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The New Monarchies.

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1 The New Monarchies

2 General Strategies for centralization:
Taming the aristocracy – monarchs were more than “first among equals” Codifying laws and creating courts – piece together the patchwork Controlling warfare – worked to make armies and war the sole preserve of the state

3 Early bureaucracy and officials – employ agencies, committees, representative bodies, and councils to assist in implementing royal authorities Religions control – assert increased authority over the clergy and the functions of religion within their nations

4 England After the Hundred Years’ War it was plunged into the War of the Roses (30 years) The Tudors set out to rebuild the power of the state

5 Henry VI and VII tamed the nobles
Star Chamber – royal system of courts Ended the private armies of the nobles Build the first state navy Established the basis of English political and commercial power

6 France Had experienced warfare on its soil for over 100 years
Burgundy tried to replace French leadership on the continent Louis XI “The Spider King” added new territory to the royal domain

7 Frances I – gained control of the French clergy with the Concordat of Bologna with the pope also established taxation with the taille and the gabelle Claimed lands in Italy

8 Strong recovery from the Hundred Years War
Extended its territory, laid a secure foundation for taxes, and created the largest army in Europe

9 Russia Ivan III (The Great) drove out the Mongols and claimed Moscow as the “Third Rome” Ivan IV (The Terrible) continued Russia’s expansion Russia emerged as a great power, but was still culturally and technologically backwards

10 When Ivan killed his heir in a fit of rage, it plunged Russia in civil chaos and foreign invasion for 30 years

11 Spain Did not exist until the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella
Joined Aragon and Castile Created a unified nation through alliances with towns Established strict religious orthodoxy with the Spanish Inquisition and expelled the Jews Sponsored voyages of exploration

12 Emerged as the strongest nation in Europe
Access to wealth of the New World helped establish Spain’s Golden Age Its Crusading mindset, heavy taxes, and persecution of talented minorities sapped some of its strength

13 Holy Roman Empire 3 kinds of states Ecclesiastical Princely Imperial
Emperor was an elective office with limited powers

14 Maximillian I used marriage to garner a huge empire
Charles V was chosen Holy Roman Emperor in 1519 and was the most powerful ruler of the day

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