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What do we need to learn about the Key Element?

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Presentation on theme: "What do we need to learn about the Key Element?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do we need to learn about the Key Element?
Learning Agenda Evidence Base What do we need to learn about the Key Element? Continuous Context- Specific Analysis Outcome-Oriented Methods Design For Contribution What analytical methods are most effective in bringing clarity to the issue? How and through which mechanisms can actors adapt development tools and methods used for deeper contextual analysis for emergency contexts? How does continuous analysis translate into informing M&E frameworks and logic models that capture adaptability? How can a causal logic support interagency context-specific problem-solving for protection? What results-based methods can be used to develop a causal logic that support protection outcomes? How is adaptability measured in support of protection outcomes? What M&E methods best support results- based protection? How do evaluators use iterative methods to measure changes in risk patterns? How do we manage uncertainty? What does it look like to systematically work with risk? How do actors balance, prioritize, and manage M&E frameworks and evaluation methods for assessing results for both context-specific as well as global outcomes (i.e. those related to the World Humanitarian Summit, Grand Bargain, etc.) How do we monitor and measure the contribution of other actors to achieve results?

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