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Economic and social analyses in HOLAS II

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1 Economic and social analyses in HOLAS II
Soile Oinonen - Heini Ahtiainen - Lena Bergström - Name Surname

2 Aims for regional Baltic ESA
Comparable data and approaches across countries Support national work, knowledge and experience exchange Proximate aim: Contribute to HOLAS II assessment on the ecosystem health of the Baltic Sea Name Surname

3 The HOLAS II assessment
Summary report released in June 2017 ”State of the Baltic Sea” Consultation in 2017 and final version in June 2018 Main content chapters: Human activities and the environment Including UMW for selected sectors/activities Pressures on the Baltic Sea Including cost of degradation with respect to eutrophication Biodiversity and food webs Cumulative impacts and trends in the marine environment Name Surname

4 Work on economic and social analyses thus far (2016)
TAPAS project: develop framework for regional economic and social analyses in the Baltic Sea region Use of marine waters Cost of degradation HELCOM economic and social analyses network established Name Surname

5 Use of marine waters Economic importance of human activities and sectors in the marine environment Linked to activity-pressure assessment Statistics and ecosystem service values Sectors: fish and shellfish harvesting, aquaculture, tourism and recreation, energy production and transport National estimates Examples for Finland and Estonia Name Surname

6 Cost of degradation Consequences to human well-being from the degradation of the marine environment Economic valuation studies Selected degradation themes and ecosystem services National and regional estimates Example for eutrophication Name Surname

7 Forward arrangements for regional ESA
SPICE project 2017 Nominated country representatives to strenghten the expert network Name Surname

8 Roadmap for further economic and social analyses
First steps Develop and agree on common principles for the regional ESA Work with the statistical agencies to provide data in standard format Develop a common understanding on baseline Establish team with pressure-impact researchers and ESA network Engage with different BONUS projects Longer term Investigate the possibilities to conduct regionally coordinated valuation studies Conduct cost-effectiveness analysis of measures to improve the marine environment Conduct cost-benefit analysis for selected descriptors/themes Name Surname

9 Thank you! Name Surname

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