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Mercy Corps PAHAL Data Use

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1 Mercy Corps PAHAL Data Use
30 November 2017

2 Functional & Useful M&E System
PAHAL MEL Framework Functional & Useful M&E System 1. Data Demand Gap analysis of M&E demand side 2. Data Collection & Processing M&E Plan M&E Process Manual Information Management System Collect & process data per needs (time & content) 3. Information Availability Gap analysis of supply side 4. Information Use Reports, Tables, Graphics 5. Administer M&E Activities M&E Workplan M&E Budget M&E Staffing Plan (revised) M&E Capacity Building Objective: Outputs: Outcomes: Inputs: Activities:

3 MEL Products & Services
Beneficiary tracking (participant registration  tracking table) Activity monitoring (annual surveys, activity registers, qualitative evaluations, DQA  IPTT & SAPQ) Project evaluation (Mid-Term Evaluation) Customer satisfaction monitoring (customer complaint mechanism) Activity reports MEL Services Management Information System use training Technical assistance on indicator selection and tabulation Technical assistance on designing surveys, evaluations, and forms (paper & digital) Data graphics (maps, tables, graphs)

4 Roll-out forms & process
Identify data needs Create forms & process Test forms & process Roll-out forms & process Collect data Enter data into system Validate data Manage data in MIS Share information Facilitate data use PAHAL MEL Process Follows Demand for Data and Information Use (DDIU) framework Build demand for data in participatory manner Develop user’s ownership of data Build systems based on data demand

5 PAHAL MEL Framework & Process Overview
Identify data needs Create forms & process Test forms & process Roll-out forms & process Collect data Enter data into system Validate data Manage data in MIS Share information Facilitate data use Outcomes: Objective: Functional & Useful M&E System 1. Data Demand 2. Data Collection, Processing, Management 3. Information Availability 4. Information Use 5. Administer M&E Activities

6 Demand for Data and Information Use
Thematic Sector Decisions Type of Data Needed Disaggregation Needed Type of Data Output Needed Frequency Stakeholders WASH Where to promote hand washing more? % of hand-washers By Location(VDC) By Caste/Ethnicity By HH Type Table Geo-tagged Quarterly Social Mobiliser – coverage area District LNGO – For activity planning and budgeting Regional Office  Water Available water sources in the vicinity and their possible use # By source type # By potential use Location Discharge Reliability Quality Dispute Yearly Social Mobiliser – to determine areas to cover

7 PAHAL MEL Framework & Process Overview
Identify data needs Create forms & process Test forms & process Roll-out forms & process Collect data Enter data into system Validate data Manage data in MIS Share information Facilitate data use Outcomes: Objective: Functional & Useful M&E System 1. Data Demand 2. Data Collection, Processing, Management 3. Information Availability 4. Information Use 5. Administer M&E Activities

8 WASH Data Collection Form

9 Water Data Collection Form

10 PAHAL MEL Framework & Process Overview
Identify data needs Create forms & process Test forms & process Roll-out forms & process Collect data Enter data into system Validate data Manage data in MIS Share information Facilitate data use Outcomes: Objective: Functional & Useful M&E System 1. Data Demand 2. Data Collection, Processing, Management 3. Information Availability 4. Information Use 5. Administer M&E Activities

11 Water & WASH Data Collection
Water Data Collection >> Water Technicians collect & enter >> Water Engineers review >> Water Managers accept >> MEL manipulates data & shares results WASH Data Collection >> Community Volunteers collect >> WASH Officers enter >> WASH Managers accept

12 PAHAL MEL Framework & Process Overview
Identify data needs Create forms & process Test forms & process Roll-out forms & process Collect data Enter data into system Validate data Manage data in MIS Share information Facilitate data use Outcomes: Objective: Functional & Useful M&E System 1. Data Demand 2. Data Collection, Processing, Management 3. Information Availability 4. Information Use 5. Administer M&E Activities

13 PAHAL Reporting & Data Sharing Timeline
12 days USAID visit 1/20/ /31/2017 44 days USAID DQA 2/7/ /22/2017 30 days USAID DQA 8/1/ /30/2017 5 days USAID visit 8/28/ /1/2017 Monthly reports (PAHAL) MC NP data requests 2/6/2017 7/27/2017 Bi-Annual presentation (GON) Bi-Annual report (GON) Monthly reports (PAHAL) 2/22/2017 7/31/2017 10/5/2017 Monthly reports (PAHAL) Bi-Annual report (GON) Quartery report (USAID) Quartery report (USAID) Monthly reports (PAHAL) 12/5/2016 2/28/2017 4/30/2017 7/31/2017 Quartery report (USAID) Monthly reports (PAHAL) Monthly reports (PAHAL) Monthly reports (PAHAL) 11/6/2017 1/31/2017 4/5/2017 6/5/2017 8/7/2017 Annual report (USAID) Annual report (USAID) Monthly reports (PAHAL) Monthly reports (PAHAL) Monthly reports (PAHAL) Monthly reports (PAHAL) Monthly reports (PAHAL) 11/7/2016 1/5/2017 3/6/2017 5/5/2017 7/5/2017 9/5/2017 11/6/2017 2016 Week 1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 2017 Today

14 PAHAL MEL Framework & Process Overview
Identify data needs Create forms & process Test forms & process Roll-out forms & process Collect data Enter data into system Validate data Manage data in MIS Share information Facilitate data use Outcomes: Objective: Functional & Useful M&E System 1. Data Demand 2. Data Collection, Processing, Management 3. Information Availability 4. Information Use 5. Administer M&E Activities

15 PAHAL Information Sharing
Village Office District Office Regional Office Kathmandu Office COP MEL Manager & Team Regional & District MEL Staff District MEL Staff Resilience Program Coordinator Regional Field Coordinators District Coordinators Program Managers Regional Sector Officers District Technical Officers Extension Officers Information and Feedback are shared across and down, and across and up Monthly reports and meetings at each level What activities occurred? Where did activities occur? Who participated in the activities? Monthly planning Quarterly reports and meetings How well did activities occur? What factors supported and inhibited implementation? Test selected TOC logical pathways What technical support do implementers need? Quarterly planning Annual reports and meetings Reflect and discuss all TOC logical pathways Annual planning Regional Resilience Director 4. How do you share the data with your DFSA team – CoP, DCoP, Technicians, partners, and field-level staff (volunteers/ promoters, etc.)? How often?

16 “This presentation is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this presentation are the responsibility of the presenter and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.”

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