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AMREP AS - Services to place animal orders on-line

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Presentation on theme: "AMREP AS - Services to place animal orders on-line"— Presentation transcript:

1 AMREP AS - Services to place animal orders on-line
to request procedure / theatre rooms to request PAC staff assistance to place non-AEC requests to return animals not used in project

2 Log Into EthicsAppOrder (ATHOS)
Enter User Name and Password available from PAC at the time of Induction

3 EthicsAppOrder (ATHOS) Home Page...

4 AMREP AS Services Menu... For an animal order choose “Live animals”

5 Choose an appropriate AMREP AEC Number...

6 To Create a New Animal Order
Click Yes to create a New Animal Order

7 Investigator & Project Details are pre-filled on form…
...This will save you a great deal of time compared to manually-completed forms, but PLEASE ensure details are correct and kept up-to-date Enter the phone numbers

8 Select the Order type Single order is for Animal(s) delivered on single date Standing order is for same order with same number of animals delivered at different intervals

9 Species and Strain Details
Using Search button select Species and then select Genetic type of the Animal Select the Strain from the drop down list

10 Complete Order Requirements (including Sex, weight &/or age)
Choose Preferred supplier if the animals are sourced from outside the AMREP AS

11 EthicsAPPOrder (ATHOS) instantly updates project balances for you...
NB: *Total Number of Animals to order must not exceed the number of animals available for this order. NB: Standing order details must be identical for each smaller delivery

12 Complete the Requested date and end Point date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Any other information can be filled in this section

13 Once complete, scroll down and click on “Submit”
To create another order of same details of  the submitted order click on “copy me” and then you can amend the details of the order and submit again To Cancel the order Click on Cancel

14 Note down the order Number
Once submitted, the order is given a number which you should record for future reference

15 Returning unused Animals...
Select this form to return animal(s) on which no procedures within an approved protocol have commenced Select the project from which you wish to return the animal(s). Prior to submitting this Return request, please discuss your reasons with PAC management.

16 Check the Investigator and Project Details and enter the phone numbers

17 Complete All Animal Details

18 Monitoring Your Animal Usage…
As soon as the Return Order is accepted and processed at the PAC, the returned number of animals will be reinstated on your project balance, thus increasing the number shown as available in the AEC Authorisation Status

19 Complete the comments section and submit the order
Place your comments including the reason for returning the animals Click on Submit Button to place an order

20 An Order Number is allocated to: every request for each service type
If you need to follow up on any aspect of your order with the PAC, you should refer to the Order Number that appears on your screen after you click on the Submit button.

21 Booking a Procedure... From Home Page, click on AEC Approved Procedure then select relevant project

22 Completing the form Scroll down through the pre-filled Investigator, Project and Cost Centre Details and Ensure The Details are correct. Enter the phone numbers

23 Complete ALL text boxes...
Click on arrows to drop down the lists from which you must make your selections.

24 Select Procedure type from drop-down list...

25 Selecting your Procedure Room
Select the procedure room from the drop down list

26 Agistment to continue after the Procedure
Procedure Details... Select appropriate Agistment to continue after the Procedure Animals will be euthanased at the end of the procedure

27 Select Yes if you require PAC Technical Staff Assistance

28 Drug Details to be completed...
For compliance with handling S4 and S8 drugs, please list drugs used in the fields provided

29 Procedure Date/s Multiple dates can be entered if you require to book the same procedure in different dates

30 Comments Here the Comments box informs PAC as to:
Also use this box to list details of any items/ equipment you need PAC staff to provide and/or set up for the procedure Here the Comments box informs PAC as to: the extent of Staff Assistance required and the specific animals involved

31 Service Requests not affecting approved AEC project guidelines
The last option on the PAC Services menu is Non AEC Services but facilitate your laboratory activities...

32 Complete all necessary fields...
You need to enter all fields from Phone Number onwards...

33 Service Details Select the service type from the dropdown list

34 Non-Animal Item If the request is not related to Animal, select Non-Animal Item and place comments in the box

35 Always Log Out when closing EthicsAppOrder (ATHOS)
EthicsAppOrder can only guard your work if you adhere to the security measures it has in place. Don’t give your login details to anyone else, and don’t exit the system without logging out!!

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