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Northeastern California Connect Consortium Update to NoRTEC

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1 Northeastern California Connect Consortium Update to NoRTEC
August 24, 2017

2 The NECCC Region

3 Legacy Priority Areas by County
All Priority Areas by County Butte Stirling City CDP Feather River Canyon Forest Ranch Cohasset Oroville (Airport Bus. Park, Feather River Blvd Bus. Park, Oro Dam Blvd Bus. Corridor, Historic Downtown) Lassen Big Valley (Bieber and Nubieber) Northeast (Spaulding) Southeast (Susanville, Johnstonville, Janesville) Modoc Alturas (Jct. of Hwy 299 & Hwy 395) Adin (along Hwy 299) Canby (Jct. of Hwy 299 & Hwy 139) Davis Creek (along Hwy 395) Lake City Likely (along Hwy 395) Lookout (west Adin) Newell (along Hwy 139) Surprise Valley Plumas North Plumas (Greenville Crescent Mills area) West Plumas (Quincy) Shasta Hat Creek (along Hwy 89) French Gulch (west Redding along Hwy 299w) West Shasta (southwest of Redding) Big Bend Burney Fall River Mills McArther Siskiyou Hornbrook and area to the east Dunsmuir Mouth Shasta Weed Tehama W. Tehama (Rancho Tehama Reserve) Bend (North of Red Bluff) South Ave in Corning Walmart Distribution Center Legacy Priority Areas by County Butte Stirling City CDP Feather River Canyon Lassen Big Valley (Bieber and Nubieber) Northeast (Spaulding) Southeast (Susanville, Johnstonville, Janesville) Modoc Alturas (Jct. of Hwy 299 & Hwy 395) Adin (along Hwy 299) Canby (Jct. of Hwy 299 & Hwy 139) Davis Creek (along Hwy 395) Lake City Likely (along Hwy 395) Lookout (west Adin) Newell (along Hwy 139) Surprise Valley Plumas North Plumas (Greenville Crescent Mills area) West Plumas (Quincy) Shasta Hat Creek (along Hwy 89) French Gulch (west Redding along Hwy 299w) West Shasta (southwest of Redding) Big Bend Siskiyou Hornbrook and area to the east Tehama W. Tehama (Rancho Tehama Reserve) Bend (North of Red Bluff)

4 Household Served Status @ 6 Mbps Down / 1
Household Served 6 Mbps Down / 1.5 Mbps Up - Wireline Technology County Total Households Served Served % Underserved Underserved % Unserved Unserved % Butte 88,666 78,330 88.3% 4,680 5.3% 5,656 6.4% Lassen 9,762 5,967 61.1% 2,718 27.8% 1,077 11.0% Modoc 4,072 1,695 41.6% 1,498 36.8% 879 21.6% Plumas 8,540 2,283 26.7% 3,974 46.5% Shasta 70,426 54,965 78.0% 11,872 16.9% 3,589 5.1% Siskiyou 19,351 14,532 75.1% 2,036 10.5% 2,784 14.4% Tehama 23,929 11,899 49.7% 8,757 36.6% 3,273 13.7% NECCC Total 224,746 169,672 75.5% 35,534 15.8% 19,540 8.7% Household Served 6 Mbps Down / 1.5 Mbps Up - Wireline and Fixed Wireless Technology 88,402 99.7% 11 0.0% 252 0.3% 8,046 82.4% 1,212 12.4% 504 5.2% 8,351 97.8% 115 1.4% 74 0.9% 67,255 95.5% 2,538 3.6% 633 17,727 91.6% 727 3.8% 897 4.6% 23,670 98.9% 172 0.7% 87 0.4% 215,146 95.7% 6,274 2.8% 3,326 1.5%

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6 California State University, Chico
Thank You California State University, Chico Jason Schwenkler

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