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Rand Smith xxx-xxx-xxxx DON’T RELIST WITH THE SAME AGENT Call

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2 Rand Smith xxx-xxx-xxxx DON’T RELIST WITH THE SAME AGENT Call
What is your agent going to do differently this time? Probably nothing. Everything they knew to do to get your home sold was already done. You need a new marketing plan, new excitement, new enthusiasm. You need a new approach. The value of your home is probably less than it was when you listed your home. Can you afford to let this happen again? Call the person with the most aggressive marketing strategies available anywhere… Call Rand Smith Real Estates Most Active Agent! xxx-xxx-xxxx Rand Smith Takes the Risk Out of Listing Your Home With An Agent! If Your Property is Currently Listed for Sale Please Disregard our Active Marketing Efforts!

3 Rand understands the One and Only Meaning of…
True Real Estate Service… The Ability to Get Your Home SOLD!

4 INTRODUCING… There’s NO Such Thing As a Bad Market…
Just Bad Marketing Plans or No Marketing Plan. If Your Home Hasn’t SOLD, It’s Time to Find Out Why! INTRODUCING…

5 Sells Homes Like Yours Fast!
The 20 Million Dollar MARKETING PLAN Rand Smith Sells Homes Like Yours Fast! With The Most Aggressive And Innovative Marketing Plan In Real Estate, Rand Will Get Your Home SOLD In Any “Market Condition”. The Dream Of Being MOVED Is Just A Phone Call Away. Talk To Rand

CHECKLIST FOR CHANGE Did your real estate agent have a Marketing Plan to get your home SOLD? Did you receive a weekly update from your real estate agent? Did your real estate agent follow up and through on EVERY property showing? Did your real estate agent actively pursue a buyer for your home? Did your real estate agent mobilize the entire real estate community in order to get every agent working to sell your home? Did your real estate agent keep you informed on changes in your marketplace? Did your real estate agent get your home SOLD? If You Didn’t Answer YES to ALL of These Questions… IT’S TIME TO MAKE A CHANGE! RAND Specializes In SOLUTIONS NOT EXCUSES!

7 & UESTION How Do You Increase The Likelihood Of Selling Your Home? NSWER Increase the Number of Times Your Home is Shown to Prospective Buyers. ACTS The Time It Takes to Sell Your Home is Directly Related to the Number of Showings of Your Home Showings = SOLD!.

8 uring the past year over 1000 real estate agents have either showed, previewed or received personalized information (letter/flyer/ /virtual tour) on homes listed for sale by Rand. Rand mobilizes the entire real estate community putting all of these agents to work selling your home. His job is to get your home SOLD, not try to make more money for himself by keeping your listing a secret. You want and need every active agent working to get your home SOLD! Talk to Rand.

9 GET READY… Because your home has not sold and now shows in the Multiple Listing Service as “EXPIRED”, several things will happen in the next few days… A lot of Agents will contact you, either in person, by phone, or mail. All of the Agents that contact you will have one common denominator. They will all be confident that they can get your home sold. (ever wonder where these agents were when your home was “on-the-market”?) Some Agents may even tell you they have a buyer for your home. Of course if they did, why didn’t they bring an offer to you in writing?

10 WHAT TO DO? If they call, request that each caller send you a personal resume along with their Marketing Plan to sell your home. This is not necessarily what is best for you as this will take up a lot of your time. What you should be looking for is someone with excellent follow-up and follow-through. Amazingly, the act of having to provide you with this simple request will eliminate most of them. With an estimated 2400 agents in our area, choosing the right Agent for your home can be confusing. It is especially difficult when you speak to several agents and they all sound so convincing and say the same thing. There is a way to determine who is most likely to succeed in getting your price and terms. Please read on…

11 NUMBERS DON’T LIE… There is one way to determine who is most likely to succeed in getting your home SOLD. Compare the Numbers! RECENT SALES OR PENDING Crescent St. Monterey $595,550 Marietta St. Carmel $799,900 Aguajito Rd. Jack Peak $1.15 mil Madison St. Pacific Grove $605,000 Parque Ct Murrieta $961,500 El Cajon Dr. Temecula $399,999 Seabiscuit Dr. Temecula $415,000 Waring St Seaside $529,500 Spring St El Cajon $696,000 Story Rd Marina $428,000 During the time your home was on-the-market Rand SOLD many homes just like yours! Rand’s Marketing Plan sells homes in every kind of market. The facts tell the story. Rand has helped well over 2500 local home sellers sell their home for top dollar and in many cases, record time. Most Of These Homes Were Previously Listed By One Or More Other Realtors Prior To Being SOLD By Rand

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