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Natura 2000 Management and Restoration Programme for Wales

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1 Natura 2000 Management and Restoration Programme for Wales
Coordinating Beneficiary: Countryside Council for Wales Programme Manager Kathryn Hewitt With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Community

2 Natura sites in Wales Orange: SAC 92 sites Green: SPA 20 sites Total area of N2K in Wales: c. 700,000 ha 8.5% of land area 35% of territorial waters © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Countryside Council for Wales,

3 Details of project Run by Countryside Council for Wales
Sept 2012 – Dec 2014 €1.3 million budget – 50% LIFE, 50% CCW 7 dedicated members of staff & €300k worth of contractors 19 detailed actions to be delivered to strict timetable – days and costs are itemised High level of involvement from internal specialists and external stakeholders – 28 workshops plus individual meetings

4 Actions and outputs Collation of evidence from a range of existing sources Action Plans – moving on from existing management plans to focus on actions to be delivered over , with priorities, timing, costings and funding sources Development of existing database Programme for Wales – strategic, prioritised, influential.

5 Main sources of N2K funding in Wales
Management agreements – CCW/WG funds (22% of terr SACs) LIFE – 8 in Wales since 1995 Agri-environment schemes e.g. Glastir – WG funds (40% of terrestrial N2K sites) – N2K is one of several targeted priorities Protective landowners’ direct funds e.g. National Trust, CCW, Forestry Commission Wales National and local grants, schemes and partnerships e.g. Welsh Government, local authorities Single Farm Payment – CAP. Supports marginal farming but doesn’t promote N2K objectives specifically ERDF – for visitor management, tourism promotion etc

6 Link with national PAF CCW producing a PAF for Wales in 2012, to be amalgamated into a UK PAF. PAF is being produced separately from the LIFE N2K project. LIFE N2K project will “provide primary & substantive basis for review and elaboration’ of Welsh PAF.

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