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SE8C Factoids 09 September 2014.

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1 SE8C Factoids 09 September 2014

2 Topics Connection Diagram Introduction Topology of LAMRS SE8C Use
SE8C Locations Our units are mounted connector down (so this view is upside-down) Each board has a unique id and this is indicated on the 44-pin connector

3 Please refer to the SE8C Manual
This is the connection diagram. Typically, our connectors are wired to European Connectors, labelled with the corresponding terminal letter or number Power is wired to terminals “C” and “3” When powered Green LED is on Red LED blinks when any command is sent (for-example an engine speed change)

4 SE8C Introduction SE8Cs are used to control turnouts and signals
Each board can control up to eight turnouts and 32 signals Normally, each turnout has four signals Turnout control and signal control are independent functions Signals at a turnout may be powered by different boards from the turnouts themselves

5 Control of Turnouts SE8Cs need not be connected to the Loconet to control via pushbuttons Push buttons are wired directly to a powered board These actuate the Tortoise machines that are also connected to the boards Control via throttle or computer requires that each board have a unique address and be connected by Loconet to the Command Station (usually through a daisy chain) LAMRS Boards 1-7 and are used for turnout control …and in some cases for signal control as well

6 Control of Signals Signal algorithms are hosted by the computer (RailRoad & Company) SE8Cs used for signals must have a unique address and be connected by Loconet to the Command Station Signals are wired via flat cable to each of the eight Driver (Drv) connections We have some SE8Cs that are only used for signals Boards 8 (Harbor West) and 9 (Itasca)

7 Our Turnout Control We use nine boards for turnout control
whose ids are in sequence, 1 through 7, for the mainline whose ids are in sequence, 10 and 11, for Ford Yard West and East Board failures will map to the table Board id Turnout Address Board Location 1 1-8 Baldwin 2 9-16 3 17-24 Ford 4 25-32 Hannibal 5 33-40 Kolts 6 41-48 7 49-56 Helix 10 73-80 Ford Yard West 11 81-88 Ford Yard East (TBD) Not all addresses are used

8 Open Two Doors in Fascia
Baldwin SE8Cs ADDR: 1 and 2 ADDR 1 ADDR 2 Open Two Doors in Fascia

9 Ford SE8Cs ADDR 3 ADDR 10 Behind Ford Access Door
Behind Ford West Access Door

10 Hunter/Itasca SE8Cs ADDR 9 ADDR 4 Behind Hunter Access Door
Behind Itasca Access Door

11 Behind Kolts Access Door
Harbor/Kolts SE8Cs ADDR 5 and 6 ADDR 8 Harbor West Behind Kolts Access Door

12 Helix SE8C Looking: from Staging over the toolbox ADDR 7
into the Helix ADDR 7

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