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American West Influences

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1 American West Influences
American West Myth American West Influences

2 American West Myth Theodore Roosevelt Frederick Jackson Turner
William F. Cody Frederic Remington Owen Wister

3 Theodore Roosevelt Born 1858 Asthmatic child Read natural history
Harvard—boxing Mind over body New York legislature North Dakota

4 Theodore Roosevelt Historian Naval War of 1812
Hunting Trips of a Ranchman Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail Thomas Hart Benton The Winning of the West

5 Theodore Roosevelt The Winning of the West
From the Alleghenies to the Mississippi From the Alleghenies to the Mississippi

6 Theodore Roosevelt The Winning of the West
Founding of the Trans-Alleghany Commonwealth Louisiana and the Northwest

7 Theodore Roosevelt Western Virtues Self-reliance Honor Loyalty
Determination Endless breadth

8 Theodore Roosevelt Western Cowboy Hardy Self-reliant Bronzed, set face
Keen eyes Look world in face without flinching Heroic and iconic “Rough Riders”

9 Theodore Roosevelt Environment National Reclamation Act
Reclamation Service Antiquities Act National Parks

10 Frederick J. Turner Born 1861 Wisconsin—quasi-frontier
Univ. of Wisconsin Johns Hopkins Harvard The Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893

11 Frederick J. Turner European history and tradition vs. American frontier and hope American social evolutionary stages Indian and hunter Trader Rancher Farmer Manufacturer

12 Frederick J. Turner West generates Democracy Individualism
Coarseness and strength Acuteness and acquisitiveness Quick expedients Practice inventiveness Restless, nervous energy

13 William F. Cody Born 1846 Iowa prairie Father’s early death Wrangler
Pike’s Peak prospector Pony Express rider Military Red Legged Scouts Cavalry

14 William F. Cody Ned Buntline Dime Novels Wild West Educate Entertain
Buffalo Bill, the King of the Border Men Wild West Educate Entertain Reenact Indian attack Buffalo hunt Pony Express

15 William F. Cody

16 William F. Cody

17 Frederic Remington Born 1861 Church military school Yale
Art Football, boxing Montana (aged 19) Harper’s Weekly Collier’s War correspondent and artist

18 Frederic Remington Artwork Theodore Roosevelt’s Ranch Life and Hunting
Owen Wister’s The Virginian William Randolph Hearst Spanish American War—Assault on San Juan Hill Wounded Knee

19 Frederic Remington

20 Owen Wister Born 1860 Music conservatory Harvard Law School
Wyoming, 1885 Lifelong friends Theodore Roosevelt Frederic Remington The Virginian

21 American West Myth McVeigh, Stephen. The American Western. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Press, Print

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