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Body Image.

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1 Body Image

2 What is body image? Body image is a person's inner conception of his or her own physical appearance. This idea may or may not relate with reality. Each person holds an image of the physically perfect person in mind and evaluates his or her appearance against this ideal. A person who is pleased with his or her body shape and appearance is said to have a positive body image. We modify our ideas of our own bodies according to our emotional state as well as the reactions of others in the environment.

3 Differences In what ways are people different from each other?
Ex. Hair color, intelligence, etc. Think, pair, share Create group list

4 Some things we CAN change through effort (by studying, practicing, etc
Some things we CAN’T change, even if we want to (height, eye color, etc.) **Without extreme measures or cost** Some things will change naturally over time whether we want them to or not (height and weight as we grow, preferences, interests, etc.).

5 List 3 things you are good at.
Of these, what are you best at? Write your greatest strength on the board.

6 A person’s strengths and weaknesses are part of what defines them as a person (these are among their unique qualities). One thing that makes the world interesting is that everyone has his or her own set of unique qualities.

7 Just as with other traits, each of us grows, develops, and matures at different rates.
How do boys and girls develop differently?

8 Normal physical growth and development:
Involves rapid changes in height, weight, and weight distribution. Girls Boys Begins earlier. Begins later. Begins between 10.5 and 11.5 years (but may be as early as 8 or 9 and as late as 12 or older). Begins between 11 and 13.5. Full physical growth/development is usually reached by age 15.5. Full physical growth/development is usually reached by age 16 or 17. Maturation often accompanies a drop-off in physical activity. Is accompanied by dramatic increase in muscle and strength.

9 Have you ever picked on others over some trait that is unique to them?
Do you feel like you have ever been picked on or teased about qualities (either physical or otherwise) that are unique to you? A. How did you feel? B. How could others change their approach to you to make the situation better? C. What did you do to cope with your feelings about the situation? Have you ever picked on others over some trait that is unique to them? A. If so, how did the person you picked on respond? B. If you had the situation to do over again, what would you do differently?

10 Media’s Influence on Body Image
Does the ad include people with a variety of body shapes and sizes? a. yes B. no 2. How do the people look in the advertisement? (What is their body type?) a. normal weight B. unusually thin C. overweight 3. Do you think people who actually use the product being advertised typically have the body type shown in the advertisement? 4. Do you think the models in the ad naturally look the way they appear or do you think their picture or their appearance has been enhanced in some way? a. This is their natural look. B. The picture (or their appearance) was probably enhanced. 5. How would you say the people appear in this ad? a. Happy/having fun B. unhappy C. neither happy nor unhappy 6. How would you describe the product being advertised? a. Healthy B. unhealthy C. neither healthy nor unhealthy

11 1.Does the ad include people with a variety of body shapes and sizes?
2. How do the people look in the advertisement? (What is their body type?) a. normal weight B. unusually thin C. overweight 3. Do you think people who actually use the product being advertised typically have the body type shown in the advertisement? 4. Do you think the models in the ad naturally look the way they appear or do you think their picture or their appearance has been enhanced in some way? a. This is their natural look. B. The picture (or their appearance) was probably enhanced. 5. How would you say the people appear in this ad? a. Happy/having fun B. unhappy C. neither happy nor unhappy 6. How would you describe the product being advertised? a. Healthy B. unhealthy C. neither healthy nor unhealthy

12 Hardee’s





17 List 3 implied messages about body type in the advertising world
Write 1 paragraph describing the media’s portrayal of the ideal body image for females and males Write about the similarities and differences What ISN’T included in these images? List 3 implied messages about body type in the advertising world Def: suggested without being directly or explicitly stated

18 Evolution of a Model Video


20 Write 3 sentences how media images may be enhanced
Do you think that digitally altered photos should carry a warning sign/symbol? Defend your answer, with 1 paragraph Intro, 3-4 supporting sentences, and conclusion How do these enhanced/altered image impact the body images we hold for ourselves?

21 Is it realistic for everyone to try to achieve the look of advertising models?
Why or Why not?


23 West African Women Strive For the Perfect Size - XXL

24 Recovering: Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa (DVD)
Worksheet and discussion of Compulsive Overeating and EDNOS

25 DEFINE Anorexia Nervosa: Bulimia Nervosa
an eating disorder characterized by food restriction and irrational fear of gaining weight, as well as a distorted body self-perception. It typically involves excessive weight loss. Bulimia Nervosa an eating disorder characterized by binge eating and purging, or consuming a large amount of food in a short amount of time followed by an attempt to rid oneself of the food consumed (purging), typically by vomiting, taking a laxative or diuretic, and/or excessive exercise, because of an extensive concern for body weight.

26 Define Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) A person does not have to be diagnosed with Anorexia, Bulimia or BED to have an eating disorder. An eating disorder can include a combination of signs and symptoms but not meet the full criteria. Binge Eating Disorder (BED) a type of eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS)and is characterized by recurrent binge eating without the regular use of compensatory measures to counter the binge eating.

27 Define Pica (pron.: /ˈpaɪkə/ py-kə) is characterized by an appetite for substances largely non-nutritive, such as clay, chalk, dirt, or sand.

28 Subtypes are characterized by the substance eaten for example:
Amylophagia (consumption of starch) Coprophagy (consumption of feces) Geophagy (consumption of soil, clay, or chalk) Hyalophagia (consumption of glass) Consumption of dust or sand has been reported among iron- deficient patients. Lithophagia (a subset of geophagia, consumption ofpebbles or rocks)[5] Mucophagia (consumption of mucus) Odowa (soft stones eaten by pregnant women inKenya)[6] Consumption of paint. Pagophagia (pathological consumption of ice) Self-cannibalism (rare condition where body parts may be consumed; see also Lesch-Nyhan syndrome) Trichophagia (consumption of hair or wool) Urophagia (consumption of urine) Xylophagia (consumption of wood or paper)

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