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Chapter 3 Support and locomotion – muscles and movement.

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1 Chapter 3 Support and locomotion – muscles and movement.
Year 13- Biology 2

2 By the end of this session I should be able to:
Describe the histology and ultrastructure of striated muscle. Describe the sliding filament theroy of muscle contraction, including the roles of troponin and tropomyosin. Describe the structure of a neuromuscular junction and explain how a nerve impulse causes muscle to contract.

3 Discussion pairs –two minutes
Give reasons why animals move from place to place: 1. To obtain food 2. To escape from predators 3. To find a mate 4. To distribute offspring 5. To reduce competition 6. To avoid danger 7. To maintain position 8. To avoid waste products

4 Muscular Movement muscles are attached to bones to form lever systems for movement muscle contraction creates a driving force when obtains energy from respiration; when a muscle relaxes, energy is not necessary There are 3 types of muscle: Skeletal muscle, Smooth muscles, Cardiac muscle.

5 Three types of Muscle: A. Smooth: involuntary control of internal organs for digestion, & blood vessels B. Cardiac: involuntary control of the heart C. Skeletal: Voluntary control of the skeletal muscles for movement

6 The Musculature System……..
Structure: Voluntary Muscles Striated-Skeletal Involuntary Muscles Cardiac- Heart Smooth-Stomach Striated Skeletal Several nuclei Box shaped, many mitochondria

7 Cardiac Muscle: Fewer Striations Fewer Mitochondria Large nuclei
Lattice work of spaces between some cells Still square shape One nuclei per cell

8 Smooth Muscle: Eye shaped One nuclei per cell No lattice work
No striations Long & drawn out Fewer Mitochondria

9 Skeletal muscle structure

10 Muscle structure

11 Actin / myosin filaments

12 Actin / myosin 2

13 Sarcomere structure Sarcomere Sarcolemma Z line A band I band H band
M line

14 Muscle structure

15 sarcolemma: membrane of muscle fibre sarcomere: each repeating unit of cross striations sarcoplasm: cytoplasm with a system of membranes called sarcoplasmic reticulum

16 dark band and light band Z line: central line of each light band; 2 Z lines marks a sarcomere H zone: lighter region in dark band with a central dark line - M line Myosin: thick filaments Actin: thin filaments


18 actin

19 troponin actin

20 tropomyosin troponin actin

21 tropomyosin troponin actin

22 myosin binding site tropomyosin troponin actin


24 Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+

25 Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Calcium ions are released from the sarcolemma after stimulation from the T system

26 Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+

27 the calcium ions bind to the troponin and changes its shape

28 the calcium ions bind to the troponin and changes its shape

29 Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+

30 Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+

31 Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ the troponin displaces the tropomyosin and exposes the myosin binding sites

32 Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+

33 Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+

34 Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ the bulbous heads of the myosin attach to the binding sites on the actin filaments

35 Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+

36 Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+

37 Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ the myosin heads change position to achieve a lower energy state and slide the actin filaments past the stationary myosin

38 Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ A Pi A Pi A Pi

39 A Pi Ca2+ A Pi Ca2+ A Pi Ca2+ Ca2+

40 ATP binds to the bulbous heads and causes it to become detached
Pi Ca2+ A Pi Ca2+ A Pi Ca2+ Ca2+ ATP binds to the bulbous heads and causes it to become detached

41 ATP binds to the bulbous heads and causes it to become detached
Pi A Pi A Pi Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ ATP binds to the bulbous heads and causes it to become detached

42 hydrolysis of ATP provides the energy to “re-cock” the heads
Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi A Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ hydrolysis of ATP provides the energy to “re-cock” the heads

43 hydrolysis of ATP provides the energy to “re-cock” the heads
Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi A Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ hydrolysis of ATP provides the energy to “re-cock” the heads

44 Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi A Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+

45 calcium ions are re-absorbed back into the T system
Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi A Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ calcium ions are re-absorbed back into the T system

46 calcium ions are re-absorbed back into the T system
Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi A Ca2+ calcium ions are re-absorbed back into the T system

47 Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi A Ca2+ the troponin reverts to its normal shape and the tropomyosin move back to block the myosin binding sites

48 Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi A Ca2+ the troponin reverts to its normal shape and the tropomyosin move back to block the myosin binding sites

49 Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi A Ca2+ the troponin reverts to its normal shape and the tropomyosin move back to block the myosin binding sites

50 phosphocreatine regenerates ATP
Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi A Ca2+ phosphocreatine regenerates ATP

51 phosphocreatine regenerates ATP
Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi A Ca2+ phosphocreatine regenerates ATP

52 phosphocreatine regenerates ATP
Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi Pi A Pi Pi Pi A Ca2+ phosphocreatine regenerates ATP


54 Neuromuscular junction: Note Ach = Acetylcholine

55 Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

56 Sequence of events 1. An action potential arrives at the end of a motor neurone, at the neuromuscular junction. 2. This causes the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. 3 This initiates an action potential in the muscle cell membrane (Sarcolemma). 4. This action potential is carried quickly into the large muscle cell by invaginations in the cell membrane called T-tubules.

57 Sequence of events 5. The action potential causes the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release its store of calcium into the myofibrils. 6. Ca2+ causes tropomoysin to be displaced uncovering myosin binding sites on actin. 7. Myosin cross bridges can now attach and the cross bridge cycle can take place. Relaxation is the reverse of these steps

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