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14 G 35 ft/sec 60°Pitch Three Place Passenger Seat Two Occupants

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1 14 G 35 ft/sec 60°Pitch Three Place Passenger Seat Two Occupants
Dynamic Impact Procedures Training Class Sled Test Demonstration July 2016 14 G ft/sec 60°Pitch Three Place Passenger Seat Two Occupants

2 A G seating Insert 1-G picture

3 A16040 Insert pitched up side view

4 A16040 Insert pitched up top down view

5 A16040

6 A16040 Insert pitched up end view

7 A16040 Used to get pelvis in proper fore-aft position
Aligns the torso to the 1-g orientation [not mandatory]

8 Difference in H-Point Height between two ATDs
H-Point Z (in) West ATD 3.85 East ATD 3.55 Difference 0.30 *This difference results in different 1-G nominal position

9 ATD: Hybrid II West Goal (in) Achieved (in) Difference(in) H-pt X 8.51
8.36 0.15 H-pt Z 19.56 19.61 0.05 Pelvis Angle -9.91° -9.89° 0.02° Torso Angle -5.82° -6.63° 0.81° Goal based on 1-g seating Origin: Rear anti-rattle screw, at seat track top height

10 ATD: Hybrid II East Goal (in) Achieved (in) Difference(in) H-pt X 8.19
6.776 1.41 H-pt Z 19.42 20.12 0.70 Pelvis Angle -6.91° -10.17° 3.26° Torso Angle -4.42° -7.63° 3.21° Goal based on 1-g seating Origin: Rear anti-rattle screw, at seat track top height

11 ATD: Hybrid II East

12 ATD: Hybrid II East Loose Seatbelt

13 Video West Side

14 East Side

15 Overhead


17 Lumbar Load Fz = lbs Time = 106 ms Fz = lbs Time = 108 ms

18 Lumbar Load Peak Fz Normalized* East Hybrid II -1624 lbs -1568 lbs
West Hybrid II -1256 lbs -1212 lbs * Normalized to 14g per 8049B

19 Pre-test vs Post-test overhead shot

20 Seat Pan Tube Deformation

21 Seat Pan Tube Deformation

22 Tube

23 Overview Pulse failed rise time velocity resulting in a null test
ATD on the west side was reseated in 1-G position, lumbar load was below the regulatory limit ATD on the east side was not reseated and lumbar load exceeded limit 0.3” Difference between the two ATD’s H-Point on a flat rigid surface

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