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Phylum Nematoda The round worms They’re EVERYWHERE!!!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Phylum Nematoda The round worms They’re EVERYWHERE!!!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Phylum Nematoda The round worms They’re EVERYWHERE!!!!!

2 Anatomy of a Nematode No circulatory system Hydrostatic skeleton
Longitudinal muscles


4 Ectoparasitic nematode feeding on a tomato root

5 Ascaris lumbricoides - round worm Common mammal parasite
Female Male Larva in lung

6 Necator - hookworm

7 Trichinella spiralis - trichinosis
Infection with ingestion of raw/poorly cooked pork Encysted larva in muscle

8 Enterobius vermicularis - pin worm
Most common human parasitic infection Most common nematode infection

9 Dracunculus medinensis - filarial worm
The Guinea Worm Copepod is intermediate host 1. Infected copepod ingested 2. Larvae enter gut wall, mature in deep tissue 3. Female migrates to subcutaneous tissue (~ year) 4. Blister forms and breaks open in water, larvae released,enter copepod

10 Phylum Nematomorpha “thread body” - horsehair worms
free-living as adults parasitic in arthropods as juveniles larva Once included with the Nematodes Pseudocoelomates, no functional digestive system adult

11 Segmented body with recurved spines Live in marine mud sediments
Phylum Kinoryncha “moveable snout” Segmented body with recurved spines Live in marine mud sediments

12 Phylum Priapulida “the phallus” Cold water carnivorous marine worms
Burrow head-up in marine mud sediments

13 Live among grains of marine gravels
Phylum Loricifera Have a circular lorica Live among grains of marine gravels


15 Phyla with Arthropod Affinities
Clade Panarthropoda Phyla with Arthropod Affinities Ph. Arthropoda Ph. Onycophorana Ph. Tardigrada

16 Phylum Onychophora “velvet worms” non-jointed walking legs (lobopods)
claw-like processes on appendages chitinous cuticle (also an arthropod trait) tracheal system with spiracles open circulatory system (hemocoel) large brain

17 Sticky slime and toxic saliva
VORACIOUS PREDATORS Sticky slime and toxic saliva

18 Phylum Tardigrada “slow stepper” Non-jointed walking legs (lobopods)
Claw-like processes on appendages Non-chitinous exoskeleton Body cavity = hemocoel Rudimentary segmentation Mouth with sucking pharynx and stylets Undergo cryptobiosis Teeny and very cute

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