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Unit 2 Lesson 1-9 True View of God

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1 Unit 2 Lesson 1-9 True View of God

2 Instructions The teacher selects one member of Group B to select who answers on Group A. The teacher takes turns giving each group a question. When the teacher gives a question to group A, all the students who think they know the answer stand up. Then, a student in group B gets to decide which of the students in group A should answer the question. If the selected student can answer the question, that group gets as many points as the number of people who stood up, but if the student cannot answer the question, then the person who selected group B gets to answer and group B will get the same number of points. The fun part of this game is that student can try and bluff the other team into thinking that they know the answer so they can push their points up! The teacher then alternates the teams who get to answer the question first.

3 Unit 2 Lesson 1-9 True View of God
True or False 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

4 Question 1 Go Back to Question Table Within Creation we find four relationships that God created for us to enjoy; with Himself (God), with yourself, with others, and with the Earth. Show Me Answer

5 Question 2 Go Back to Question Table When Adam and Eve sinned they still remained in fellowship with God. Show Me Answer

6 Question 3 Go Back to Question Table With Jesus Christ along with our good works humanity can have harmony with God Show Me Answer

7 Question 4 Go Back to Question Table God is truth and therefore always does and tells what is right and true. Show Me Answer

8 Question 5 God is one of many true Gods. Go Back to Question Table
Show Me Answer

9 Question 6 Go Back to Question Table God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is represented with the term “trinity”. Show Me Answer

10 Question 7 Go Back to Question Table God created humanity so that they can be totally independent of His help. Show Me Answer

11 Question 8 Go Back to Question Table Adam and Eve had perfect fellowship with God, but then they sinned and that separated them from God. Show Me Answer

12 Question 9 Go Back to Question Table Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for sin was an example for us work hard, sacrifice and earn our way to heaven. Show Me Answer

13 Question 10 We were created in the image of God.
Go Back to Question Table We were created in the image of God. Show Me Answer

14 Question 11 Go Back to Question Table Since we are created in the image of God, we are higher than the angels and crowned with God’s glory. Show Me Answer

15 Question 12 Sin causes separation and guilt within our hearts.
Go Back to Question Table Sin causes separation and guilt within our hearts. Show Me Answer

16 Question 13 Go Back to Question Table When a person accepts Jesus Christ as Savior, God forgives his/her sin and replaces guilt with innocence. Show Me Answer

17 Question 14 Go Back to Question Table God created humanity and wants us to get along and live in harmony. Show Me Answer

18 Question 15 Go Back to Question Table Jesus died and arose from the dead so that all people will go to Heaven no matter if they believe in Him or not. Show Me Answer

19 Question 16 Go Back to Question Table God started His creation and let the laws of science hold it together without Him being involved. Show Me Answer

20 Question 17 Go Back to Question Table Is this the correct order of the story of God with His creation God offered redemption for mankind God created the heavens, the earth and mankind Mankind fell by sinning Show Me Answer

21 Question 18 You can trust your senses to find out the truth.
Go Back to Question Table You can trust your senses to find out the truth. Show Me Answer

22 Question 19 Go Back to Question Table Jesus illustrated our life like building a house on a good foundation. Show Me Answer

23 Question 20 Go Back to Question Table On the fourth day Christmas, my true love gave to me 4 French hens. Show Me Answer

24 Thank you for playing

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