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INSPIRATION 1) Turn your letter in to inbox

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1 INSPIRATION 1) Turn your letter in to inbox
INSPIRATION 1) Turn your letter in to inbox. 2) QW – What is inspiration to you?

2 BOY WONDER As you watch this, think about what lessons you can pull and apply to your life. Jot down ideas that you observe. 1st CLIP What did you observe? Share out with your shoulder partner. Bs go first. 

Starting ahead of the game….You are in America with many luxuries the rest of the world doesn’t have. Continue to write down things you observe, but also respond to the question at the end. 2nd Clip

4 FAILURE IS ….. Think about a time you failed…I mean really failed. How did you feel? Did you give up? Explain. Continue to write down ideas you observed. 3rd Clip Is failure a good thing? Talk about it at your table. #4 start the conversation. 

5 AKNOWLEDGMENT? Do you need someone to pat you on the back when you do something right? Explain. Write down your observations. 4th Clip What pulls at your heart? What do you have a passion for?

6 CHANGE How many people does it take to effect change? Explain. Again, write down observations.  5th Clip

7 PATTERNS? Read back over your observations from each clip. What patterns do you see? #1 at each table – begin sharing your findings. Everyone add to your list and continue sharing around the table.

8 DRAWING CONCLUSIONS What are some “Big Ideas” you can grab from this lesson? What is the so what of today? Stand up - #3 read what you wrote and then sit down. Continue to read around the table until everyone is done.

9 NOW WHAT ABOUT YOU? How can you take these ideas and inspire the person you wrote about yesterday into the person you want to be tomorrow? What steps will you take? Create a road map for your 8th grade year. Create a plan of action. Write your response in your journal. 

10 FINISH EARLY? READ or work on homework SCOPES if needed 

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