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Cut only the top front flaps in between each letter

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1 Cut only the top front flaps in between each letter
MANIA Foldable Directions The reasons why WWI started are: Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism, Imperialism, and the Assassination (M.A.N.I.A.) 1. Fold your white paper hot dog style almost to the bottom leaving about 3 inches. 2. Make 5 folded sections of the paper or use a ruler. (one for each letter) M A N I A 3. On the inside of the folded section, define or provide information for each letter. For example, M- Militarism is when a country builds up arms and an arsenal of weapons. 4. Draw a colored picture for each letter on the 3 inch section that was not folded on the bottom of the front page. 5. Cut the lines between each letter. ** Example on next slide. Fold here M A N I A Inside view Picture at the bottom Define M A N I A Cut only the top front flaps in between each letter


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