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Where is the power? Health and social care Animal welfare Education

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Presentation on theme: "Where is the power? Health and social care Animal welfare Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal sentience: using page builder to deliver trans-national campaigning RSPCA

2 Where is the power? Health and social care Animal welfare Education
Agriculture Housing MUCH MORE ...are devolved.

3 What does this mean? Health and social care Animal welfare Education
Agriculture Housing MUCH MORE ...are devolved.

4 Who is your target? NI is part of the UK.
In fact they have dog licensing in NI. European Commission??

5 Brexit! 80% of animal welfare legislation comes from the EU
Animal welfare is the responsibility of the individual nations of the UK. UK Government ‘white paper’ recommends powers coming back from Brussels shouldn’t be immediately devolved. Welsh Government disagrees!

6 Our needs Issue based content. Actions are generated by campaigns supporters are exposed to. “There should not be a vote on fox hunting, I want to help stop this barbaric blood sport” Shared messaging, where possible, with actions dependent on audience. Simple to use and explain. Different target based on location.

7 Animal sentience

8 Ensure recognition of animal sentience post-Brexit
Our campaign Ensure recognition of animal sentience post-Brexit Mobilise supporters to their relevant Ministers. Not to assume this will only be a Westminster issue.


10 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Suspendisse tincidunt eget nisi eget vestibulum. Maecenas pellentesque non metus eget mattis. Donec aliquam, arcu in viverra sagittis.

11 Fake news saga

12 Sentience victory

13 More work to be done... 9 in 10 people who give money to animal charities believe animals feel pain and experience emotion. You Gov report (26 Feb 2018): "Animal" vs "Human" charities: What type of people prefer which? 2% of dog owners thought their dogs didn't experience emotions or feelings. RSPCA report (15 Feb 2018): Being #DogKind: How in tune are we with the needs of our canine companions?

14 Challenges More complicated user journey but Engaging Networks gives us functionality to handle it, easily! When there are different types of targets Different political timetables The West Lothian question - Wales MPs can vote on England-only laws We are still learning and being flexible in our approach!

15 Other victories Ban wild animals in circuses (All the nations in some stage) CCTV in slaughterhouses (England) All local authorities have banned the release of sky lanterns on council land (Wales)


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