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Special Education 101 A Brief Primer for Substitute Teachers

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1 Special Education 101 A Brief Primer for Substitute Teachers
Sponsored by Tri County Substitute Teacher Consortium Rusty Gordon SELPA Administrator YUBA County SELPA

2 Purpose of Training To provide a working knowledge about special education To provide the tools and information necessary to be effective in the special education setting, for a day, week or….. Increase your knowledge about special education

3 Goals Familiarize you with:
IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) The Educational Continuum Behavior and School Discipline Procedures Working with para-educators and school staff

4 IDEA Brief History IDEA has undergone several changes since it began as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA), or Public Law , in This law originated as a way to insure that students with disabilities receive an appropriate public education.

5 Types of Disabilities MR/ID ED MD HH* OI* Autism Deaf* OHI TBI SLI SLD
VI* DB* *Low Incidence Disability

6 IDEA Purpose The reauthorization of IDEA 2004 (Section 601(d)) states,
in part, that the purpose of the law is: (1A) to ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education (FAPE) that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment and independent living; (1B) to ensure that the rights of children with disabilities and parents of such children are protected;

7 Guiding Principles of IDEA High Expectations and High Accountability
In order to raise achievement and expectations we must: Promote high standards for all students Ensure meaningful access & participation in the general curriculum Provide accommodations & supports

8 Guiding Principles of IDEA High Expectations and High Accountability
The way we ensure the previous is through the Individual Education Plan (IEP) process and documentation

9 Educational Continuum
IDEA Section (a)(2)(i) and Section (a) tell us: To the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities are educated with children who are not disabled. Each public agency shall ensure that a continuum of alternative services placement is available. Gen Ed SST DIS RSP SDC SDC NPS Home Residential Class District COE Instruction NPS In addition, the Regulations prohibit the IEP team from denying placement in an age appropriate general education classroom solely because the student requires curriculum modifications.

10 Service Continuum General Education Class
General Education Class with services/aides General Education class with RSP Class (push in or pull out) Special day class/general education Special day class/RSP Special day class

11 Service Continuum… Part day & home instruction Isolated sites
Non-public school Residential/non-public school Home Instruction

12 What is General Education?
As distinguished from special education, an established curriculum of academic subjects offered in essentially the same fashion for all children and youth. The term frequently is used interchangeably with regular education.

13 What is Special Education?
Specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability.

14 Behavior and School Discipline
In your least restrictive classes, local protocol should be followed. As you progress to more restrictive classes, confer with teacher notes, Instructional Assistants and school personnel on how to handle situations as they may arise. Realize that some students do not handle change well, and your presence may be the cause of misbehaviors. Students will test the limits to see what you will set. The function of behavior is escape, avoidance, attention, fear of the unknown and consequences (getting a reward in return (+/-)).

15 Working With Para-Educators/Instructional Assistants
Look to them to show you the way. Confer with them about specific issues that may arise. Ask them how they want to handle the day. I do/you do, follow their lead, follow sub instructions. Do not LET THEM TEACH THE WHOLE DAY

16 Working With Para-Educators/Instructional Assistants
They will have specific knowledge on the class/period/day. You have the credential, be active but not assertive.

17 Questions? Thank you for choosing to work with all our students, even the most diverse in our schools. Your effort and professionalism is appreciated.

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