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Infective endocarditis

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1 Infective endocarditis

2 Definitions 感染性心內膜炎即microorganisms在endocardium內生長

3 Nonbacterial thrombotics endocarditis Transient bacteremia IE
Pathophysiology Endothelium injury Perexisting valvular or congenital heart defects IDU (injected drug user) Nonbacterial thrombotics endocarditis Hypercoagulable states Transient bacteremia IE

4 Prolonged unexplained fever 2-D echo reveal vagitation
什麼人要懷疑 IE Fever with Pre-existing valvular abnormalities (Table 152-1) IDUs Prosthetic Valve endocarditis Prolonged unexplained fever 2-D echo reveal vagitation

5 course Acute Subacute 多為S. aureus 感染 快速進展 High fever and rigors
破壞心臟結構且易轉移至遠端 Death within days to weeks if no treat Subacute 緩慢的病程, 其常見的complication embolic event ruptured mycotic aneurysm heart failure.

6 Clinical symptoms and sign (Tintinalli table 145-2)
Fever 80% Chills 40 Weakness dyspnea Anorexia 25 cough Malaise Skin lesion 20 Headache stroke Chest apin 15 Abd. pain Fever 90% Heart murmur 85 New murmur 3~5 Changing murmur 5~10 Skin表現 18~50 Oslar node 10~23 Splinter hemorrhage 15 Petechiae 20-40 Janeway lesion <10 Embolic phenomena >50 Septic complication 20 Mycotic aneurysm splenomegaly 20~57

7 Diagnosis: Duke criteria
major criteria Positive blood culture for I.E. Evidence of endocardial involvement Positve echocardiogram finding for I.E. New valvular regurgitation

8 Duke Criteria Minor criteria Predisposition Fever: > 38.0 C
predisposing heart condition I.V drug use Fever: > C Vascular phenomena: septic emboli, mycotic aneurysm, ICH, Janeway lesions Immunologic phenomena: glomerulonephritis, Osler nodes, Roth spots Microbiologic evidence : consistent Echocardiogram : consistent

9 Definite infective endocarditis :
Duke criteria Definite infective endocarditis : Pathologic criteria Clinical criteria (sensitivity: 90%) 2 major 1 major + 3 minor criteria 5 minor criteria possible infective endocarditis (介於中間) Rejected Firm alternate diagnosis Resolution of manifestations of IE within 4 days after ABx treatment Surgery or autopsy: no evidence of IE

10 Lab and exam EKG CXR CBC/DC, SMA ESR U/A 2D-echo TTE or TEE

11 Initial stabilization Stroke: standard protocol
Treatment Initial stabilization Stroke: standard protocol Acute cardiac decompensation Afterload reduction IABP for MV rupture (不能用在AV rupture)

12 Antibiotics for 4~6 weeks Native (多streptococcus)
Treatment Antibiotics for 4~6 weeks Native (多streptococcus) Penicillin 3 MU st and q4h + Gentamycin 1mg/kg st and q8h IV drug abuser (多S. aureus) Oxacillin 2g st and q4h + Gentamycin 1mg/kg st and q8h Prosthetic vulve: Vancomycin 15mg/kg q12h+ Gentamycin 1mg/kg q8h+ Rifampin 300 mg q8h po

13 Indications for cardiac surgery in Native IE
Severe valvular dysfunction hemodynamic instability or acute heart failure Relapsing prosthetic valve endocarditis Major embolic complications New conduction defects or arrhythmias Unresponsive infection fungal / G(-) bacillus endocarditis persistent bacteremia paravalvular invasion & abscess

14 Protocol

15 Reference 1.Internal medicine , Harrison 16th edition 2.Uptodate :infective endocarditis 3.Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide 6th edition, Chapter: infective endocarditis

16 Practice 46 y/o male, cachexia status Visited LMD 3 days ago due to general weakness, fever and left side weakness LMD treatment with hydration and UTI (RBC: 250/HPF, WBC: 120/HPF) Progressively SOB  intubation after treatment  transfer to our ER Vital sign: HR: 150/min, BP: 90/60, RR: 36/min

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