of blocking and tackling Close quarters to reduce force on contact. Walk through to ½ speed when doing player on player. ½ to full speed when doing player on dummy. Achieve as many well executed reps as possible. At first reps will look ugly. Keep fixing the biggest problems first. (stance, get off, all out effort) Do lots of non-contact aggression drills to foster confidence and positive experiences while being aggressive.
Four Phases of Contact (Technical Mastery)
Week 2 (3 to 10 practices) Fine tuning basic techniques of blocking and tackling (LEG progression for us). Increase distance to increase force on contact. ½ speed to full speed when doing player on player. Working on technique still so short whistle to control drill. Full speed when doing player on dummy. Achieve as many well executed reps as possible. Technique for the vast majority of players should look clean. Keep fixing the minor mistakes and work on players that are not up to speed.
Four Phases of Contact – Unleashing the Horde
Week 3 (6 to 15 practices) Always review stance and progression prior to full contact/full speed reps. All players are expected to hit at full speed, violently as possible so that they defeat the player in front of them. Whether you are a tackler, blocker, or ball carrier. Control the drills with the whistle. Constantly check for proper stance, form and execution. Player Safety is #1 Priority!
Tackling is the most visible attribute a defensive player can display
Tackling is the most visible attribute a defensive player can display. It does not matter how fast the player can run, how hard he can hit, how great a pass rusher or pass defender he is, without the ability to tackle with confidence and control, he will not be considered a great player. Tackling
Tackling Axioms: there are certain physical constants in outstanding tackling that we must always emphasize Chest and eyes up Low pad level Bend the knees Eyes to the ball Strike on the rise Explode the hips Wrap arms and dig fingers into cloth (Eagle Claw) Drive feet and square hips Takeaways – Any situation, attack the ball and get it out of the ball carrier’s hands Big hit Strip or tip Eyes to ball The form Tackle Close on the ball carrier with proper attack angle Gather in the open field and lower pad level (come to balance) If not in the open field, attack on the rise with low pad level and attack through the ball carrier Eyes up and explode across the bow (unless it is a sideline tackle) Explode with hip extension up and through the ball carrier Wrap arms up in a bear hug and dig fingers into cloth and squeeze ball carrier Drive hips in a position between the defender and the goal line we are defending
Non-Contact Drills
Non-Contact Drills Tire War Tug of War Dummy Flip Competition Dummy Lateral Pursuit Drill Dummy Tackling Competition
Single Side Lateral Pursuit Drill
Objective: Teach the defender how to take a proper angle on the runner as he attacks the perimeter and to make a safe and aggressive tackle prior to or as he passes the dummy. Key Points: The coach will use two dummies and two cones. One dummy will be placed on the LOS as a barrier between the runner and the defender with a cone two to four yards from the barrier dummy and a dummy (simulating a runner) six to ten yards away. The runner cone will be five to seven yards from the barrier dummy. On GO the runner will cross over step and sprint past the runner dummy and go vertical up field and the defender must maintain inside leverage and stay square and mirror the depth of the runner. The tackle must tackle the dummy before the runner gets by it. Notes: This drill is set up to teach an aggressive inside leverage pursuit to our MIKE backer and to defend coming down hill from the inside to attack the ball. It is a great lateral pursuit drill that teaches defenders to attack down hill and make a good BIT THE PIT/HIP tackle. You can immediately see who will make that tackle on the ball.
Single Side Lateral Pursuit Drill
Objective: To reinforce good BGO and Tackling techniques as well as being able to change directions, buzz feet, and make a good aggressive tackle. This is very competitive drill that allows players to be aggressive as well against bags. Key Points Coaches align two players facing two bags each that are 5 yards apart and being held by players. There is one additional bag behind each pair that is 10 yards deep. On GO from a 3 point stance both players will BGO and at the players approach the bags the coach will point left or right to indicate which bag the players will break towards , buzz feet, and tackle. They will immediately recover, get up, and attack the last bag and make a tackle. First to get to both bags wins. Note: You can do 3 bags on the first level. You can add an obstacle course of cones and bags to get over and around before approaching first tackle target. You can add a obstacle course on the back side. You can add a shed component for each of them with a player using a shield that the player must rip/swim through first. C
Read & Lateral Pursuit Drill
Objective: Teach the defender how to read the ball and take a proper angle on the runner as he attacks the perimeter and to make a safe and aggressive tackle prior to or as the runner passes the dummy. Key Points: The coach will use three dummies and four cones. Two dummies will be placed on the LOS as a barrier between the runner and the defender with a cone two to four yards from the barrier dummy on each side and a dummy (simulating a runner) six to ten yards away on each side The runner cone will be five to seven yards from the barrier dummy. On GO the runner will cross over step and sprint past the runner dummy on either side and go vertical up field and the defender must maintain inside leverage and stay square and mirror the depth of the runner. The tackler must read and flow down hill and tackle the dummy before the runner gets by it. Notes: This drill is set up to teach an aggressive inside leverage pursuit to our MIKE backer once he determines flow and to defend the perimeter coming down hill from the inside to attack the ball. It is a great lateral pursuit drill that teaches defenders to attack down hill and make a good BIT THE PIT/HIP tackle. You can immediately see who will make that tackle on the ball.
Contact Drills
Contact Drills With or Without Gear: Full Gear
Who’s Ball is It (2 and 3 man variations) Push/Pull Competition The Fight Circle Drill Full Gear Blocking Fit Live Tackle Fit Live Defensive Shed Fit Live Double Team Shed Drill Half Line Pull/Wall Side Drills Gang Tackling Dummy Drill Progression Tackling Drills Turnover Drills
Whose Ball is it? Objective: Key Points: Note
To teach the mental and physical aspect of football. To teach each player that the football is theirs at all times on the field and to teach players how to be physical until the echo of the whistle. Key Points: The first time the coach runs this play he should explain that at all times the ball is to be consider ours. Whenever the ball leaves the opponent’s hands as an entire team we must attempt to recover, protect, and retain possession of that ball. The drill is intended to teach players that it doesn’t matter who gets their hands on it first it matters who has it at the echo of the whistle. The players must not hit, punch, scratch, claw, pinch, bite, or kick the opposing player. He must attempt to get the ball out of the other player’s hands by pulling, tugging, and getting position on the ball. The coach will stand between the two players and ask them each who’s ball it is by name; they should say it is their ball. Then the coach will walk behind them and then toss the ball up in the air about 5 yards in front of them. As soon as they see the ball they should attack it and the other player should make every attempt to regain possession of the ball. The coach or a pair of coaches will trail the players telling each player to get the ball and encouraging the players in any way they can that they must recover that football. At any time either player can tap out if it becomes too physical. Once one player has possession and it is obvious the other player will not regain possession or if both players are tied and there is no movement for a small amount of time call it. Make sure you acknowledge the good job they did and repeat with the next group. After a while you can let winners or even specific players call out other players and put those players on the spot. Note This is supposed to be a physical drill and initially you should match up players by size. You can also do three man as well as place obstacles like dummies they have to go over to get the ball (Robert Ferre).
Push-Pull 1 2 3 C Objective: Key Points: Note
To teach the DL (any player) how to execute a push/pull in a competitive arena Key Points: Two defenders will grasp each others arm pits and on GO both DL men will attempt to push/pull their opponent on to the ground. First defender to put their opponent on the ground wins. Note You can have several pairs going at a time as long as you have one coach managing each pair. This is very similar to the Sumo drill C 1 2 3
Fight Circle C Objective: Key Points: Note
To teach players how to be aggressive and to work towards a common cause as team. Key Points: Two groups of players will face off in a circle or square big enough so that they have limited amount of room to maneuver in. On the coaches GO both groups will attempt to drag, push, toss, or force the other team’s players out of the area. Any part of any player that touches outside of the area is out. If two opponents fall out the one that falls out first is out and the other one can go back in. Note If two or more people fall out and touch they are all out. Use landscape paint to mark the area if you can it makes it easier to identify who goes out. No punching/kicking/biting/scratching – removed. C
Full Gear
Full Gear Drills Blocking Fit Live Tackle Fit Live Defensive Shed Fit Live Double Team Shed Drill Half Line Pull/Wall Side Drills Gang Tackling Dummy Drill Progression Tackling Drills Turnover Drills
Blocking Fits 2nd Phase of CHUTE DRILL
Coach Coach 2nd Phase of CHUTE DRILL STANCE/LOAD/LOAD EXPLODE by the numbers STANCE/LEG ½ speed/LEG full speed Full speed + violent contact + aggressive drive Match up size and ability along the line for pairs. Odd man can alternate in with one pair. Can be a single coach or staff can break into sections of 3 to 6 pairs correcting one mistake quickly prior to next rep.
Tackling Drill #4 – Tackle Fit
Why: To teach the defender how to fit into the ball carrier and to aim his face mask at the landmark to protect his head. How: Pair up all players into even pairs. Odd man will pair up with a similar pair of players. One side will be defenders and the other side will be ball carriers and they will switch roles every other rep. On DOWN the ball carriers will grab cloth and get ready to run through the defender. The defender will get into his position stance. When the coach says go and the ball carrier moves the defender will BGO, buzz feet, and LEG tackle the ball carrier and drive him back. Check for FIT. NOTE: Explain to the players that they must BITE the far arm pit or in the case of a head up tackle the ball side arm pit. Then FIT one side into the ball carrier to explain what biting the pit means. Do both sides twice and check them and do this each day the first week of practice prior to starting the FITS. Note: This is part of our Dynamic Warm Up routine. Athletic Movements, Block Fit, Tackle Fit, Defensive Shed Fit Notes: Once the players are good at tackling a head up ball carrier let the ball carrier juke to the immediate left or right (stay in a space no bigger than one arm length away) so that the defender must buzz, mirror, and attack. Latter you can have the ball carrier spin as well in the same space. ½ SPEED (THUD) at first and then go to full speed both sides should be violent. C Ball Carrier – grab jersey with either hand to simulate the ball 2nd Phase of CHUTE DRILL
Defensive Shed Fit Why: To teach the defender how to shed a blocker using the prescribed techniques. How: Pair up all players into even pairs. Odd man will pair up with a similar pair of players. One side will be defenders and the other side will be blocker and they will switch roles every other rep. On DOWN the blocker will get into a 3 point stance (OL) and the defender will get into his base stance. On GO the blocker s will execute an aggressive and violent LEG block and the defender must execute a defensive shed. (Initially the blocker will be static as we teach the tech). NOTE: 1st SPEED RIP, RIP/CLUB (wrist/elbow/shoulder), PULL/SWIM, BULL RUSH, BULL & SPIN, Note: This is part of our Dynamic Warm Up routine. Athletic Movements, Block Fit, Tackle Fit, Defensive Shed Fit Notes: Once the players are good at shedding a LEG blocker you can add pass protection and LEG-TURN (PIN). C Defender
Split the Double Why: to teach our defensive linemen how to split a double team and penetrate beyond their heels or drop the double team at the LOS if they get contact. The OLB must realize that he is free man and must get through his gap and locate the near hip of the QB. How: Coach will signal a IN/OUT/SPLIT and on his snap count the TE/T will double team the DT and the OG/CTR will double team the DG. They must BGO and attempt to get behind the heels of the oline, square their shoulder, and locate the ball. If they get caught by the double team they must latch on to the near arm pit (cloth under arm pit) or lock both blocker’s tricep in (arm lock) into your chest and drive one knee down as they pull down on both arm pits/arms and drive the double team into the ground at the LOS creating a barrier. They must do this as soon as they realize they will not penetrate past the heels. The OLB must quickly get into his gap before the OLINE can come off their block and make a play and get to the coach. Notes: you can use advanced calls as well in this drill as you move on into the season. C
Coach AIR ODD BEAR or EAGLE EVEN COMPRESSED Pre-Season we go on AIR at first, then on an ODD or EVEN front and we alternate each indy session so that they get work on ODD and EVEN fronts. We even move the ODD front into BEAR and EAGLE looks so they get used to working against various looks.
WB Seal Half Line (Pullers)
WB Kick Half Line (Pullers)
WB Wide Half Line (Pullers)
Tackle Fit C Objective Equipment Key Points Note
To teach the defender how to fit into the ball carrier and to aim his face mask at the landmark to protect his head. Equipment Key Points Pair up all players into even pairs. Odd man will pair up with a similar pair of players. One side will be defenders and the other side will be ball carriers and they will switch roles every other rep. On DOWN the ball carriers will grab cloth and get ready to run through the defender. The defender will get into his position stance. When the coach says go and the ball carrier moves the defender will BGO, buzz feet, and LEG tackle the ball carrier and drive him back. Check for FIT. Note Explain to the players that they must BITE the far arm pit or in the case of a head up tackle the ball side arm pit. Then FIT one side into the ball carrier to explain what biting the pit means. Do both sides twice and check them and do this each day the first week of practice prior to starting the FITS. Once the players are good at tackling a head up ball carrier let the ball carrier juke to the immediate left or right (stay in a space no bigger than one arm length away) so that the defender must buzz, mirror, and attack. Latter you can have the ball carrier spin as well in the same space. ½ SPEED (THUD) at first and then go to full speed both sides should be violent. C Ball Carrier – grab jersey with either hand to simulate the ball
Tackling Drill – Gang Tackling
Objective To teach players how to work together to gang tackle a ball carrier. Equipment Key Points Procedure The coach will place three dummies that are 3 yards apart from each other in a straight line. You can have players hold the dummies in place if you need too. Have the defender form three lines behind the dummies five yards apart. On GO from a hitting position (or three point stance) the defenders will attack the dummy the coach points to and gang tackle it. Procedure The first defender will always make a form tackle, the second defender will make contact with the defender just outside of the shoulder of the form tackle while the last defender will close down on the dummy and make the tackle however he can (drive his teammates, go high, go low, mesh with the next tackle). They need to learn how to work as a unit and drive the runner to the ground as quickly as possible. If you are having a player hold the dummy have him offer some resistance as first contact his made. As soon as the second defender makes contact the holder should release the dummy.
Defensive line
Drill Objective Equipment Key Points Procedure Note
Drill Objective Equipment Key Points Procedure Note
Drill Objective Equipment Key Points Procedure Note
Drill Objective Equipment Key Points Procedure Note
Defensive Backs: Base Skills
Drills for the defensive backs. Taken from the Jim Ingram Football Bible. This section is for building the base skills the defensive backs will utilize in the defensive backfield. Defensive Backs: Base Skills
Stance Drill Objective Equipment Key Points Procedure Note
Teach the players the proper stance Equipment Key Points Feet shoulder width, outside foot up Knees flexed, arms relaxed and hanging Weight on balls of feet Good bend at waist, shoulders forward Head and eyes up, looking at key Procedure Players assume stance on coach’s command Coach inspects the stance Note Any discussion on the secondary must start with the stance. Without a proper stance, which insures readiness, the athlete is giving his opponent and advantage before the action begins.
Shuffle Drill Objective Equipment Key Points Procedure Note
Good stance Shoulders and weight forward Hips flexed Eyes on key Move smoothly and quickly Procedure Players assume correct stance Shuffle on coaches command Note May coaches insist that the players take shuffle steps at the snap of the ball. These are two or three shuffle steps backward; used to give the athlete time to determine whether the play is a pass or run and make the necessary reactions
Backpedal Drill Objective Equipment Key Points Procedure Note
Teach the proper form and technique for executing the backpedal Equipment Key Points Good stance Push off front foot Shuffle Keep elbows in tight Feet close together Feet should clear just above the grass Take good strides Procedure Player assumes correct stance Shuffle on command Backpedal 20 yards Note The backpedal the technique essential for successful secondary play. With a good backpedal an individual of average speed will be able to play in the secondary. The longer an athlete can maintain his backpedal the more effective he will be in defense situations
Plant and Read Drill Objective Equipment Key Points Procedure Note
Good stance Read key Shuffle Backpedal Plant and turn Procedure Player assumes good stance Begin shuffle on command Players plant and break with coaches signals Players accelerate 10 yards after plant Note It is imperative that a defensive back be able to change directions quickly and effectively. He must be able to runt right/left and go forward/backward as the situation presents itself. It is necessary to work on planting the feet and driving hard in the proper direction.
Defensive Backs: Coverage Techniques
The next step in the training progression is to add receivers to the drills. Defensive Backs: Coverage Techniques
Coverage Technique Drill
Objective Teach DB’s proper technique to play receiver Equipment Footballs Key Points Procedure Athlete assumes good stance Shuffle Backpedal Read pattern Plant inside foot Drop outside shoulder Maintain cushion Defender needs 3-4 yards between himself and the receiver at all times. Drive to football Note Use the following patterns: Post Corner Out Out and up (wheel) R DB R DB R DB R DB
Turn and Go Drill Objective Equipment Key Points Key Points Procedure
The turn and go technique is used when a defender is forced out of his backpedal by losing his cushion and must run with the receiver Equipment Footballs Key Points Stance Shuffle Backpedal Read pattern If loses cushion (receiver gets within 3 yards) turn and run stride for stride with receiver Key Points Look for football over inside shoulder Defender should receive verbal clue from teammates when ball is thrown Procedure Athlete assumes good stance Defender plays 5-7 yards off receiver Defender uses proper shuffle and backpedal techniques Defender turns and runs deep with receiver Note R DB R DB
Oncoming Ball Drill Objective Equipment Key Points Procedure Note
Instruct players in proper technique for catching a football thrown directly at them Equipment QB/thrower Footballs Key Points Run toward QB keeping eyes on football Cup hands in front of ball Use soft hands, absorb impact Intercept ball at highest point Clutch ball with hands and tuck under arm Procedure Players line up 20 yards from QB On command players run towards QB Players break in direction given Intercept ball and return up-field Note C R DB
Post Corner Drill Objective Equipment Key Points Procedure Note
Develop the technique for making a complete change of direction while in coverage technique Equipment QB/thrower Footballs Key Points Assume good stance Shuffle to backpedal on command Break to post (inside) on ball movement Break to corner(outside) on ball movement Drive to football Procedure Assume good stance Shuffle to backpedal Break to post Plant inside foot and break back in opposite direction keeping shoulders forward (to post) Drive to football Note DB
Zone The Middle Drill DB R R QB Objective Equipment Key Points
Teach the DB that he can stay in the middle of two receivers Equipment QB/Thrower Footballs Lined field Key Points Assume good stance Shuffle to backpedal on command Defender gets depth in zone Defender gets in position to defend both receivers (split the difference) Defender reads the intention of the QB The QB must use drop-back action Break to ball DB must watch the QB and the release of the ball, then he can cover equal distance to each hash mark by the time the ball gets there Procedure Defender is aligned 8 yards up field from QB in the middle of the hash marks Receivers are 1 yard outside the hash marks. QB is aligned in the middle of the hash marks On command receivers run downfield at ¾ speed Defender will backpedal and gain depth while reading the intentions of the QB After the defender has backpedaled to yards the QB should deliver the ball to either receiver Defender drives to the football Receivers allow the defenders to catch the ball Note Make sure the ball is thrown to different spots to ensure the DB keeps his eyes on the ball and not the receiver. Depth in relation to the receivers is very important DB R R QB
Zone The Outside Drill DB R R QB Objective Equipment Key Points
Instruct the defender on how to cover 2 receivers Equipment QB/Thrower Footballs Lined field Key Points Assume good stance Shuffle to backpedal on command Defender gets depth in zone Defender gets in position to defend both receivers (split the difference) Defender reads the intention of the QB The QB must use drop-back action Break to ball Procedure Defender is aligned 8 yards up field from QB in the middle of the hash marks Receivers are 1 yard inside the sideline and 1 yard outside the hash marks. QB is aligned in the middle of the hash marks On command receivers run downfield at ¾ speed Defender will backpedal along the near hash and gain depth while reading the intentions of the QB After the defender has backpedaled to yards the QB should deliver the ball to either receiver Defender drives to the football Receivers allow the defenders to catch the ball Note Make sure the ball is thrown to different spots to ensure the DB keeps his eyes on the ball and not the receiver. Depth in relation to the receivers is very important DB R R QB
Drill Objective Equipment Key Points Procedure Note
Zone the Outside Drill Objective Equipment Key Points Procedure Note
Double Hash Drill Objective Equipment Key Points Procedure Note
45-degree Zone Break Drill
Objective Equipment Key Points Procedure Note
Drill Objective Equipment Key Points Procedure Note
Drill Objective Equipment Key Points Procedure Note
Drill Objective Equipment Key Points Procedure Note
Thus spake the master Coach: It is time for you to leave.
Parking lot
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