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Conduct Introduction to Military Pay (MILPAY)
Show Slide # 1: Conduct Introduction to Military Pay (MILPAY) References: DFAS-IN REG 37-1, DODFMR R, VOL 5 , FM 1-06, and Introduction to Military Pay Organization, Functions and Responsibilities Handout. Hours 2 Facilitator Material: Each primary facilitator should possess a lesson plan, slide deck, course handouts, and practical exercise, DFAS-IN REG 37-1, DODFMR R, VOL 5, and FM All required references and technical manuals will be provided by the School House Learner Material: learners should possess standard classroom supplies, course handouts, practical exercises, FM All required references and technical manuals will be provided by the School House. Facilitator Actions: Classroom Setup 5 minutes, Classroom Breakdown 2 minutes Testing Requirements/Assessment: learners will take the Military Pay Test Exam during the Pay Support module . learners must score 80% or higher and International officers must score 70% or higher. learners will be assessed using “Go” or “No Go” on Professional Development and Leadership during the Capstone Exercise. Motivator: During this block of instruction you will learn procedures that are, at present, unfamiliar to you. By knowing and understanding the responsibilities and functions of the entire Finance Office, other activities such as PAC’s, and specifically the Military Pay Branch, you will be in a better position to control and organize your work area, achieve satisfactory production level with a minimum amount of error, and improve the morale of your subordinates. Let’s begin unraveling the complexities of the Military Pay System.
Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Conduct Introduction to Military Pay (MILPAY) Conditions: FM Leaders in a classroom environment working as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. Standards: With at least 80% accuracy (70% for international learners) you must: Identify Military Pay Organization Identify Military Pay Operations Show Slide # 2 Terminal Learning Objective Action: Conduct Introduction to Military Pay (MILPAY) Conditions: FM Leaders in a classroom environment working as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. Standards: With at least 80% accuracy (70% for international learners) you must: Identify Military Pay Organization Identify Military Pay Operations Safety Requirement: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM , Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 DELIBERATE RISK ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation Risk Assessment Level: Low Environmental Consideration: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. Instructional Lead-in: This is the first formal instruction you receive on the organization of the finance office during this course. This lesson prepares you for future lessons covering the Military Pay Branch. 2
Identify Military Pay Organization
Career Compensation Act of 1949 The Comptroller of the United States The General Accounting Office Military Pay Allowance Committee Defense Military Pay Office Show Slide # 3: Identify Military Pay Organization 1. Learning Step / Activity 1. Identify Military Pay Organization Method of Instruction: DSL (large or small group discussion) Facilitator to learner Ratio: 1:30 Media: Slides, Printed Reference Materials Time of Instruction: 30 minutes Facilitator's Note: Before facilitating this lesson, ask the learners which of the 21st Century Soldier Competency do they think pertain to this lesson? Facilitate a discussion on the answers given and at the end of the lesson revisit it and see if the learners still believe their choice are the same. 1. Character and accountability 2. Comprehensive fitness 3. Adaptability and initiative 4. Lifelong learner (includes digital literacy) 5. Teamwork and collaboration 6. Communication and engagement (oral, written, and negotiation) 7. Critical thinking and problem solving 8. Cultural and joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational competence 9. Tactical and technical competence (full spectrum capable) Facilitator’s Note: Show learners pg. 1 of the Introduction to Military Pay Organization Handout Facilitator’s Note:(Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide) All members of the Armed Forces receive basic pay under the Career Compensation Act of When Congress passes a change to military pay and allowances, they cite this public law and amend the applicable portion. The U.S. Congress determines rates of pay and regulates the appropriation of military pay. Payment authority flows from the Treasury of the United States to the Finance Officer. The Comptroller General of the United States assumes the responsibility of rendering decisions on points of law and interpretation of regulations. The General Accounting Office, an agency that reports to Congress, determines the legality of public funds expenditures. The Military Pay Allowance Committee, a statutory organization of the Department of Defense, interprets and implements public law affecting military pay. This committee issues and updates the Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation R, VOL 7A (DoDFMR). The DoDFMR R, VOL 7A acts as the ”bible“ for military pay and allowances. You will refer to it continually throughout the course. The local Defense Military Pay Office (DMPO) makes payments based on statutory and regulatory guidelines. The finance officer (FO) of that organization is personally accountable to the U.S. Treasury for payments made under his/her name. The installation commander appoints the FO. Facilitator’s Note: You will use the DoDFMR R, VOL 7A as the primary publication in your finance office for guidance in military pay operations. 3
LSA #1 Check on Learning Show Slide # 4 LSA #1 Check on Learning
Facilitator’s Note: Ask the following Questions; (Facilitate discussion on answers given) Q: What is the basic law that affects military pay? A: The Career Compensation Act of 1949. Q: What regulation acts as the “bible” for military pay and allowances? A: Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation R, Volume 7A Q: Who assumes the responsibility of rendering decisions on points of law and interpretation of regulations? A: The Comptroller General of the United States
LSA #1 Summary Show slide #5: LSA #1 Summary
Facilitator’s Note: In this lesson, we discussed Military Pay Organizations.
MILITARY PAY MISSION To provide continuous military pay service to our customers in an effective and efficient manner Show Slide # 5 MILITARY PAY MISSION 2. Learning Step / Activity 2. Identify Military Pay Operations Method of Instruction: DSL (large or small group discussion) Facilitator to learner Ratio: 1:30 Time of Instruction: 1 hour 10 minutes Media: Slides, Printed Reference Materials Facilitator’s Note: Show learners pages 1-3 of the Introduction to Military Pay Organization Handout Facilitator’s Note: Ask learners what this mission statement means to them. (Facilitate discussion) 6
Show Slide #7: MILITARY PAY BRANCH Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide) This slide depicts the structure of the Military Pay Branch within the Financial Management Support Unit. Remind learners that all section code documents. Military Pay Branch: At the Financial Management Support Unit, the Chief of Military Pay supervises the Military Pay Branch to include continuous process improvement reviews. This person has overall responsibility for the day to day operation of the branch. Other functions include developing standing operating procedures (SOP’s), maintaining the Continuation of the Operations Plan (COOP) and coordinates with the Terminal Area Security Officer (TASO) to ensure individuals do not have passwords that may cause a conflict of interest (i.e., certification access and upload capability). The Military Pay Branch has the following sections: (a) Customer Services Section: The Customer Services Section provides all direct and some indirect customer support for the Military Pay Branch. The functions of the customer service section are as follows: Process and review accounts of incoming and outgoing soldiers. Prepare, compute, and process re-enlistment and separation vouchers. Process, review, and examine pay inquiries. Maintain special action records such as AWOL personnel, bankruptcy cases, etc. Coding (only their own generated documents) (b) Processing Section: The functions of the Processing Section are as follows: Receive, process (codes), review, and examine source, supporting, and substantiating documents. Note: Coding (if local policy does not dictate a specific percentage, at least 10% transactions must be verified) Input data to the local DMO computer. Process, download reports. Input pay changes affecting an individual soldier’s account in this manner. The adoption of DMO greatly upgrades edit and input procedures through automation. You will most likely become a coder in the Processing Section for your first job assignment in the finance office. The emphasis of this course is learning the job of a coder. (c) Military Pay Review Office: The Military Pay Review Office performs continuous process improvement and other jobs as determined by the Chief, Military Pay. Examples include audits on individual pay accounts (re-enlistment/separation), codes (only their own generated documents) and special reviews. PROCESSING CUSTOMER SERVICE 7
CHIEF, MILPAY MILPAY REVIEW OFFICE Show Slide #8: MILITARY PAY BRANCH (Cont) Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide) Same breakdown as the previous slide, however; this slide depicts the Military Pay Branch at the Financial Management Support Detachment with overview provided by the Chief of Military Pay & Military Review Office within the Financial Management Support Unit. A DET B DET C DET PROC CUST SVC PROC CUST SVC PROC CUST SVC 8
Military Pay Systems Defense Military Pay Office (DMO)
Defense Military Pay Office Standard Inquiry System (DSIS) Defense Joint Military Pay System (DJMS) Master Military Pay Accounts (MMPA) Show Slide #9: Military Pay Systems Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitate discussion on areas below) The Defense Mil Pay Office (DMO) is a local system which allows on-line creation of all data to be processed by the local finance office to DFAS in order to update the MMPA. Defense Military Pay Office Standard Inquiry System (DCIS), system which retrieves both current and historical information from the MMPA (window based and easier to read) Defense Joint Military Pay System (DJMS), system which retrieves both current and historical information from the MMPA (DOS based and broken down in codes) Mater Military Pay Accounts (MMPA), Soldiers’ pay account summaries that include administrative data, allowances, allotments, pay options debts and collections. The necessary information to process a Soldiers’ pay 9
LSA #2 Check on Learning Show Slide # 10: LSA #2 Check on Learning
Facilitator’s Note: Ask the following Questions; (Facilitate discussion on answers given) Q: Who supervises the Military Pay Branch to include continuous process improvement reviews. A: Chief of Military Pay Q: Which sections within the Military Pay Branch code? A: All sections Q: What system allows on-line creation of all data to be processed by the local finance office to Defense Finance and Accounting in order to update the Master Military Pay Accounts. A: Defense Military Pay Office (DMO)
LSA #2 Summary Show slide #11: LSA #2 Summary
Facilitator’s Note: In this lesson, we discussed Identifying Military Pay Operations and the different types of Military Pay Branch.
TLO Check on Learning SHOW SLIDE #12: TLO Check on Learning
Facilitator’s Note: Facilitator, have each group as a group write down one question from this lesson, give about five minutes. Once all groups have their question written, pass it to another group to answer it. Facilitate a discussion on each question.
Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Conduct Introduction to Military Pay (MILPAY) Conditions: FM Leaders in a classroom environment working as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. Standards: With at least 80% accuracy (70% for international learners) you must: Identify Military Pay Organization Identify Military Pay Operations Show Slide #13: TLO Summary Facilitator’s Note: Read TLO Action: Conduct Introduction to Military Pay (MILPAY) Conditions: FM Leaders in a classroom environment working as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. Standards: With at least 80% accuracy (70% for international learners) you must: Identify Military Pay Organization Identify Military Pay Operations “Or” Facilitator’s Note: During and throughout the lesson we have covered how to a military pay organization and how to identify military pay operations. Facilitator's at this time, have one learner from each group to explain the most important take away to them from this lesson. Facilitate a discussion on each answer. 13
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