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Talking about the Bible week 1

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Presentation on theme: "Talking about the Bible week 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Talking about the Bible week 1


3 Heart: connection with believers (passion) (orthopathy)
Hands: ministry opportunities (behavior) (orthopraxy) Head: interaction with truth (doctrine) (orthodoxy) Study Pray Serve

4 Spirit Bible Church Line of infallibility Provide illumination
Provides confirmation Provides confirmation

5 Tentative schedule Nov 18 Pray Nov 25 Hear Dec 2 Think Dec 9 Talk

6 Next week: Hear Next week’s text: ????????????

7 Suggested resource



10 Table prayer time See the “Weekly Update” at your table
Review and update prior requests Write down new requests Lean in, engage, and pray as a table Clean up and move to the auditorium

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