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HOMEWORK:- An LED light is a very safe, low energy form of lighting

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1 HOMEWORK:- An LED light is a very safe, low energy form of lighting
HOMEWORK:- An LED light is a very safe, low energy form of lighting. What do the letters LED stand for. S1 Tea light holder Note:- For safety reasons, this tea light stand has been designed to work with LED type tea lights only.

2 Starting the design Write your name here
Once you have rendered the shapes select the one you consider to be the best, or nicest shape to make. Write your name here Create a small text box on the page. In it write a brief statement explaining why you have chosen the shape you have. for example:- I have decided to make design no 2. I have decided to make this one because the shape looks interesting. On an A4 page. Draw round each of the templates to create a design page for the tea light dish. Use a sharp pencil to carefully render each of the shapes to look like sheet metal. Your teacher will show you how to do this. PAPER HOMEWORK:- Templates are used in industry on a regular basis. What benefits do they offer manufacturers? You will need to hold the pencil so that the side of the lead touches the paper.

3 Shaping the metal Engineers Vice Emery Cloth Second cut File Tin Snips
The tools, and equipment you will use for making this part of the model are shown below. The first part of shaping the model involves trimming the metal to shape using the tin snips. This is made easier if one leg of the snips is held in the vice. Engineers Vice Emery Cloth Carefully draw round the chosen template. Second cut File The tinsnips work like scissors. To make them easy to use them put one leg of the snips in the vice. This will allow you to cut the metal with ease. Use the snips to cut the metal by following the line in just the same way that you would with scissors. Tin Snips HOMEWORK:- Steel is an alloy. What does the word alloy tell us about steel. Why is this information important when making products like cars and planes?

4 Smoothing the metal Engineers Vice
Once the metal has been cut to shape it will have sharp edges. These need to be smoothed off. Gently rocking the file on the edge of the metal will remove sharp edges and even out any rough bits on the metal. Final smoothing will be achieved using emery cloth. Engineers Vice The files we use in school take 4 basic shapes. They are:- Triangular (3 Sides) also known as three square Half round. One side of this file is flat. Round (This file is sometimes called a rats tail file.) And Flat. The flat file is the file most used in class. They come in various grades of coarseness, ranging from very rough, to smooth. The file is joined to the handle by means of a long metal spike known as the tang. If the handle comes off you must give the file and the handle to your teacher who will be able to fix it for you. Gently rock the file against the edge of the metal until a smooth edge has been achieved. Start with the file in a vertical position, and finish with the file flat, and level.

Bossing mallet. The bossing mallet shown below is made from wood. This makes it ideal to shape the metal because it does not damage the metal. The curved ends are ideal for shaping deep and shallow discs. The boss is a shaped wooden block that is used to shape the metal. Using the mallet the metal is shaped into the hollow shape on top of it. BOSSING MALLET When shaping the disc it is important to keep the disc moving. Turning and hitting it at a different point each time is very important. As each level is complete the circular hammering pattern becomes tighter as the circle reduces towards the middle. RIVET HEAD 1 5 7 3 6 2 8 4 The ball pein hammer shown below can also be used to shape the metal. The hammer head is hard metal and will damage the metal a little each time you hit it. BOSS BOSS BALL PEIN HAMMER HOMEWORK:- In industry metal has often to be shaped so that it can be used in different product. Car body parts for example. They are made by press forming the bits in a big machine. How does the product work? Why is it a good method to use? BOSSING MALLET Keep the metal disc moving by turning it a little each time.

6 Shaping the block for the base will require you to do some design work.
Decisions will have to be made. Do you want the base to be one colour of wood? Or:- Do you want different types or colours of wood? This is important as it can have an big effect on the appearance of the model. Colours that are similar go together well. They are said to compliment each, and create a nice effect. Different colours can also look good together. Different woods have different colours, and grain pattern. They contrast with each other and can create interesting patterns. Similarly with shapes. Some shapes go well together. While others just do not seem to work. For example:- If the dish of your model was a square, and the base a triangle this do not seem to work as a design. This is because these shapes have different numbers of sides, and this clashes form a design point of view. If both the dish, and the base had four sides then they would then work together making the design look balanced. Balance is an important part of design and we need to consider it carefully when working on our designs. Contrast is not always a bad thing in any design sometimes it creates beauty by making the product more interesting. Fine coloured woods are sometimes built into furniture to add interest and define limits. Interesting patterns can be created simply by turning the same coloured wood round a little creating a pattern. Other colours, and types of wood can also be used to exaggerate the pattern making it more interesting. This is called inlay, and it creates a contrast, and If used properly produce some terrific results. Shaping the base Contrasting shapes can sometimes be made to work together. For example hexagonal shapes, and triangles can if used properly compliment each other. This is because they are multiples of each other. Ie 3x2 =6 Circles can work well with most shapes.

The base is made from a simple wooden block. Some of these will be made from multiple strips while others will be single colours. The multiple strips add interest by creating a contrasting pattern using colour and grain types. Once the dish and leg have been shaped they can be used to decide on the shape for the base. This is an important task as choosing the wrong shapes will have an effect on the appearance of the finished model.

File teeth (much smaller) You will use the tools on this page to cut and shape your wooden base. Your teacher will show you how to use each of them. Files and rasps are used to smooth the wood. The file above has small teeth, and is used to smoothe the wood to a finish. While the rasp below has hooked teeth and is used to remove lots of wood quickly. CROWN GUARD RASP Rasp teeth (quite big) The coping saw. The coping saw is used to cut curves in the wood. It works best if the blade is kept straight and level. It is very important that the crown guard is in the correct position before using the machine. It is very important as it holds the wood down while sawing. COPING SAW FRET SAW A fret saw is a mechanical coping saw. It cuts wood quickly, and cleanly along straight or curved lines. It is a machine so you must wear goggles when using it. Your teacher must show you how to use this machine before you use it. TENON SAW The tenon saw. The tenon saw is used to cut straight lines. It is easy to use and any lines cut should be as near vertical as possible.

9 HOMEWORK:- What device could you create to make drawing the same shape multiple times accurately.
Enhancing the design. Other changes can be as simple as adding a little shape, or form to the design. This can be achieved by simply rounding the corners of model components creating a softer appearance. More dramatic effects can be achieved by filing shapes onto specific parts of the model. For example shaping the ends of the legs. This pattern can be repeated on all similar parts creating a balanced design. Quite often designers will use decorations cut into the metal to enhance the designs. These can be pressed in using stamps, or cut using files and snips. Either way they add interest, and can improve the appearance of the design. You need to decide if your model will have designs cut into the legs. ENGRAVING:- Engraving involves cutting a pattern into materials using shaped tools. These patterns can be hand carved or cut using computer controlled machines. CNC ENBOSSING:- Embossing involves creating a raised area that stands out from its surrounds. This can be created by adding material in the shape you want or by cutting the surrounding metal away. ETCHING:- Etching creates a pattern by changing the surface texture of the material. It is neither raised, or cut into the material. It works by changing the surface appearance. This can be as simple as going from a from shiny finish to matt or vice versa. This creates a contrast in surface finishes which stands out as a pattern. These sketches show some ideas for the shapes that could be filed onto the ends of the leg. They can help to enhance and improve the designs aesthetic appeal.

10 The leg is an important aesthetic part of the model
The leg is an important aesthetic part of the model. It connects the base which is wooden to the dish which is metal. Cleverly designed it can compliment and enhance the design. Get it wrong and the design may not have visual impact. This part of the design process will involve you in a card modelling exercise. A strip of card 220mm long and 20mm wide will be used to represent the leg. It will bend, and twist in the same way that the metal will. Your task is to bend the card in lots of different ways in order to decide what shape of leg best completes the design, and then make it in metal. Making the leg. Explore designs, and create a shape for the legs. Have your metal dish handy as you can use it to see if they go together well. Use the card template to mark where the hole will be drilled for fixing the finished holder to the base. The finished template can be used to accurately mark out the metal. HOMEWORK:- This part of the model is a highly visible aesthetic feature of the design. What does the word aesthetic mean in relation to any designed product. What factors effect aesthetics. 220 mm 20mm Once the design has been established the metal can be bent to shape using jigs formers, and mallets in the craft room. Your teacher will show you how.

11 Drilling the leg HAND VICE PEDESTAL DRILL
The metal leg is joined to the wooden base using a wood screw. For this to work the metal leg needs to have at least one hole drilled in it. You will have decided where this hole needs to be drilled while you are designing the leg using card modelling. The card model you make will be used as a template. Position your template on the metal. Use a centre punch, and ball pein hammer to clearly mark the hole positions. ROSEBIT COUNTERSINK Hold the metal in a hand vice. Rest it on a block of wood and drill the hole through into the block of wood. Your teacher will show you how. The edges of the hole will be a little rough. This is normal and is called the burr. To remove it put the metal on the back of the vice and use a rose bit countersink. HAND VICE CENTRE PUNCH Guards have been lifted to make the picture clearer. They should always be in the down position. PEDESTAL DRILL

12 Spot welding The spot welding machine is easy to use. The metal to be joined is placed between the electrodes and is then clamped together. A high powered electric current is then passed through the metal at the electrodes heating it to about 1500 degrees in an instant fusing the bits of metal together. Once complete the weld spot will be black in colour. Immediately after welding it will be very hot. DO NOT TOUCH IT. Allow it to cool down naturally in the room. Carefully hold the metal in place using your finger and thumb. Place it between the electrodes of the welding machine. Hold the metal gently with the electrodes. Carefully check to make sure that the metal is still in the correct position. Press down hard to switch the machine on. It will run and make a buzzing noise for about 1.5 seconds. It will then switch off completing the weld. Position the disc carefully onto the leg you have designed. Study it carefully making sure the positioning is correct. The weld is permanent, and fast. You must be certain that it is properly located before welding. WARNING:- You must allow several minutes before touching the metal at the weld spot as it will be very hot immediately after welding has occurred.

Once the two bits have been made it is time to join them together. This will be done using a wood screw. It is secured in place using a screw driver. You will need to make a small hole where the leg joins the base using a bradawl. This hole is known as a pilot hole and it makes it easy to start turning the wood screw in place. The screw is then secured using a posi drive screw driver. POSI DRIVE SCREWDRIVER Use a bradawl to make the pilot hole for the wood screw. BRADAWL Use a posidrive screwdriver to secure the base and stand together. Put the base in the woodwork vice and mark the position of the pilot hole.

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