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Presentation on theme: "Respiration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respiration


3 Why do living organisms eat food?

4 HOW do living organisms get energy from the food they eat?

5 Digestion is a process that breaks food down into smaller particles so that energy can be obtained


7 What is food made of? Research on your phones…
What types of atoms make up food?


9 All the molecules have carbon and hydrogen=HYDROCARBONS
What is food made of? All the molecules have carbon and hydrogen=HYDROCARBONS ***Hydrocarbons contain hydrogen and oxygen atoms We use hydrocarbons as fuel (fossil fuels) All proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are hydrocarbons

10 Photosynthesis in plants
Chloroplasts Produces Carbon Dioxide and Water and energy for the animal to move, grow, reproduce Respiration in animals Produces Sugar and Oxygen Mitochondria


12 Respiration Photosynthesis Plants Animals Chlorplasts Mitochondria Make energy For growth, repair, and reproduction These processes are equal and opposite. They depend on each other for survival

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