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Europe in the Middle Ages Bubonic Plague/Black Death

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1 Europe in the Middle Ages Bubonic Plague/Black Death

2 Essential Standards 6.G.1Understand geographic factors that influenced the emergence, expansion and decline of civilizations, societies and regions (i.e. Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas) over time. 6.H.2 Understand the political, economic and/or social significance of historical events, issues, individuals and cultural groups.

3 Clarifying Objectives
6.G.1.2 Explain the factors that influenced the movement of people, goods and ideas and the effects of that movement on societies and regions over time (e.g., scarcity of resources, conquests, desire for wealth, disease and trade). 6.H.2.1 Explain how invasions, conquests and migrations affected various civilizations, societies and regions (e.g., Mongol invasion, The Crusades, the Peopling of the Americas and Alexander the Great). 6.H.2.2 Compare historical and contemporary events and issues to understand continuity and change.

4 Essential Questions What FACTORS influenced the movement of the Mongols? What FACTORS influenced the movement of the people of Kaffa? How did the INVASIANS & attempted conquests affect the EUROPEANS? How has the historical event of the Bubonic Plague taught us how to treat other contemporary bacterial diseases of today?

5 Kaffa The story of the Bubonic Plague starts with the trade center city of Kaffa Kaffa was a city held by the Christians It was a central trade center on the outskirts of Europe The Mongols wanted control of the city so they could have control of trade in that region so they could become more wealthy

6 Expanding their Empire
Mongols wanted to expand their empire out of Asia They wanted to expand & eventually take over Europe Starting with a trade center city of Kaffa

7 Essential Questions Get with a partner and answer….
What FACTORS influenced the movement of the Mongols?

8 Mongols In 1347 the Mongols attacked Europe for the first time when they attacked Kaffa They brought with them a devastating disease Nobody is really sure how the Mongols contracted the disease but they started spreading it through Europe

9 Mongols Soldiers Get Sick
Many of the Mongol soldiers become very sick during the over 10 day battle for the city of Kaffa Odd strange things begin happening to their bodies It is clear they have some kind of disease

10 Christians Defend Kaffa
Christians were not going to let Kaffa fall to the Mongols as they beat them back Mongols frustrated that they had been beaten were not going to let their enemy off so easy

11 Christians Defend Kaffa
They use their catapults to hurl their own dead bodies that are infected with Bubonic Plague/Black Death over the walls of the city of Kaffa They then retreat

12 Citizens of Kaffa Move to Europe
After the Mongols attack Kaffa the people of Kaffa realize that the city is no longer safe They move in large numbers to other cities in Europe Unknown to the people they are spreading the disease everywhere they go

13 Essential Questions Get with a partner and answer….
What FACTORS influenced the movement of the people of Caffa?

14 Europe is the Perfect Breeding Ground
Europe is the perfect place to spread the disease Asia is still many small villages & very few large cities Europe on the other hand has many large trade cities The perfect place to spread disease because of how close the people are to each other

15 Is God Angry? The disease kills so fast that the people of Europe begin to believe that God is angry with them They believe it is a punishment for something they have done

16 The Pope People turn to the Pope hoping he can talk to God an reason with him He is the leader of the Christian Church The Pope can do nothing for them against the disease

17 Plague Doctors People hire Witch Doctors to cast the disease from them & their families They will try anything at this point to save their families It doesn’t work

18 Bubonic Plague/Black Death Affects Europe for Generations
In 15 years the Bubonic Plague kills over 50 million people It almost wipes out all of Europe Whole huge cities are empty

19 Essential Questions Get with a partner and answer….
How did the INVASIANS & attempted conquests affect the EUROPEANS?

20 Could a pandemic like the Bubonic Plague/Black Death happen today?
I hope not!!!

21 Essential Questions Get with a partner and answer….
How has the historical event of the Bubonic Plague taught us how to treat other contemporary bacterial diseases of today?

22 Homework Please watch this video clip and respond in constructed response form: What were the FACTORS that influenced the movement of the MONGOLS & later the people of CAFFA?

23 Important Points 6.H.2.1 (Invasions & conquests) The Mongol invasions AFFECTED EUROPE by spreading disease (Bubonic Plague/Black Death) & almost wiping out all of Europe 6.H.2.2 (historical & contemporary events) the Bubonic Plague/Black Death pandemic has taught today’s doctors how to treat similar bacterial infections to avoid pandemic 6.G.1.2 (factors of movement) The Mongols moved from Asia to Europe because they wanted to CONQUOR & they had a DESIRE for more WEALTH 6.G.1.2 (factors of movement) The people of Caffa moved to different parts of Europe to try to get away from the disease (Bubonic Plague/Black Death)

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