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DSC Delivery Sub-Group
15th October 2018
Agenda (1) Item Title Document Ref Lead 1. Welcome and Introductions
Verbal Chair 2. Meeting’s Minutes For Approval 3. AQ Defects For Information DSC Delivery Sub Group 15th October Michele Downes 4. Major Release POAP Emma Smith 5. Release 2 update Christina Francis 6. Release 3 6a. Release 3 update Padmini Duvvuri 6b. Release 3 Implementation Plan Update For Discussion Neil Morgan 6c. Release 3 XRN 4454 MT High Level Approach Tom Lineham 6d. Release 3 External Comms Approach 7. June 2019 Release Scope Support for ChMC Approval
Agenda (2) Item Title Document Ref Lead 8. New Change Proposals 8a.
XRN4770 – NDM Sample Data – MOD 0654 Delivery Ratification of the Prioritisation Score DSC Delivery Sub Group 15th October Emma Smith 8b. XRN4772 – Composite Weather Variables (CWV) Improvements David Addison 8c. XRN4777 – Acceptance of the Contact Details Updates 8d. XRN UNC Modification 0657S – Adding AQ Reporting to the PARR Schedule Reporting Suite 8e. XRN Inclusion of Meter Asset Provider Identity (MAP Id) in the UK Link system (CSS Consequential Change) 9. Undergoing Solution Options Impact Assessment Review 9a. XRN New read reason type for LIS estimate readings To provide an update on the Impact Assessment 9b. XRN Use of up to date forecast weather data in first NDM nomination run Simon Harris 9c. XRN Requiring a Meter Reading following a change of Local Distribution Zone or Exit Zone 10. Defect Dashboard For Information Mark Tullett
Agenda (3) Item Title Document Ref Lead 11. Miscellaneous 11a.
MIS/JMDG Overview For Discussion DSC Delivery Sub Group 15th October Mark Pollard/Simon Harris 11b. Action Updates Various 11c. IX Refresh Update For Information John Woodward 11d. Negative Volume Calculating AQ of 1 Simon Harris 11e. Simplified Change Register Megan Troth/Richard Johnson 11f. File Formats – Changing Reference from Transco to CDSP For DSG to provide a recommendation Richard Johnson 11g. RAASP Update Verbal Emma Smith 11h. Change Pack Distribution Simon Harris/Richard Johnson 11i. XRN Shipper Portfolio Update of Proposed Formula Year AQ/SOQ 11j. M-Number Portal Beth Moore/Simon Harris
Agenda (4) Item Title Document Ref Lead 12. AOB For Discussion Verbal
Various 13. CSS 13a. Overview of the high level design phase of Central Switching Service For Information TBC Emma Lyndon/Mike Payley 13b. Level 2 Analysis Heat Map 13c. Xoserve view of the industry To Be Process Models hi-lighting high level change 13d. BRD sample – Shipper BRD 13e. Focus areas for future discussion and work groups 13f. Data Cleansing
This content will be provided on Thursday 11th October
3. AQ Defects This content will be provided on Thursday 11th October
4. Major Release POAP This will be provided tomorrow
5. Release 2 Update
XRN4361 – UK Link Release 2 - Delivery
10th October 2018 Overall Project RAG Status G Plan/Time Risks and Issues Cost Resources RAG Status Status Explanation Objective Full project delivery of UK Link Future Release 2 Scope Post Implementation Support 15 changes have successfully achieved their PIS Exit Criteria and are now handed over into BAU operations 1 defect identified on XRN4316 has been deployed successfully on 5th October and awaiting assurance from the Business XRN4299 – PAFA have identified some data issues with the report which is being investigated further and we are targeting to fix the issues next week PIS Completion is planned to be completed by 2nd November 2018, this is tracking to plan The Change Completion Report for R2 to be delivered at November 18 ChMC to seek approval Risks & Issues There is a risk that PIS exit is not achieved by the re-planned milestone date Project delivery costs are tracking to approved budgets No issues XRN4361 – UK Link Release 2 - Delivery
UK Link Release 2 - Plan Primary Scope Scoping Initiation Delivery Realisation Stage Scope Prioritisation Scope Defined Funding Analysis and HLD Detailed Design Build Acceptance Test Performance Regression Imp. PIS Baseline Plan 07/06/17 25/07/17 09/08/17 Aug 17 20/11/17 29/01/18 18/05/18 22/06/18 29/06/18 30/07/18 Current Plan 11/10/17 10/01/18 13/12/17 16/01/18 (12/01/18) 16/02/18 23/05/18 02/11/18* * PIS extended due to delivery of change variation on XRN4299 RAG Key – Milestones are end dates: Planning/Milestone date to be confirmed Milestone date forecast to be met Milestone date forecast to be at risk Milestone date forecast to be missed Milestone completed
6. Release 3 6a. Release 3 Update
6b. Release 3 Implementation Plan Update 6c. Release 3 XRN 4454 MT High Level Approach 6d. Release 3 External Comms Approach
6a. Release 3 Update This content will be provided on Thursday 11th October
6b. Release 3 Implementation Plan Update
This content will be provided on Friday 12th October
6c. Release 3 XRN 4454 MT High Level Approach
This content will be provided on Friday 12th October
6d. Release 3 External Comms Approach
This content will be provided on Friday 12th October
7. June 2019 Release Scope
8. New Change Proposals 8a. XRN4770 – NDM Sample Data – MOD 0654 Delivery 8b. XRN4772 – Composite Weather Variables (CWV) Improvements 8c. XRN4777 – Acceptance of the Contact Details Updates 8d. XRN4779 – UNC Modification 0657S – Adding AQ Reporting to the PARR Schedule Reporting Suite 8e. XRN4780 – Inclusion of Meter Asset Provider Identity (MAP id) in the UK Link System (CSS Consequential Change)
8a. XRN4770 – NDM Sample Data – MOD 0654 Delivery
The purpose of this slide is to describe this new change proposal, and present its prioritisation score
8b. XRN4772 – Composite Weather Variables (CWV) Improvements
The purpose of this slide is to describe this new change proposal, and present its prioritisation score
8c. XRN4777 – Acceptance of the Contact Details Updates
The purpose of this slide is to describe this new change proposal, and present its prioritisation score
8d. XRN4779 - UNC Modification 0657S – Adding AQ Reporting to the PARR Schedule Reporting Suite
The purpose of this slide is to describe this new change proposal, and present its prioritisation score
8e. XRN4780 – Inclusion of Meter Asset Provider Identity (MAP Id) in the UK Link System (CSS Consequential Change) The purpose of this slide is to describe this new change proposal, and present its prioritisation score
9. Undergoing Solution Options Impact Assessment Review
9a. XRN New read reason type for LIS estimate readings 9b. XRN Use of up to date forecast weather data in first NDM nomination run 9c. XRN Requiring a Meter Reading following a change of Local Distribution Zone or Exit Zone
9a. XRN4725 - New read reason type for LIS estimate readings
This content will be provided on Friday 12th October
9b. XRN4717 - Use of up to date forecast weather data in first NDM nomination run
This content will be provided on Friday 12th October
9c. XRN4679 - Requiring a Meter Reading following a change of Local Distribution Zone or Exit Zone
This content will be provided on Friday 12th October
10. Defect Dashboard This content will be provided on Thursday 11th October
11. Miscellaneous 11a. MIS/JMDG Overview 11b. Action Updates
11c. IX Refresh Update 11d. Negative Volume Calculating AQ of 1 (Removed as this agenda item is not required) 11e. Simplified Change Register 11f. File Formats – Changing Reference number from Transco to CDSP 11g. RAASP Update 11h. Change Pack Distribution 11i. XRN4378 – Shipper Portfolio Update of Proposed Formula Year AQ/SOQ 11j. M-Number Portal
11a. MIS/JMDG Overview
11b. Action Updates The following log contains DSG related actions
The log will be updated from Wednesday 10th October to Friday 12th October
11c. IX Refresh Update
IX Site Survey Survey Responses
As of the 28th September t we have received 157 completed responses - thank you to all who have replied 6 new organisations have been added and site surveys have been issued to these customers There are still a number of outstanding surveys and we have been attempting to make contact with these customers via phone and If you have ay questions please contact us at or call Pilot Site The pilot site have had their PSTN circuits installed and have been tested successfully. The next step will be to have the router installed ahead of their migration which is currently scheduled for the end of October
Hardware Installations – Circuits
Progress on Circuit Installations 21 sites now have PSTN circuits fully installed. Gamma are continuing to liaise with the outstanding customers to arrange their appointments Circuits have been ordered for 137 sites and these installations will progress until the end of February Circuits for the remaining sites will be ordered by the end of 2018 Appointment Communications Xoserve have submitted circuit orders for the 2nd and 3rd phases. Gamma will be in touch over the coming weeks to arrange for surveys and phone line installations Please accept the appointment date if you are able to grant access to the BT OpenReach engineer, otherwise you will need to reject the appointment with a reason and confirm suitable dates for your circuit installation. Please note that installation will be delayed if the calendar invite is accepted but nobody is available to escort the BT engineer on site
Next Steps Oct Proof of Concept (PoC) will be tested at our supplier's datacentre Pilot - IX solution will then be installed at the pilot site Phase Three customers (having the longest lead times) work packages will be raised with Gamma Nov Customers within Phase One (having had their initial lines installed) will have their servers installed Phase Two customers will receive their appointments from Gamma to have their initial phone lines installed Remaining sites will be scheduled for their refresh and work packages raised with Gamma
Appendix A: IX Service Line Options
Xoserve are replacing your IX kit on a ‘like for like’ basis, therefore your replacement IX service option and contract will match the IX option you currently have, which will be one of the following: Option 1 - Primary ADSL and Back-Up ADSL connection Option 2 - Primary EFM and Back-Up ADSL connection Option 3 - EFM Primary and EFM Back-Up connection Option 4 - Primary Fibre/ Ethernet and Back-Up ADSL connection The following slide displays the on-site installation process; the number of site visits that are required is dependant upon your IX service line option complexity.
Appendix B: Your Customer Journey
The number of days required to complete the activity will be dependant upon your IX Service option Day 1 IX Survey Response A number of remote off-site activities also take place to assess your site’s requirements and to set-up and test connections and configure hardware Comms Circuit Installations Up to 4 Hours Service Interruption Comms Router Installation Your survey responses are being used to define the roll-out plan Comms Server Installation Xoserve and Gamma will communicate with you directly to agree your installation dates Comms Legacy Kit Decommissioning Engineer(s) will visit your site to install new circuits; the number of site visits and the access method will vary according to your IX service option and site complexity The Router Installation will take place in one site visit Key: Site Visits The new server will be installed with the existing Vodafone server still in situ to enable a fall-back position. Where rack space concerns exist, we will address this on a case by case basis Comms Notes Your old service will be removed and wiped by Vodafone and disposed of in accordance with regulations
11d. Negative Volume Calculating AQ of 1
This agenda item has been removed
11e. Simplified Change Register
This content for this will be provided on Thursday 11th October
11f. File Formats – Changing Reference from Transco to CDSP
We’ve noticed that several file formats still reference ‘Transco’ In each affected file format, we would like to update the reference to ‘CDSP’ Our view is that Change Packs, and seeking approval at ChMC, would be too laborious for what is a minor administrative change We believe this is a minor change to correct the terminology within the file formats, and wouldn’t have an impact on parties Our approach would be to make these changes outside of an official Change Pack Is DSG content with the above approach?
11g. RASSP Update Verbal update to be provided by Emma Smith
11h. Change Pack Distribution
At the previous meeting, we asked DSG to discuss alternative mechanisms for the distribution of Change Packs After some discussion, post the previous meeting, we propose that we maintain the status quo until the implementation of the new website in January 2019 The new website is expected to include functionality where recipients of Change Packs can provide their reps within the remit of a portal like environment This will remove Change Packs as a large with attachments; the only would be a notification of a new Change Pack in the portal Is DSG content to wait until January 2019
The content for this will be provided on Friday 12th October
11i. XRN4378 – Shipper Portfolio Update of Proposed Formula Year AQ/SOQ The content for this will be provided on Friday 12th October
11j. M-Number Portal
Find My Supplier Xoserve has launched a new online version of the M Number helpline This free to use service enables gas consumers to retrieve data online relating to their gas supply at any time It is owned and managed by Xoserve and has been developed within JMDG and delivered in partnership with Back Office Associates The site gives a consumer the ability to search using their postcode to find their Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN), Gas Supplier and Gas Transporter to provide them with information to assist if they are looking at switching supplier
Find My Supplier Site went live on 1st September 2018 It will replace the M Number helpline as the preferred method for consumers to access their information but the two will operate in parallel The site is in its first iteration with future enhancements planned Usage is now around 900 users per day, and we are forecasting 35k users a month Updates are required to external web references of the helpline to include the web address. We also need to identify what communications reference this number and add the web address alongside
12. AOB
13. CSS 13a. Overview of the high level design phase of Central Switching Service 13b. Level 2 Analysis Heat Map 13c. Xoserve view of the industry to be Process Models hi-lighting high level change 13d. BRD Sample – Shipper BRD 13e. Focus areas for future discussion and work groups 13f. Data Cleansing
13a. Overview of the high level design phase of Central Switching Service
13b. Level 2 Analysis Heat Map
13c. Xoserve view of the industry to be Process Models hi-lighting high level change
13d. BRD Sample – Shipper BRD
13e. Focus areas for future discussion and work groups
13f. Data Cleansing
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