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George Washington George Washington was the first President of the United States of America In our previous studies we discussed what a highly respected.

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Presentation on theme: "George Washington George Washington was the first President of the United States of America In our previous studies we discussed what a highly respected."— Presentation transcript:

1 The First Five Presidents of the United States of America… Created by: Kristin Witt

2 George Washington George Washington was the first President of the United States of America In our previous studies we discussed what a highly respected individual he was during this time period. We first knew him as the Commander and Chief of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.

3 Accomplishments during Washington’s Presidency
The Federal Court System was established Political Parties emerged out of conflict over the role of the national government. The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution of the United States Plans were initiated for the development of the nation’s capitol.

4 Federal Court System

5 Federal Court System

6 Political Parties Emerged out of conflict over the role of the national government.
Individuals began to come together over conflicting ideas on the role of the national governments.

7 The Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights was added to the United States Constitution to protect the rights of individuals. There were 10 original amendments added in the Bill of Rights.

8 Washington, D.C. Washington was asked to pick the sight of the nations new capitol. He chose an area of land between Virginia and Maryland (present day Washington, D.C.) Pierre Charles L'Enfante and his assistant Benjamin Banneker designed the layout of Washington, D.C.

9 Pierre Charles L'Enfante

10 Original Drawing of City Layout

11 Pierre Charles L'Enfante Gravesite overlooking Washington, D.C.

12 Benjamin Banneker

13 Benjamin Banneker Benjamin Banneker was the assistant to Pierre Charles L'Enfante. He helped finish the plans for Washington, D.C. Banneker was a surveyor, astronomer and mathematician.

14 A Tour of Washington, D.C. ….

15 Arial Photo of Washington, D.C.

16 Washington, D.C.

17 The U.S. Capitol Building

18 Jefferson Memorial

19 Arlington Memorial

20 Ford’s Theatre Sight of Lincoln’s Assassination

21 The Lincoln Memorial

22 Library of Congress

23 Memorial Bridge

24 National Archives

25 National Mall

26 Smithsonian Castle

27 Supreme Court Building

28 The White House

29 Union Station

30 The Washington Monument

31 John Adams John Adams was the second President of the
United States of America. Two different political parties form while Adams is President. Federalists vs. Democratic Republicans (Anti-Federalists)

32 Two – Party System Led by Alexander Hamilton
Federalists Anti-Federalists Led by Alexander Hamilton Believed in a strong national government Believed states should have limited power Believed in the development of industry on a national scale Supported a national bank Led by Thomas Jefferson Believed in a weak national government Believed in strong state governments that focused on the needs of the individual Believed in small business and agriculture (farming) Didn’t support a national bank

33 Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson was the
third President of the United States of America Known as the main author of the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson is credited for purchasing the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon of France for 50 million dollars during his Presidency. He sent Lewis and Clark on an expedition to explore this newly purchased territory. They returned with carefully drawn maps and detailed notes of the territory.

34 The Louisiana Purchase

35 Lewis and Clark’s Expedition

36 James Madison James Madison was the fourth President of the
United States of America. He is known as the “Father of the Constitution” because he was it’s main author… He was the President of during the War of 1812 – which was a second war between the United States and Great Britain The War of 1812 caused European nations to gain respect of the United States.

37 Causes of the War of 1812 A series of trade restrictions introduced by Great Britain to impede American trade with France – a country that Britain was currently at war with. The impressments (forced recruitment) of U.S. citizens into the Royal Navy The alleged British military support of American Indians who were offering armed resistance to the United States.

38 How it ended… U.S. victory at the battle of New Orleans against the finest of the British army. The battle actually took place after a peace treaty between the two sides had been signed. Caused European nations to gain respect for the United States.

39 Interesting facts… During the War of 1812 British forces burned down the Presidential mansion (August 1814). When it was rebuilt, it was painted white. That is where it received it’s nickname- “The White House.” Before the mansion was burnt down, Dolly Madison ran back into the house and saved a portrait of George Washington, along with other important documents.

40 James Monroe James Monroe was the fifth President of the
United States of America. During his presidency he issued the “Monroe Doctrine” telling other countries that the United States is closed for settlement and warns them to stay out of our affairs…

41 The Monroe Doctrine ". . . the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European Power."

42 The First 5 Presidents – Home Sweet Home…..
Four out of the five first Presidents were from Virginia – George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe. John Adams was from Massachusetts.

43 George Washington’s home..
Mount Vernon

44 Thomas Jefferson’s homes.. Monticello and Poplar Forest

45 James Madison’s home.. Montpelier

46 James Monroe’s home…. Ash Lawn - Highland

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