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Welcome to Sea exploration!

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1 Welcome to Sea exploration!
On this slide, welcome students to the world around them. Essential pondering is to have students realize that in this class they will continuously discover the unknown and compare how scientist know more about space than our planet and aim to know more. Perhaps: we know more about other people than ourselves as an analogy. Marine Biology comprises all the sciences as it makes up the world around us and affects us in many aspects. Like what? Physically, the earths constantly changing. Weather conditions change, land masses Chemically, the earth is influenced by our deposits' and communicate not only in a physical way but organisms use chemical sense patterns Biologically, the summation of all perspectives. Mrs. Cartamil

2 IQ#1 Why do you think the “earth” is illustrated as the opening for a Marine Science class??? (First, answer quietly for 2 minutes and discuss for 3 minutes in a group)

3 The Captivating Organisms
In this slide add photos of everything marine bio to visually captivate the audience and to better learn/recognize areas of marine science……. But in this slide try to excite the audience of the beauty and weird oraganism, but on another slide show the ugly…. The extinction…. The habitat destruction, pollution, and diseases.

4 The good, the bad, the….UGLY
This is only a glimpse of the ocean and how it’s becoming destroyed at a rapid rate.

5 IQ#2 Why do YOU think it’s important to conserve/ protect marine life?
Do WE really need them? Why do you think so?

6 Imagine a world without them…
The Marine Ecosystem plays a BIG role in our economy as it generates Billions of dollars in Jewelry, Food, and culture. The Marine ecosystem plays a role in our health and medicine. Certain marine life contain biomedical advances that are antibiotic, anti-cancer and anti-depressant!!! Coral reefs provide a diverse environment each organism belonging to a niche and a “job” or role. Marine biologist not only discover these organisms but rather, study them in ways that can help sustain us economically, biomedical, and through conservation! (search for concrete solutions to fixing and conserving).

7 Scientific Article

8 At the end of the class… YOU will gain the knowledge to make a difference in this world. To find concrete solutions by thinking critically and creatively. That’s when you all will become…. Marine biologist not only find and interact with these organims but search for concerete solutions to fixing and conserving. At he end of this class you will be AqUA man!!! And aqua women.

9 Reflection 3 things you learned: 1. 2. 3.
3 things your confused about:

10 Now Turn in your participation
Remember homework#1 is due on Thursday or Friday (Syllabus Contract and supplies) Hw#2- Read Ch.1 “Science and Marine Biology” (pgs 1-10)

11 Bellringer #1 What are the DIRECT and INDIRECT benefits the marine ecosystem provides us with?

12 Bellringer #2 What is the DIFFERENCE between Marine Biology vs. Oceanography?

13 Recap! The Earth and the oceans are understudied compared to outer-space! The oceans and marine resources provide direct and indirect benefits to us Knowledge of marine biology help us understand how marine organisms relate to us. Marine Biologist study the ocean’s diverse inhabitants and their relationships to each other (ecology) and their environment Marine biologist not only study relationships but how human activities affect the marine environment.

14 Marine Biology vs. Oceanography
NOW… we know a little about Marine Biology but what about oceanography? These two sciences branch out to two disciplines. Marine Biology is the study of the marine organisms and the interactions to each other and their environment. Oceanography is the study of the physical characteristics of the ocean. Ex. Waves, currents, tides

15 IQ#1 Do YOU think MARINE BIOLOGY and OCEANOGRAPHY are influenced with one another?? Why? Ex.

16 Branches of Oceanography
Biological oceanography (also called marine biology) studies the diversity of life in the ocean and the ocean’s role as their habitat. Chemical oceanography studies the chemistry of seawater Geological oceanography concerns itself with the geology of the ocean Physical oceanography is the study of the physics within the marine environment

17 Age of Exploration Early investigations of sea creatures were limited by the shore at one point. Then ships and equipment became available to conquer the seas and discovered new islands. Centuries of knowledge This interest in the sea and its creatures laid the foundation for the sciences of oceanography and marine biology

18 The Ocean Reveals secrets from the past
The Ocean is FILLLED with HISTORY and centuries of studying our oceans. By WHO? Travelers who wanted to conquer the sea and land Ancient scientist/philosophers LIKE WHO????....

19 History of our Oceans Early studies date back to Early Roman and Greek times by philosophers and naturalist such as: Aristotle- greek- published the “ladder of life” and studied fish gills and their role in gas exchange. Pliny-roman- published the “natural history” contains references in marine fishes, clams and mussels. Aristotle

20 Renewed Interest in Marine Organisms
In the late 18th and 19th century this became the age of great discovery. WHY? Updated sailing ships Developed Navigation Famous Scientist during this period were: 1. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck- French naturalist 2. Georges Cuvier These scientist discovered many marine organisms during this period

21 Charles Darwin( ) Set sail on a year voyage at sea on the HMS Beagle around the globe. Observed Atolls in his voyage Proposed the theory of Evolution Published the “Origin of Species” Investigated adaptations of marine Organisms Evolution: decent and modification by means of natural selection.

22 Darwin and the HMS Beagle
In addition to his work in the Galapagos and the rest of his five year voyage aboard the Beagle – that we learned about in biology – Darwin also contributed to modern day marine science. Darwin hypothesized that the massive coral reefs they saw could only result when the seafloor slowly sinks. This is accepted by most scientist today.

23 Atolls is a ring of coral reef that encloses a lagoon.

24 Technological Advances
Submersibles, robotics, computers, and other technology have further broadened our view of the marine environment. Ex. Marine animal robotics are used to study the ocean and how animals interact with one another.

25 But HOW did scientist discover so much???
By thinking like a SCIENTIST!!! How? By using a pattern of problem-solving known as “Scientific Method!” Next class- we will discuss scientific method and apply it to our own observations made in class.

26 Reflection 3 points learned 1. 2. 3. 3 points confused

27 NOW Turn in your class participation for a grade
Define Vocabulary words on Ch.1 HW: Create a concept map

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